2013-02-19 GnuCash IRC logs
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07:54:33 <warlord> talexb: how are you creating the transaction? Using what input UI/method?
07:58:20 <warlord> Also, what version of gnucash are you using?
07:59:09 <warlord> (My guess is that your computer's locale currency is HKD, and you're using the "Transfer Dialog" to enter your transaction. Instead I recommend opening up a CAD (asset/liability) account and entering your transaction from there.
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08:45:55 <talexb> warlord, Thanks for responding .. I'm using versino 2.2.9, which I know isn't the latest.
08:46:12 <warlord> No, not at all.
08:46:31 <warlord> That release is a few years out of date.
08:46:51 <talexb> I install whatever Ubuntu tells me, rather than go out and get the latest of anything.
08:47:21 <talexb> But I'm guessing I've made a boo-boo in my transaction that wouldn't be different if I were using a newer release.
08:48:07 <talexb> I've just had a look, and my default currency is CAD.
08:48:17 <warlord> Maybe. On the other hand there was a fix in the transfer dialog to properly set the underlying currency.
08:48:25 <warlord> How did you "look"?
08:48:37 <warlord> default currency set in gnucash != "locale currency"
08:49:07 <talexb> How do I see the default currency?
08:49:32 <warlord> locale currency? Run "locale" from the shell.
08:50:05 <talexb> LC_MONETARY="en_CA.utf8" .. is that what you were looking for?
08:50:15 <talexb> (It output a bunch of stuff, obviously.)
08:50:41 <warlord> Yep. Okay, that tells me your locale is CAD
08:50:47 <talexb> Good. :)
08:51:11 <warlord> So the only way you would get a transaction based in HKD is if you entered it from an HKD account..
08:52:05 <talexb> OK -- for a cash withdrawal, I'm debiting my chequing account, and crediting my cash account.
08:53:02 <warlord> that would be wrong -- it would increase checking and decrease cash..
08:53:12 <talexb> Both accounts appear to be CAD.
08:53:21 <warlord> to reduce checking and increase cash you should credit checking and debit cash
08:54:29 <talexb> ?? I'm taking money out of chequing and putting it into cash.
08:54:38 <talexb> OK, I guess I have the terms confused.
08:55:27 <warlord> yep. a common problem. (it took me literally years to get it right)
08:55:28 <talexb> I still don't know how the HKD converstion rate's getting involved. I've had both accounts from before I went to China and added the HKD and CNY cash accounts.
08:55:46 <talexb> They're both debit accounts, I guess.
08:56:01 <warlord> ??
08:57:06 <warlord> The HKD conversion rate would be involved if you either: a) created the transaction from the HKD account, b) duplicated a transaction that was originally created in the HKD account, or c) create a transaction into the HKD account
08:57:11 <talexb> So, I record a cash withdrawal by putting $100 in the Withdrawal column of chequing, and that gets transferred to Assets:Current Assets:Cash.
08:57:52 <warlord> ok.. Is the transaction being auto-filled after you enter the description?
08:58:35 <talexb> Well, this is embarrassing. I just did a test transaction and it worked fine.
09:00:05 <warlord> :)
09:00:20 <talexb> I'm not sure what you mean by auto-filled .. but I think my bogus transactions might have been copied from older ones.
09:00:21 <warlord> You might find some cross-currency oddities in 2.2.9. You really should upgrade to 2.4.11
09:00:35 <talexb> I know GnuCash has that feature, which is awesome.
09:00:53 <warlord> autofill -- you type the same desc as a previous txn, hit tab, and it auto-fills the transfer and previous amount.
09:00:54 <talexb> warlord, Thanks for your patient and time. I appreciate it.
09:01:06 <talexb> Right, that's what I've done before.
09:01:26 <talexb> The puzzling part is that everything appears to be the same for the transactions with the HKD exchange rate.
09:01:41 <talexb> Nowhere in the transaction is there a whiff of HKD.
09:02:12 <talexb> I'll upgrade to the newer version. Thanks again.
09:06:37 <warlord> enjoy
09:25:22 <talexb> :)
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15:19:21 <NotIronic> Hi, I'm a new user to Gnucash, I was trying to setup a cron where I could auto-update my stock prices (I use postgre) but I'm getting an error message when I try to run gnucash --add-price-quotes=whatever.txt, is this the right approach? I tried googling for the answer but couldn't come up with much
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15:41:47 <warlord> NotIronic: first try running it by hand before you run it from cron. I do not believe that is the correct syntax.
15:45:27 <NotIronic> I've tried that from the terminal but I get an error:
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15:47:15 <NotIronic> gnc.bin-Message: main: binreloc relocation support was disabled at configure time.
15:47:37 <warlord> That's not an error, it's a warning that you can 100% ignore. What *else* do you see?
15:48:30 <NotIronic> Found Finance::Quote version 1.17
15:48:52 <warlord> okay, also something you can ignore...
15:48:55 <NotIronic> and that's all
15:48:56 <warlord> (but a good piece of output)
15:49:07 <NotIronic> unfortunately no
15:49:26 <NotIronic> but I'm glad I could ignore that!
15:49:49 <warlord> If that's all, then how do you know it's not working?
15:50:02 <warlord> What is the full command-line you're using?
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15:51:25 <NotIronic> gnucash --add-price-quotes=somefile.txt
15:52:04 <NotIronic> I'm not quite sure what to put for the filename since I'm using a postgre database
15:52:33 <warlord> You need to pass in the URL.
15:53:06 <warlord> It's "working" in the sense that you're telling it to load "somefile.txt", which doesn't exist, so it just stops.
15:55:25 <NotIronic> oh okay, I think I'm following.. so that file loads up URLs or funds or both?
15:59:50 <warlord> You need to tell gnucash the URL of your data file.
16:00:00 <warlord> (when running with the --add-price-quotes)
16:00:29 <warlord> You need to do this because it doesn't start up a GUI to load it from GConf, and also because you don't want a cron job to be based on the "last file" you used in the GUI.
16:05:05 <NotIronic> okay, and although I'm using postgre, I should have a datafile on my machine that I could use, correct?
16:08:47 <warlord> Nope
16:08:55 <warlord> If you're using postgres then you need to supply the PG URL
16:09:02 <warlord> ... to your PG Datafile..
16:09:36 <warlord> You should be able to say something like postgres://..../dbname
16:11:37 <NotIronic> awesome, I'll have to take a look at this, thanks for your help! I appreciate it!
16:18:00 <warlord> Good luck.
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