2013-01-11 GnuCash IRC logs
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08:14:02 *** warlord changes topic to "Free GPL Personal and Small Business Accounting || Please don't ask to ask, just ask and wait! || publically-logged channel || latest stable: 2.4.11 || www.gnucash.org"
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09:34:24 <warlord> @op benoitg
09:34:25 *** gncbot sets mode: +o benoitg
09:34:34 <warlord> @op linas_
09:34:34 *** gncbot sets mode: +o linas_
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09:48:52 <mikee> @op
09:48:52 <gncbot> mikee: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
09:49:04 <mikee> @op
09:49:04 *** gncbot sets mode: +o mikee
10:16:18 <warlord> hiya mikee
10:16:34 <mikee> Hi Warlord.
10:17:23 <mikee> How can I help you today? :)
10:25:46 <warlord> Dont need anything. just saying hi.
10:27:31 <mikee> Phew, thought I was going to have to use my brain, on a Friday afternoon.
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10:34:13 <warlord> Nope... My only question is what beer you plan to have in a couple hours? ;)
10:34:39 <mikee> Heh!
10:35:22 <mikee> Probably going to be Marsdon's Pedegree from the pump.
10:36:34 <mikee> Or possibly Cock-a-Hoop, which is a lighter, hoppy(er) beer. I think Jennings (UK) brew it.
10:37:58 <mikee> http://www.jenningsbrewery.co.uk/beers/beer.aspx
10:38:30 <mikee> Correction, "Cocker Hoop"
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10:39:15 <mikee> http://www.marstonsbeercompany.co.uk/our_brands/marstons/pedigree.asp
10:39:44 <mikee> What about yourself? Or are you on baby watch.
10:41:08 <warlord> Well, it's only 10h40 here right now, so I still have all day ahead of me. I'll probably have some wine at dinner.
10:43:45 <mikee> Approaching 4 o'clock on a Friday. Thinking about calling it a day.
10:44:22 <mikee> Not that I've actually done anything work related.
11:03:08 <mikee> warlord: Second thoughts, think I'll drink both. Off now, cheers.
11:05:35 <warlord> have a great weekend, mikee
11:05:51 <warlord> mikee, i might've asked this before, but how far are you from London?
11:06:32 <mikee> About 300 miles, due west.
11:07:06 <warlord> Oh, so not a simple meet-for-a-drink distance.
11:07:29 <warlord> (I'll be in London sometime in 2014 for a conference)
11:08:08 <mikee> Afraid not. The roads my end are quite slow, untill O get to the M4 motorway.
11:08:32 <mikee> 2014 though. You knever know. Things change.
11:10:27 <warlord> How long is the train?
11:11:28 <mikee> Trains can be worse, expensive too.
11:11:46 <warlord> Hmm
11:11:54 <warlord> well, we have yime.
11:11:59 <warlord> time, even
11:12:56 <mikee> Definately let me know nearer the time though.
11:18:29 <warlord> Will do.
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17:43:37 <warlord> Hiya john. I'm going to be in SF next week.
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19:03:33 <john> warlord: Cool. What's your schedule?
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