2013-01-15 GnuCash IRC logs
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13:36:23 <gjanssens> warlord: ping
13:37:10 <warlord> gjanssens: pong (but slow )
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13:38:53 <gjanssens> Hi, how are you ?
13:40:46 <warlord> I'm well.
13:41:00 <warlord> Been busy with baby and work..
13:41:06 <gjanssens> Ah, nice.
13:41:26 <warlord> I saw your mail w.r.t. gitolite, but haven't had a chance to digest it completely.
13:42:02 <gjanssens> Ok. Do you need more time ? Or want to discuss it here ?
13:42:04 <warlord> it sounded like the proposal was to use gitolite to push out svn->github but svn would still be the 'write' vector?
13:42:43 <gjanssens> Yes, I think we can't drop svn until we stop developing on the 2.4 branch
13:42:53 <gjanssens> That branch isn't git ready
13:43:02 <warlord> Ah, right..
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13:43:14 <gjanssens> The good thing is
13:43:21 <gjanssens> That with the proposal
13:43:51 <warlord> So you propose that for now we to svn -> private git -> gitolite -> github, and then we can drop the svn/private git and keep the gitolite -> github in the future?
13:43:52 <gjanssens> as soon as we decide to drop svn, it's simply a matter of changing write permissions in the gitolite repos and disable write in svn
13:44:05 <gjanssens> Exactly
13:44:13 <warlord> Gotcha.
13:44:20 <warlord> It sounds like a good idea..
13:44:52 <warlord> We could use the svn hooks to do a push into the svn-git and then push to gitolite..
13:45:16 <gjanssens> For the website (htdocs) we probably can drop svn sooner as there's not that much svn dependency going on
13:45:17 <warlord> and use the gitolite hooks to push to github and (possibly) send email
13:45:27 <gjanssens> Yep
13:45:34 <warlord> Sounds like a good approach.
13:45:48 <warlord> Now I just need to find the time to implement it..
13:45:55 <gjanssens> :)
13:46:24 <gjanssens> If you like, I can assist via irc once you want to start
13:46:27 <warlord> Next weekend I'm doing some hardware work (bought some new HDDs to upgrade the VM server, refreshing some old drives and also increasing the available disk space)
13:46:45 <warlord> ... so going to install a disk and start running it through some break-in tests.
13:47:47 <warlord> I might have some time Saturday to work on it... maybe...
13:48:30 <gjanssens> Ok, I'll probably be home in the afternoon (CET)
13:48:46 <gjanssens> I'll get on IRC when I'm there
13:48:59 <gjanssens> Then you can see if you have time and/or could use some help
13:50:57 <warlord> I know I wont have time Saturday until at least 14h00 US/EST, so 19h00 UTC
13:51:57 <warlord> I've got a class in the morning, and then I need to do my hardware install. Granted, installing the drives will only take a few minutes. (Yay hotswap drive bays)
13:52:52 <gjanssens> Hmm, that will probably be tight.
13:53:31 <warlord> Sunday I might be able to eek out some time in the morning.
13:53:46 <warlord> (need to work it out with Mia)
13:53:58 <gjanssens> Saturday evening is not the time I'm supposed to be on irc ;)
13:55:26 <warlord> Understood.
13:55:42 <warlord> Let me talk with Mia and figure out when will be a good time this weekend.
13:55:56 <gjanssens> For Sunday, I'll have to check with Krista also, I'm not sure if she has plans already.
13:56:30 <gjanssens> She's not home now, but I'll talk to her when she's back
13:56:46 <gjanssens> There's still a few days until the weekend
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14:07:02 <warlord> yep. i'm not home so...
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18:24:43 <David1012> Hi I am trying to fix old stock sale transactions to properly account for capital gains. I have learned the trick to make sale transactions look like the illustration table 8.2 of the tutorial. Now I am trying to sell a part of a lot on one date and sell the rest later.
18:24:58 <David1012> The Trial balance report is going out of balance by exactly the profit made in the first sale on that date
18:25:58 <David1012> On the second sale date it goes further out of balance
18:26:57 <David1012> The trial balance report is balanced the day before he first sale
18:27:40 <David1012> A transaction report on that security account seems to be in balance
18:28:54 <David1012> I must be missing something. What can I try next?
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18:57:00 <David1012> If I filter the security account to include earliest to first sale date and run an account report with show value selected, after the first sale the value of the remaining is higher than the original instead of being less.
18:59:44 <David1012> oops, I didn't scroll to the bottom of the report. The remaining value is about what I expect
19:02:35 <David1012> after the second sale the remaining value is $0.02 due to a rounding issue
19:03:48 <David1012> so I am still wondering why the trial balance is weird
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19:09:38 <Webuser> Hello, is there any known issues importing Qif ? After all the process, everything remains empty. I know it happened to others..
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19:12:39 <David1012> My trial balance is approx $10K off the day before the second sale and approx $15K off the day of the second sale. I will look for the other errors later.
19:15:20 <David1012> reiterating, it goes off by exactly the capital gain realized on the day of the first sale.
19:17:39 <Webuser> Oh.. I just found out that Quicken doesn't respect any QIF standard with the French version >;|
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19:19:58 <warlord> David1012: you're just not accounting for the cap gain/loss.
19:20:01 <David1012> wait a minute. somehow the trial balance report was set to value securities average value. If I change it to nearest in time it cannot generate numbers
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19:20:33 <warlord> Do you have entries in your PriceDB
19:22:27 <David1012> Warlord: Doesn't the extra line in the security sale transaction along with the income line do that accounting?
19:23:51 <David1012> As for the price DB, I have lots of other securities in that time window, some may not be priced on the dates I am using
19:25:14 <warlord> David1012: there need to be two extra splits, a split from income, and a second split into the stock account. You might need prices on the specific dates.
19:29:31 <David1012> I started this exercise to add those two lines to each sale, which is now done in this particular account for transactions up to July 11 2008. I expected the Trial Balance to balance then. Maybe I need to find the other unbalanced sales.
19:30:21 <David1012> this gives me some homework. Bye for now.
19:31:08 <warlord> Yeah, that's probably what you need to find. :-/
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