2013-01-13 GnuCash IRC logs
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14:14:12 <runningwithscissors> hey all
14:15:46 <runningwithscissors> having trouble with gnucash opening and not being able to lock the xml account file. I am shutting the application normally but I am getting message from mac os x that application stopped unexpectedly. I am sure they are related, but not sure how I can close the app any nicer than file exit. thanks in advance
14:16:36 <runningwithscissors> doesn't happen every time, but when it does, it can't open the file….says can't get lock
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14:20:25 <jcassano> I don't know how to fix the problem causing the weird crashes, but I used to get that error message I remember having to delete a lock file (in the same directory as my data file) to be able to open it again
14:20:55 <runningwithscissors> okay, wasn't sure if that would be kosher ;)
14:21:04 <runningwithscissors> wanted to check
14:23:30 <jcassano> The lock file doesn't have any of your data as far as I know. But when in doubt make a backup. I'm pretty sure that file just exists so that two people can't edit the same account at the same time.
14:23:55 <runningwithscissors> k, thanks.
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14:30:12 <runningwithscissors> oh, is there a good way to figure out which bank of america to use? Do you just have to try several of them until one works?
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14:53:08 <runningwithscissors> I seem to always get a 2000 error everytime I try, no matter which Bank of america I use. Tried all three non CA, …, ID versions. I am in TX
14:54:01 <runningwithscissors> should work, I've been using Mint which is intuit…i think. wouldn't they use same interface?
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17:50:04 <john> OK. Busy during the day, I imagine. I might be on jury duty, though the morning call is deferred, so probably not. Are you free in the evenings? Perhaps I could Bart up and we could meet somewhere near Market St. for a drink.
17:53:06 <warlord> Yeah, definitely busy during the days. Evenings are currently free, so yes, could definitely meet around Market St somewhere!
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18:37:11 <arrainey> I am having an issue importing a QIF file from iBank to GnuCash. I get the error Account budget amount: Unrecognized or inconsistent format. I don't know what to check to correct the problem
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18:48:28 <arrainey> Is there a common issue in QIF files that cause this error and does anyone know how I can correct it?
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20:24:44 <warlord> @tell arrainey Check all your 'T' lines to make sure they are all valid. If you have an empty T line or some other stuff on a T line, that could cause that error.
20:24:44 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
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21:35:58 <warlord> Gute Nocht, fell.
21:36:06 <warlord> Oops, missed him
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22:20:31 <warlord> hi arrainey
22:20:38 <arrainey> hi :)
22:20:38 <gncbot> arrainey: Sent 1 hour and 55 minutes ago: <warlord> Check all your 'T' lines to make sure they are all valid. If you have an empty T line or some other stuff on a T line, that could cause that error.
22:21:01 <arrainey> Thanks...I have some T lines that say things like TCCard
22:21:14 <warlord> yeah, saw the email.
22:21:30 <arrainey> Do I change those?
22:21:42 <warlord> what is the !type above that section?
22:21:51 <arrainey> !Account
22:22:17 <warlord> Okay, I think the T line under !Account is different..
22:22:28 <arrainey> what section am I concerned with?
22:22:46 <warlord> Unfortunately the parser doesn't store enough information to let us know what line introduced the issue
22:23:00 <warlord> Generally it would be a !Type:* line
22:23:16 <warlord> e.g. !Type:Bank, !Type:CCard, !Type:Cash, etc.
22:24:34 <arrainey> So I am looking for a T line under one of those? I notice that some of my amounts have $ sign and some don't
22:26:48 <warlord> That *should* be okay.. as long as it's only a $ and not some other currency symbol
22:27:32 <arrainey> do all $ amounts need 2 decimal places?
22:28:23 <warlord> Mmmmm... Not sure. *possibly*
22:29:10 <warlord> it needs to determine whether "," or "." is the decimal separator, and which is the thousands separator..
22:29:17 <arrainey> hmm ok :) is there a debug program I can run while the import is happening that might tell me where the problem happens?
22:29:25 <warlord> So if you have 3,000.00 nad 5.000,00 it would complain
22:29:31 <arrainey> ah, I see
22:30:30 <warlord> Unfortunately no.. there's not a lot of debugging in the importer.. Generally it requires a binary search through the import, searching each half, to figure out which transaction is wrong
22:30:41 <warlord> (sorry)
22:31:16 <arrainey> I see. Would it be better for me to try to export just my accounts first and then import the transactions? Is that even possible or would it erase what I already had in the second import?
22:31:49 <warlord> importing will never remove anything already imported.
22:32:07 <arrainey> awesome. I will try that then and see if it helps to narrow down the issue
22:32:13 <warlord> however you might get extra transactions that need to be manipulated or removed.
22:32:27 <warlord> just spend the time to map your transactions appropriatey
22:32:36 <arrainey> that is doable, at least I would not have to do everything from scratch
22:32:55 <warlord> Your other option is to just start from scratch as of Jan 1st
22:33:04 <arrainey> my file is pretty large. I will see if I can parse it down to the last month of data
22:33:06 <warlord> (and ignore your history)
22:33:17 <warlord> how much data do you have in mint?
22:33:22 <arrainey> you are right - I can always save my backup in case I need it :)
22:33:52 <warlord> I usually am. ;-)
22:33:56 <warlord> LOL
22:34:39 <arrainey> LOL. I was just hoping to have the history for reporting purposes. My husband is an engineer and I generally have to present him with spreadsheets of data for every purchase we make!
22:35:23 <warlord> Oh. In that case you might want to spend the time to figure it out.
22:35:58 <arrainey> It would be awesome if there would be a desktop program that also synced to our android phones and ran on multiple phones too - he is a phone developer so I am hoping to make him work on that!
22:37:03 <warlord> Yeah. GnuCash is still a desktop app, not a cloud service, so hard to do that exactly.
22:37:26 <warlord> There is at least one Android app that will let you add expenses and then import the results into GnuCash via OFX import.
22:37:33 <arrainey> still better than some of the alternatives. I really appreciate the help.
22:37:43 <warlord> but it's not a two-way sync that lets you see your gnucash data on your mobile
22:37:50 <arrainey> Cool, I will look that up as soon as I figure this out
22:37:54 <warlord> My pleasure, Amber :)
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