2013-02-06 GnuCash IRC logs
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07:32:18 <warlord> Logan: reduce the 'account depth' option, and it will reduce how deeply it shows accounts. Note that this is for the WHOLE report, so you cannot have a depth of 2 in some places and 3 elsehwere.
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08:58:25 <Logan> warlord: thank you, I was aware of that but if I wanted to display the children of some accounts and not of others... It just seemed like selecting the "subtotal" option and collapsing the parent account in the options should make it so I see the subtotal of the parent account, not just the subtotal of the children displayed. So this doesn't appear to be how it works. Do you know of any way to display a report with the subtotal of certai
09:02:31 <warlord> Logan: your message ended at "subtotal of certai"
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09:02:57 <warlord> But no, there is no way to mix account depths the way you are asking.
09:03:27 <warlord> The way to do it would be to add another account into the tree to push the accounts you want to hide one level deeper.
09:05:21 <warlord> I can't think of any way to do it in the report itself given the current reports.
09:05:47 <altruizine> Hi there!
09:05:47 <altruizine> I saw there have been several changes to support invoice cancelations / credit notes, but I cannot seem to find any of this in the GUI. Using 2.4.11 @ svn r22264. Gnucash still prevents me from posting an invoice with a negative balance... What is going on?
09:08:38 <warlord> altruizine: correct, those changes are not in 2.4, they will be in 2.6.
09:08:55 <warlord> (they are in the development version)
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09:10:50 <altruizine> I see, thanks warlord
09:11:50 <Logan> Full sentence was: Do you know of any way to display a report with the subtotal of certain parent accounts while not displaying children?
09:12:11 <altruizine> As a stopgap measure, is there a way to temporarily disable the check that prevents posting an invoice with a negative balance?
09:12:15 <Logan> Thanks for your time, and thanks to you guys for all the work you do. Really appreciate being able to have this program.
09:13:41 <warlord> Logan: ah, yeah, sorry, the only way to control it is via depth. And that's a report-wide setting.
09:14:11 <warlord> altruizine: no, because there is logic in the code that assumes that a + amount is an invoice and a - amount is a payment.
09:14:25 <warlord> altruizine: Just unpost the last invoice, add the rebate, and repost.
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09:15:47 <altruizine> warlord: I'd love to, but my tax adviser has asked me to issue a new invoice with the corrections :)
09:17:15 <altruizine> Another idea: Maybe I could add the customer as a supplier and post a bill, which I then print as a credit note?
09:19:47 <warlord> altruizine: I'm not sure that would work..
09:19:57 <warlord> Maybe it would?
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09:25:56 <warlord> you could try the dev version, but then you couldnt go back to 2.4
09:28:40 <altruizine> warlord: Do you offer snapshot binaries of the dev branch somewhere?
09:29:16 <warlord> only for windows....
09:29:38 <warlord> there is the nightly dev build
09:30:18 <altruizine> Looks like I'm out of luck here, I'm on Linux :) Unfortunately I don't have the time right now to set up the build dependencies
09:30:45 <warlord> what distro?
09:30:54 <altruizine> opensuse
09:31:23 <warlord> oh, dont know yast... i know apt and yum commands to pull in the build-deps
09:32:01 <altruizine> hmm, if you have a list of packages, it may be worth a try
09:32:54 <warlord> There is the dependencies file in the sources..
09:33:25 <warlord> But be warned that the dev version is unstable and we make no guarantees about data stability.
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09:34:46 <altruizine> :) OK, maybe I'll try the supplier solution first, that looks workable. Or I convince the tax consultant to find a legal way to reissue the same invoice :)
09:36:46 <warlord> That would be my first attack -- reissue the same invoice with the correction.
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09:44:59 <altruizine> Hmm, problem with the supplier idea: I cannot book only into expense accounts, not the original receiving account.
09:45:25 <altruizine> s/cannot/can
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09:48:56 <warlord> Correct..
09:49:15 <warlord> Reissuing the invoice is technically the right way, but you need your legal advisor to agree.
09:50:47 <altruizine> There are cases when that's not allowed in this country [Germany], for example when the sales tax on the original invoice has already been booked/paid
09:52:03 <warlord> Gotcha.
09:53:57 <warlord> Sorry, I've got nothing else for you right now.
09:56:33 <altruizine> Thanks anyway, warlord!
09:58:00 <warlord> good luck.
09:59:27 <altruizine> thank you!
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10:16:44 <altruizine> phew, turns out I can reissue the same invoice again in my particular case. :) In the meantime, I also tried building the dev version, and it looks like I managed to install the deps for "./configure --enable-aqbanking --disable-dbi"
10:17:57 <warlord> ok.
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11:03:26 <gjanssens> warlord: did you look at the script I sent you per mail ?
11:03:43 <gjanssens> Can you work from this to trigger the website updates ?
11:04:21 <gjanssens> The post-receive hook has been updated to call that script
11:04:34 <gjanssens> It's expected to be in $HOME/bin
11:04:38 <gjanssens> of the git user
11:05:00 <warlord> Yes, I think I can do that.
11:05:14 <gjanssens> After Linas give you the required parameters of course
11:05:27 <gjanssens> s/give/gives/
11:05:30 <warlord> Right..
11:05:36 <warlord> I need to know what to send to him.
11:05:40 <warlord> But yes, i can work from that.
11:05:54 <gjanssens> Ok
11:06:02 <gjanssens> So we will just wait for Linas now
11:07:04 <warlord> Yep.
11:07:33 <gjanssens> My plan is to completely move the website scm to git as a first experiment
11:07:43 <warlord> sure.
11:07:44 <gjanssens> It's not being held back by the windows build
11:07:49 <warlord> right.
11:08:16 <gjanssens> The two repos are ready on the webserver
11:08:36 <gjanssens> Once the updates are pushed through successfully
11:09:04 <gjanssens> I'll ask Linas to switch the beta website to the git working directory
11:09:08 <gjanssens> To play with a bit
11:09:20 <gjanssens> If that works fine, the same can be done for the main website
11:09:57 <gjanssens> At the same time, we can tune the mail that is being sent for git updates
11:10:11 <gjanssens> Haven't seen any feedback on that yet though on the list
11:10:27 <gjanssens> Perhaps people are fine with the text as it currently is
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11:11:08 <warlord> i honestly didnt look at the samples yet.
11:11:42 <gjanssens> I think the discussion got sidetracked rather quickly due to the BT/AUDIT story
11:11:53 <warlord> maybe.
11:12:12 <gjanssens> I'll ask for feedback again on the content of the mails themselves
11:12:16 <warlord> ok
11:12:37 <warlord> niab
11:12:40 <warlord> biab
11:13:13 <gjanssens> In any case, we need some mail to be sent for the next step, which is disable svn for the website
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11:21:57 <gjanssens> New request for feedback sent
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11:38:06 <warlord> back
11:38:29 <warlord> True. You could still test the mail scripts for htdocs to your personal email ;)
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11:57:12 <gjanssens> Yes, that's how it's still set up currently
11:57:55 <gjanssens> While writing the feedback request mail, I already saw at least two things to improve
11:58:03 <gjanssens> 1. the sender of the mail
11:58:17 <gjanssens> In svn this was set to the committer
11:58:44 <gjanssens> I'm not sure if this can easily be done with git as well
11:59:03 <gjanssens> And anyway, it may be more useful to set gnucash-devel@gnucash.org as default sender
11:59:28 <gjanssens> Most replies to the commit notifications should go to gnucash-devel anyway
12:00:08 <gjanssens> I have more than once replied to the wrong list because of the standard reply settings for gnucash-patches/changes
12:00:48 <gjanssens> 2. The commits should be linked to the github webpage, just like the svn commits are linked to trac in the commit mails
12:01:38 <gjanssens> Item 1 is just a matter of agreement and easily fixed once there is agreement
12:01:55 <gjanssens> Item 2 will require some digging in the mail sending script
12:05:16 <warlord> for #1 we could just specify a Reply-To: gnucash-devel
12:07:06 <warlord> the list wont strip it.
12:09:31 <gjanssens> This is currently set on the mails to gnucash-patches and gnucash-changes as well
12:09:44 <gjanssens> I suspect it's actually added by the mailman config
12:10:05 <gjanssens> I didn't find anything in the commit-mail.pl script about this at least
12:10:42 <gjanssens> Guess me sending to the wrong list is a side effect of hitting reply-all
12:11:05 <gjanssens> or reply-to-list
12:11:43 * gjanssens wonders if the post-receive script can figure out who actually initiated the push
12:12:14 <gjanssens> The user running the script is always git, but gitolite has a way to figure it out for permissions
12:12:19 <gjanssens> so perhaps we can as well
12:12:32 <gjanssens> In that case, we can simply retain the current behaviour
12:14:52 <warlord> I don't know if it can or not.
12:14:57 <warlord> There might be a way...
12:15:02 <warlord> Or an env var
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12:59:27 <gjanssens> Turns out I can get the name via an env var
12:59:40 <gjanssens> The hook now uses this to set the sender address
12:59:49 <gjanssens> Yay !
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15:42:20 * gjanssens figured out how to make urls for the git revs in the notification mails
15:43:14 <gjanssens> The updated hook script uses this
15:43:39 <gjanssens> but only for gitolite repos that have a github upstream defined in origin
15:43:56 <gjanssens> Sent new samples to the devel list for feedback as well
15:44:07 <gjanssens> Time to wrap up for tonight...
15:44:11 <gjanssens> See you later
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15:45:02 <jmd> I wish there was a ncurses front-end to gnucash
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15:55:49 <warlord> jmd: why?
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15:57:43 <jmd> So I can access it without having to have a X server.
16:10:07 <warlord> And why wouldn't you have an X server?
16:11:31 <jmd> I don't have everything!
16:12:26 <warlord> So all you have is a vt100 sitting on your desk/lap?
16:17:05 <jmd> Sometimes.
16:17:40 <jmd> and sometimes I wish to do work over a remote terminal.
16:18:52 <warlord> ssh -X is your friend
16:19:19 <jmd> But it's slow. And it also requires a X server on the local end.
16:19:23 <warlord> (you seriously have a vt100 -- not a *virtual* vt100 -- when you want to run GnuCash?)
16:19:50 <jmd> I don't have a physical one. No.
16:20:06 <warlord> I mean, sure, I sometimes log into a server console which is only a VT.. but I dont need (or want to) run GnuCash from there.
16:20:09 <jmd> I wish I did!
16:20:18 <warlord> ... nothing can't wait until I get back to my desktop/laptop
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19:57:31 <aindilis> I was wondering if there is any work with GnuCash in terms of helping a person allocate their funds ahead of time.
19:57:59 <aindilis> not just a budget, but in terms of helping the user make choices about investments, savings, spending, etc.
19:58:37 <aindilis> secondly, I am curious about expense tracking. I have the android app but it seems to need some work.
19:59:27 <aindilis> this is what I am talking about for spending allocation:
19:59:28 <aindilis> http://frdcsa.org/~andrewdo/WebWiki/UtilityMaximizationSystem.html
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21:01:10 <warlord> aindilis: No, there is nothing to help a user that way.
21:01:29 <warlord> Gnucash is more about recording than about making suggestions. You should talk to a financial planner for advice like that.
21:03:28 <warlord> aindilis: the android app is still in early deveopment, and it's meant mainly as a way to record expenses while you are out and then import them into gnucash.
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