2013-04-02 GnuCash IRC logs
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04:14:07 <fuzzybunny69y> hey guys I am just wondering how would I export my GNUCash information as an OFX, QFX or QIF?
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09:19:48 <warlord> fuzzybun_: Try Gnucash2QIF?
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11:18:50 <MrPopinjay> Hey guys, anyone here I can ask some newbie questions to?
11:19:43 <joslwah> Just ask. If someone knows the answer and isn't busy they'll answer.
11:19:55 <MrPopinjay> yep, I'm typing atm ;)
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11:21:28 <MrPopinjay> Never really tried to keep track of my accounts digitally before and there's a few things I'm unsure about such as how does the expenses total column work? Does it just continue to climb over time or is it for a certain time period or something?
11:22:07 <MrPopinjay> I thought once I've marked it as cleared that item would be wiped from the total?
11:22:20 <MrPopinjay> Or am I misunderstanding how you're supposed to use it?
11:23:15 <warlord> You're misunderstanding.
11:23:31 <joslwah> It depends how you arrange things. I have a year end and that effectively resets the Income and Expenses and collates them into a single transaction which moves them into Equity accounts (under Year End).
11:23:36 <warlord> First, it's probably easier to enter your transactions from your Asset and Liability.
11:24:06 <warlord> Second, the income and expense amounts will continue to climb until you Close the Books, but there is no need to do that; the reports will give you your yearly amounts.
11:25:35 <MrPopinjay> Hm, ok
11:26:28 <warlord> "cleared" is just a tag to help you match your account balance to the balance your bank says..
11:26:44 <warlord> It basically means "this transaction has cleared the account, so the bank knows about it"
11:27:04 <MrPopinjay> I assume there a way of automating the moving of income and expenses into equity accounts?
11:27:07 <warlord> it's mostly historical from checks, but it also applies to other transactions where the bank may not see it for a day or three after you make it
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11:27:18 <warlord> MrPopinjay: Income and Expense *ARE* equity accounts.
11:27:23 <warlord> (technically)
11:27:41 <warlord> you can consider equity as Eq + Inc - L
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11:27:55 <cphuntington97> joslwah: how come you do that?
11:28:33 <warlord> MrPopinjay: if you have not already done so I HIGHLY recommend you go read the GnuCash Tutorial and Concepts Guide.
11:28:57 <joslwah> It means I can see big picture changes year on year, without rendering reports. Also, it means I can isolate some things between 'years'.
11:29:02 <MrPopinjay> I've had a skim and I'm going to get stuck in when I have time but I'm very busy so I thought I'd ask a few quick questions
11:29:11 <MrPopinjay> And you guys are very helpful, thanks guys!
11:29:18 <joslwah> However, I'm not an accountant, so my methods may not be sensible.
11:29:23 <cphuntington97> joslwah: what might you isolate?
11:29:34 <MrPopinjay> Makes sense to me joslwah
11:30:56 <cphuntington97> I'm just curious; I use reports.
11:31:00 <warlord> cphuntington97: some people like to see the Inc and Exp totals in the CoA be year-to-date.
11:32:09 <cphuntington97> makes sense I guess.
11:33:07 <cphuntington97> the biggest weirdness for me is stuff like depreciating my car. I don't do it for tax reasons, I just do it for my personal knowledge.
11:33:20 <MrPopinjay> Oh!
11:33:26 <cphuntington97> so I usually just put it in one day each year, but it makes that month/week/day look unduely ugly
11:33:29 <MrPopinjay> I can swap the total for the period total
11:33:36 <MrPopinjay> That's what I'm after I think
11:34:33 <cphuntington97> I've considered putting it in as a weekly automated transaction...
11:36:38 <MrPopinjay> Anyway, cheers guys!
11:39:48 <warlord> good luck
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17:36:06 <fuzzybun_> hey guys should I compress my GNUCash files?
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17:58:37 <warlord> fuzzybunny69y: You should use the default (which is compress), unless you have a reason not to.
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21:32:04 <warlord> @op linas_
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