2013-03-08 GnuCash IRC logs
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07:40:12 <Saalko> Hi all, is it possible to export account datas to something else than XML? SWIFT/MT940 would be great. Or does I need another banking software to do so?
08:02:12 <warlord> Saalko: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_can_I_export_data.3F
08:03:19 <warlord> But no, you cannot export into SWIFT/MT940. You can IMPORT from those, but not export. Not sure why you would want to export into that -- those are banking transactional protocols.
08:04:35 <Saalko> Need them to import into another program. Which can't import from an xml file. :(
08:05:18 <warlord> what other program?
08:05:45 <warlord> You can convert the XML to QIF using GnuCash2QIF
08:06:43 <warlord> (and QIF is going to be a much better format for transferring data)
08:06:44 <Saalko> BDB@Work. QIF isn't valid, too.
08:07:42 <warlord> Sorry, I think you're out of luck, then
08:07:56 <warlord> what is that, anyways? And why do you need to transfer data?
08:07:57 <Saalko> hm a pity. seems I need to look for another banking software.
08:08:16 <warlord> gnucash isn't banking software. it's an accounting package
08:08:21 <warlord> Are you a bank?
08:09:32 <Saalko> It's a german program. Needed for social work.
08:09:33 <Saalko> nope.
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08:10:04 <Saalko> well anyone knows a good homebanking program? Moneyplex doesn't exports, too.
08:10:06 <warlord> You can ask for more help on the gnucash-de mailing list.. Some other Germans might have a better answer for you
08:10:37 <Saalko> well not many social workers using this program. Okay thanks anyway.
08:10:50 <warlord> Considering I don't read German, I have no idea what BDB@Work does, or even have any idea how to suggest an integration.
08:11:02 <warlord> If not many use it -- why are you using it?
08:11:10 <warlord> Maybe there's something else that's better?
08:11:27 <warlord> Also, I dont understand why a socialwork program would need financial data
08:11:52 <warlord> Maybe set up BDB@Work as an HBCI server and initiate transactions to it?
08:12:36 <Saalko> no it's just the bank account. I can use the program for this, too. but it isn't able to get data from banks. So i need another program to download the balance. and than export them to a valid file.
08:13:00 <Saalko> no bdb isn't able to use HBCI.
08:13:17 <warlord> Sounds like your problem is wit BDB, not GnUCash..
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08:13:38 <warlord> Why not just keep your financial data in GnUCash and create the reports you need without using BDB?
08:14:41 <Saalko> because bdb is important for my social work. You can write documents and plan your help. the bankaccount is just a small part.
08:14:54 <Saalko> alot of things you can't do with other software.
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08:15:39 <warlord> well, it still sounds like your problem is BDB, if it can't talk to your bank... So maybe skip that "feature", use GnuCash for that part..
08:15:58 <warlord> Or contact a BDB helpline to ask how other people import fin data
08:18:01 <Saalko> well they say I need a program which can export in a valid format. xml or QIF isn't valid. And BDB isn't a banking software. I just need a running banking software in linux, which can export into MT940 files. (But t's hard enough to find a banking software works in Linux :(
08:19:27 <warlord> i know of nothing that can *export* into mt940
08:20:00 <Saalko> hm okay thanks. will look forward.
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13:19:02 <mib_acwpk9> When I display the two column version of the Profit and Loss report, I see the text "#[unknown]" displayed under the report title. Does anyone know what is causing this? Is this a field that should be set? I am running GnuCash 2.4.10 - 1 on Windows 7
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13:20:40 <warlord> Well, 2.4.11 is the latest release, but... Maybe it's looking for sometihng from File -> Properties? I'm not 100% sure what you're seeing.
13:23:10 <mib_acwpk9> It seems to me that the profit side displays a complete hierarchy and the loss section does not show the top level accounts.
13:46:10 <warlord> mib_acwpk9: Honestly, I dont know..
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15:40:13 <ImportQFX> I'm trying to automate assigning accounts to transactions, but most of the documentation seems out of date. My financial institution allows downloads to OFX, QFX, and QBO formats. Some older google hits seem to imply a bayesian option for OFX import, but I can't find anything in my 2.4.11 GNUCash installation.
15:41:48 <ImportQFX> Any ideas or recommendations on where I should look for help?
15:43:10 <warlord> ImportQFX: Edit -> Preferences -> ...
15:43:19 <warlord> I think it's on the "Online Banking" page
15:44:01 <ImportQFX> I see it.... it's already checked. :(
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15:44:49 <warlord> Well, then...
15:44:56 <warlord> Now you just need to train the importer
15:45:25 <ImportQFX> Hmm...
15:46:27 <ImportQFX> Is there no way that the importer can look at all the things in my account? As in, hey, this guy has always assigned XYZ to be automotive/fuel, so I think it's probably automotive/fuel?
15:46:53 <warlord> Nope.
15:47:12 <warlord> The importer only learns from changes made in the importer itself.
15:49:29 <ImportQFX> I'm not grokking GNUCash... I just ran a trial run, and I couldn't see any way to train it. Everything just went to imbalance.
15:50:28 <warlord> ImportQFX: you have to double-click on every transaction to assign the account.
15:51:48 <ImportQFX> I'll roll back and give that a try.
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15:55:19 <warlord> ok
15:58:12 <ImportQFX> I see now. Thanks. Do other people get that easily? Since clicking didn't do anything, my first time through, I never figured to double-click. I now see it at the bottom of the page brought up by the help button. Last place I would look. I even looked at help before and didn't see it.
15:58:44 <warlord> Honestly, I think the UI could use some improvements.
15:58:51 <warlord> But I didn't write that.
15:59:02 <warlord> (and clearly wasn't paying close enough attention when it was being written)
15:59:20 <ImportQFX> :) It's funny how humans can miss information, even when it is there in front of us, though. Thank you very much for your help!
15:59:31 <warlord> you are welcome
15:59:50 <ImportQFX> Gotta go.
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16:47:00 * benoitg thinks having the importer train itself from current status of past transactions would be most usefull...
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