2013-01-29 GnuCash IRC logs
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06:40:50 <cheaterguy> Gents, requesting help regarding setting up on-line price updates for mutual funds (Swedish). Can't ever seem to get GnuCash to fetch the prices regardless of config.
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06:45:23 <cheaterguy> The setup is to fetch from Morningstar Sweden. My biggest concern is that the Symbol/Abbreviation is wrong, but I can't seem to find any data on what should be there. ISIN is provided in full. And, well, I think I screwed the New Security up somehow.
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08:28:17 <warlord> cheaterguy: you can test with 'gnc-fq-dump' to make sure you have it right.
08:28:30 <warlord> but you need to know what the price source website wants
08:34:29 <cheaterguy> I'll look into that soon then, aye.
08:49:56 <fell> cheaterguy: you should try to find the required symbol via http://www.morningstar.se/
08:52:09 <fell> I am sorry my svenska is not good enough to point you closer, but if you can give me more details after your research, I can update the docs.
08:54:39 <cheaterguy> I'll look into it ASAP. Caught up in real-life bollocks at the moment, though (un-ordered package and invoice I'm not paying).
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09:12:57 <gjanssens> warlord: ping
09:15:11 * gjanssens is playing with the post-receive hook script for the gitolite repos
09:16:04 <gjanssens> I've been tweaking it to send two mails, one to gnucash-changes and one to gnucash-patches
09:16:43 <gjanssens> It's getting closer, but while testing I sent some messages for dummy commits to the two lists
09:17:17 <gjanssens> They are still moderated luckily, because they were sent from an unauthorized e-mail address
09:17:38 <gjanssens> But that raises two questions:
09:18:40 <gjanssens> 1. what mail address is accepted for sending ?
09:18:54 <gjanssens> If this is considered sensitive information, you can PM it as well
09:19:09 <gjanssens> I just need to know how to proceed with my script
09:19:38 <gjanssens> 2. What do I do for further testing ?
09:19:52 <gjanssens> I'm generating tons of fake commits in a temporary branch
09:20:26 <gjanssens> But I don't think it would be appropriate to have those send mails for those to the public lists
09:20:33 <gjanssens> Hmm
09:21:00 * gjanssens thinks working with my own private addresses for testing should answer question 2
09:21:55 <gjanssens> For question 1, I only need this in the end, when activating the hook on the gitolite repos
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09:42:16 <cheaterguy> I'm getting angry errors when using gnc-fq-dump morningstar <symbol>. It's whining about not having a date or currency provided (which I can't seem to provide, no matter what syntax I use)
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09:42:39 <cheaterguy> Thoughts?
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09:56:47 <gjanssens> cheaterguy: no idea I'm afraid. I don't use that area of gnucash myself
09:58:02 <cheaterguy> I'm thinking I won't either. My skill in Perl is non-existent, so I can't sort it out myself.
09:58:09 <cheaterguy> Cheers anyway ^^
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10:12:42 <gjanssens> warlord: I can't configure hooks.emailprefix in gitolite-admin's conf/gitolite.conf file
10:12:48 <gjanssens> Getting this error:
10:13:16 <gjanssens> remote: FATAL: git config 'hooks.emailprefix' not allowed
10:13:18 <gjanssens> remote: check GIT_CONFIG_KEYS in the rc file
10:13:56 <gjanssens> I had it set to " " to fit the rest of the hook configuration
10:14:14 <gjanssens> Perhaps I'll change it directly in the mail script, so you don't have to bother
10:16:20 <gjanssens> Nevermind, I modified the mail script instead
10:17:09 <gjanssens> At this point, I have added a hook script in the gitolite config that should be called on each push to any of the gitolite managed repos
10:17:37 <gjanssens> It will currently not do much, because I have disabled most of the active steps
10:17:50 <gjanssens> But it should be ready to start testing
10:18:37 <gjanssens> What should happen now, is to set up some dummy repos for each of gnucash, gnucash-docs and gnucash-htdocs
10:19:19 <gjanssens> dummy origin repos that is
10:19:42 <gjanssens> Then in the post-receive hook, the line that pushes to the origin repo should be uncommented.
10:20:08 <gjanssens> Each new commit to svn should then result in the dummy origin repos to be updated properly
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10:22:56 <gjanssens> I won't have time for this today anymore, but if you don't beat me to it, I'll play with this tomorrow
10:23:13 <gjanssens> The question on the sender address for the mailing lists it still open
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13:11:12 <warlord> gjanssens: re email -- I think that you can use a private 'to' addresses for your testing and then we can change that over to the real lists when we flip the switch.
13:11:32 <warlord> gjanssens: As for a temporary branch, I think that's safe for now. We can always reset the repo before we go live.
13:13:16 <warlord> gjanssens: I think the sender address is set up as a valid poster on the email lists. We can always update the email lists later with the new "from" address.
13:33:49 <gjanssens> warlord: re the temporary branch, that is even on my local system only, it's not pushed to gitolite
13:33:58 <gjanssens> That's the fun about git(olite)
13:34:19 <gjanssens> whatever you want to do in a public setup, you can already experiment in a local only setup
13:34:30 <warlord> oh, hmm.
13:34:47 <gjanssens> But I think I have tested all I can locally now
13:35:06 <gjanssens> The remaining bits depend mostly on the specific configuration on code.gnucash.org
13:35:43 <warlord> Okay, so what do you need me to do with the RC file?
13:36:03 <gjanssens> The next test IMO should be pushing to a dummy origin repo
13:36:32 <warlord> okay. I think I can set that up..
13:37:09 <gjanssens> It should be set up in a way that the git user can push to it
13:37:38 <gjanssens> At least, I think that the hooks in the gitolite repos run as the git user, right ?
13:37:56 <warlord> yep
13:38:19 <warlord> I was going to put it in the same homedir, just a different subdir
13:38:28 <gjanssens> ok
13:38:43 <gjanssens> gitolite managed also ?
13:38:44 <warlord> i was going to make a bare repo, then set the remote "origin" on the gitolite repos
13:38:55 <warlord> was not planning on that..
13:39:06 <gjanssens> ok, not strictly necessary
13:39:22 <gjanssens> but a gitolite managed one, I can clone to follow the pushes
13:39:39 <gjanssens> for a local one, I'll have to depend on your feedback
13:39:47 <gjanssens> which is fine as well
13:39:50 <gjanssens> :)
13:40:34 <warlord> it's easy enough for me to tell. 'git log' and compare the output
13:41:08 <gjanssens> btw, I pushed changed to the gitolite-admin repo
13:41:23 <gjanssens> you may want to pull those before making any changes again
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13:41:53 <gjanssens> that's not relevant for the test at hand though
13:44:51 <gjanssens> Another btw, I've unexpectedly got some additional spare time this evening (as in now)
13:45:17 <gjanssens> So I can continue running some tests in between other work
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13:48:12 <gjanssens> but I'll need the dummy origin repos for those tests
13:48:26 <gjanssens> the dummy can be empty btw
13:48:39 <gjanssens> the first push will fully update them
13:48:56 <warlord> Okay, let me set one up. Preference as to which I do first?
13:50:11 <gjanssens> Take gnucash-docs
13:50:24 <warlord> k
13:50:48 <gjanssens> There are many useful mini changes I can make there in the meta docs (README and friends)
13:50:53 <gjanssens> Should be good to test
13:55:01 <warlord> okay, now I just need to remember how to set up a new remote.
13:55:29 <warlord> git remote add origin <url> ?
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13:59:23 <gjanssens> Or directly edit .git/config in the repo
13:59:36 <gjanssens> That's probably easier
14:00:47 <warlord> Do I need both a fetch= and push=?
14:01:06 <gjanssens> good question
14:01:30 * gjanssens is a bit of a newbie regarding git on servers as well
14:01:31 <warlord> I added the origin and the gitolite config for gnucash-docs says:
14:01:42 <gjanssens> I think push would be useful
14:02:00 <warlord> [remote "origin"]
14:02:00 <warlord> fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
14:02:00 <warlord> url = <url>
14:02:21 <gjanssens> Because a git push without specifying a remote name should default to the push url pointed to by origin
14:02:43 <gjanssens> OTH, I seem to remember that git push will use the fetch url if no push url is available
14:02:53 <gjanssens> Though I'm not 100% sure about that
14:02:57 <gjanssens> care to test ?
14:03:13 <gjanssens> We can start without the push = line
14:03:24 <gjanssens> and see if our hook works
14:05:00 <warlord> Sure, we can test without a push = line
14:05:13 <warlord> Go ahead..
14:06:42 <warlord> I'm set up to watch the trunk log..
14:06:55 <warlord> (but that's easy enough to change if necessary)
14:11:05 <gjanssens> ok, I just pushed a small change to gnucash-docs trunk (via git->svn)
14:11:10 <gjanssens> Let's see what happens
14:12:33 <gjanssens> By the way, while pushing an updated post-receive hook (now with push to origin enabled)
14:12:39 <gjanssens> I got this error message:
14:12:52 <gjanssens> remote: *** hooks.mailinglist is not set so no email will be sent
14:12:53 <gjanssens> remote: *** for refs/heads/master update 6e11ece6b1848158c5a05bda2ba882baf0b9ea09->f4da1e32a09d6ee644ac282ebbe7a5f10d519a4f
14:12:54 <gjanssens> remote: *** hooks.mailinglist is not set so no email will be sent
14:12:56 <gjanssens> remote: *** for refs/heads/master update 6e11ece6b1848158c5a05bda2ba882baf0b9ea09->f4da1e32a09d6ee644ac282ebbe7a5f10d519a4f
14:13:17 <gjanssens> Which clearly shows the post-receive hook is running
14:13:45 <gjanssens> But it also suggests that the post-receive hook equally runs for the gitolite-admin repo
14:13:59 <gjanssens> Which we'll have to be careful about
14:14:20 <gjanssens> With the hook script as it is now (and mail-sending enabled)
14:14:44 <gjanssens> This would send any commit diff on gitolite-admin to gnucash-patches
14:14:53 <gjanssens> Not what we want, eh ?
14:14:59 <warlord> gjanssens: Yeah, I think the way to solve that is to have a per-repo config to specify whether to run the email script.
14:15:09 <gjanssens> You can
14:15:29 <gjanssens> By setting or not setting the hooks.mailinglist parameter
14:15:42 <warlord> ... but the fact that 'hooks.maillinglist' isn't set means email wont be sent, so I think we're okay.
14:15:43 <gjanssens> This is currently set for no repo
14:16:13 <gjanssens> That's indeed how I disabled mail sending
14:16:22 <warlord> YAY, the upstream repo now has content.
14:16:30 <gjanssens> Whoohoo
14:16:33 <warlord> ... and the 'trunk' head log matches.
14:16:45 <gjanssens> Even better :)
14:16:55 <warlord> Note that we might want to somehow flag whether or not to push to a particular repo.
14:17:25 <gjanssens> What usecase do you have in mind ?
14:17:36 <gjanssens> Again gitolite-admin ?
14:18:27 <gjanssens> We could use origin itself as a flag perhaps
14:18:43 <gjanssens> No origin defined in the repo -> no pushing
14:19:23 <gjanssens> We are also not required to use "origin" for pusing per se
14:19:41 <gjanssens> But instead use any remote name we choose
14:20:01 <gjanssens> origin is the default remote, which makes it easier to push to accidentally
14:20:21 <gjanssens> What if we define a new remote called "github"
14:20:33 <warlord> yeah
14:20:39 <gjanssens> And only push to it in the hook if it's defined for the given repo ?
14:21:00 <warlord> sorry, that 'yeah' was to gitolite-admin
14:21:07 <warlord> I think just testing for 'origin' is good enough.
14:21:48 <gjanssens> Is there currently an origin defined in the gitolite-admin repo on the server ?
14:22:09 <gjanssens> I'm asking because my next update in the hook will try to push to that origin
14:22:20 <gjanssens> So there better isn't one
14:23:13 <warlord> Nope.
14:23:16 <warlord> No origin
14:25:40 <warlord> Although I think I just screwed up the gitolite version of git-helper-scripts
14:31:46 <gjanssens> Isn't gitolite itself in a git repo ?
14:31:58 <gjanssens> You should be able to git reset then
14:33:27 <warlord> I'll just remove and re-add the repo.
14:33:52 <warlord> I am hoping that 'gitolite setup' doesn't remove the 'fetch' line from the git config.
14:35:24 <warlord> So do you feel that the origin push is working ?
14:37:28 <gjanssens> I was still trying to understand what you were talking about with the git-helper-scripts
14:37:48 <warlord> Oh, just duplicating that repo from github
14:37:49 <gjanssens> I don't have a gitolite setup locally, only a bunch of git repos to play with
14:38:00 <gjanssens> Ok, got it now
14:40:37 <warlord> Although it looks like I'm having an issue with the code-gnucash-org user access to that repo.
14:41:18 <gjanssens> Re the push to origin, let me run one more test now the hook is updated
14:41:35 <warlord> okay.
14:47:30 <gjanssens> Just pushed another small change
14:47:40 <gjanssens> To gnucash-docs trunk
14:50:21 <gjanssens> re code-gnucash-org access
14:50:32 <gjanssens> Do you mean you have issues pulling from github ?
14:50:53 <warlord> Nevermind, the issue was on my end..
14:50:58 <gjanssens> Ah ok
14:50:59 <warlord> trying to clone from the wrong user
14:51:16 <warlord> Although for some reason 'git fetch' wasn't working properly..
14:51:33 <gjanssens> Did my last commit to gnucash-docs trunk come through properly in the dummy origin repo ?
14:51:40 <warlord> 1 sec..
14:52:12 <warlord> Patches should be sent to gnucash-devel iso gnucash-patches
14:52:12 <warlord> ??
14:52:33 <gjanssens> Doh, user error on my side.
14:52:42 <gjanssens> Tried to git push iso git svn dcommit
14:52:54 <warlord> oops
14:53:18 <gjanssens> Should be coming your way any minute now
14:53:38 <gjanssens> To get back to the mailing list thing
14:53:57 <warlord> Refresh copyright notice
14:54:04 <gjanssens> That's the one
14:54:13 <gjanssens> Imo the push hook is fine
14:54:44 <warlord> cool.
14:54:51 <gjanssens> We send mail to two different mailing lists currently
14:54:58 <warlord> right.
14:55:05 <warlord> one with the diff, one without
14:55:08 <gjanssens> The git mailscript is not really written to handle that
14:55:25 <gjanssens> So I have written a wrapper around it to call it twice
14:55:45 <gjanssens> Generating once a summary and once a list of patches
14:55:56 <warlord> Okay, but how do you deal with the maillist/etc configs that the script pulls in?
14:55:57 <gjanssens> Sent to two different mailing lists
14:56:19 <gjanssens> I have slightly modified the script
14:56:26 <warlord> okay..
14:56:50 <gjanssens> If some parameter is already set in the environment, it's not pulled in from the git config
14:57:00 <gjanssens> But that's exactly the issue I have now
14:57:16 <gjanssens> The wrapper script doesn't differentiate on repo
14:57:44 <warlord> Can't the wrapper script know what repo was affected?
14:58:05 <gjanssens> We can't set hooks.mailinglist per repo, because I have two lists which should trigger different behaviour
14:58:33 <warlord> Well, can't we set 'hooks.maillinglist1' and hooks.mailinglist2 ?
14:58:52 <gjanssens> Just what I came to think of myself
14:59:29 <gjanssens> And accompany it with a hooks.custom_showrev1 and custom.showrev2
14:59:47 <gjanssens> These are the commands that define of a patch log or summary log is generated
15:00:10 <gjanssens> If they exist, the mail script will be called
15:00:18 <gjanssens> If not, the mail script will be skipped
15:00:21 <gjanssens> Nice
15:00:37 <gjanssens> But this will require a change in the gitolite RC file
15:01:06 <warlord> Tell me what you need to change in the RC file and I can do that.
15:01:07 <gjanssens> You will have to define these new parameters as acceptable in conf/gitolite.conf
15:02:32 <warlord> Do you know what I need to set, specifically?
15:03:12 <gjanssens> Still have to figure that out
15:03:28 <gjanssens> I had set hooks.mailinglist at some point
15:03:43 <gjanssens> But when I wanted to push that change, gitolite returned an error
15:03:55 <warlord> * nods *
15:03:57 <gjanssens> Referring to the rc file that required updateing
15:05:39 <warlord> Yeah, I've got the RC file up, but don't know what I need to add.
15:07:51 <warlord> Ah, I see what I need to do..
15:08:00 <warlord> What keys do you need available?
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15:09:18 <gjanssens> The four keys mentioned above: hooks.maillinglist1, hooks.mailinglist2, hooks.custom_showrev1, custom.showrev2
15:10:32 <warlord> is it hooks.custom_showrev, or custom.showrev ?
15:11:33 <gjanssens> hooks.showrev actually
15:11:58 <gjanssens> The custom part only appears in the variable name used in the script, not in the config parameter
15:12:15 <warlord> Okay. Try now.
15:12:28 <gjanssens> Additionally, we need two SAFE_CONFIG additions in the rc
15:12:30 <warlord> Should be available to gitolite.conf.
15:12:39 <gjanssens> http://sitaramc.github.com/gitolite/git-config.html
15:12:44 <gjanssens> All below
15:14:41 <warlord> Ahh, I see. Let me know what you need set for SAFE_CONFIG and I'll add it for you.
15:16:04 <gjanssens> One is sufficient actually
15:16:30 <gjanssens> The command generating full diffs holds a semi-colon
15:16:32 <warlord> Don't we need one for -patches and one for -commits?
15:16:46 <gjanssens> It's actually the command as given in the example
15:17:20 <gjanssens> But perhaps SHOWREV is a little vague for the macro name
15:17:32 <gjanssens> Perhaps FULLDIFFS is better
15:17:38 <warlord> Okay, what do you want it called?
15:17:51 <warlord> Okay, I'll change it to FULLDIFFS
15:18:06 <gjanssens> ok
15:18:08 <warlord> done
15:22:38 <warlord> let me know what you need next
15:33:01 <gjanssens> Ok, I have updated to config and hooks to send mails using the new parameters
15:33:52 <gjanssens> I have enabled it temporarily to send to some of my private e-mail addresses instead of the real lists
15:34:02 <gjanssens> That allows us to test without spamming the lists
15:34:14 <warlord> okay
15:34:20 <gjanssens> The gitolite-admin repo won't send mails in the current config
15:34:35 <gjanssens> That explicitly disabled for that repo (in conf/gitolite.conf)
15:34:48 <gjanssens> And only gnucash-docs should be sending mails
15:34:55 <warlord> okay.
15:35:01 <gjanssens> I don't know if you can check the mailqueue on the server
15:35:13 <gjanssens> To verify if mails have been sent ?
15:35:27 <gjanssens> I pushed a mini change to gnucash-docs to trigger that
15:35:45 <gjanssens> Or the maillogs obviously
15:35:45 <warlord> ok.
15:35:56 <gjanssens> I suspect them to be in the queue still
15:36:08 <gjanssens> My hosting provider uses greylisting to delay mail sending
15:37:42 <warlord> Yeah, 450 delay
15:38:03 <gjanssens> But that means the mails are being generated, which is already cool
15:38:22 <warlord> Yep.
15:38:38 <gjanssens> So we're making good progress here.
15:38:57 <gjanssens> Unfortunately my time is up for today
15:39:53 <gjanssens> I think we're at least ready to redo the github repos.
15:40:00 <gjanssens> The push part is ok
15:40:19 <gjanssens> The mails may need some tweaking before we switch.
15:41:04 <gjanssens> Should we send them to the core devs for a couple of days so we can gather feedback ?
15:41:29 <gjanssens> Hmm, perhaps something to bring up on the devel list
15:41:47 <gjanssens> But later. Got to go now.
15:41:51 <gjanssens> See you later
15:46:25 <warlord> Later!!
15:46:55 <warlord> The mails can wait -- we don't need that until we drop svn
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