2012-12-10 GnuCash IRC logs

00:02:34 *** fuzzybunny69y has quit IRC
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00:09:52 <AFA> Can anyone help me with a jounral entry?
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05:24:18 <fabior> hi, how can I manage the accounts for the shares in a limited liability company?
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08:04:02 <warlord> fabior: I don't understand the question. How would you do it if you were using pen&paper accounting? Do it exactly the same way in GnuCahs.
08:04:45 <fabior> i'll explain
08:04:57 <fabior> i have a personal account on gnucash
08:06:27 <fabior> i will come to be part of a limited liability company and will pour out my share of capital. i can not deal with my share as an expense but as an asset. do i use the same method of the shares on the stock exchange?
08:07:14 <fabior> i do not care to manage the company's accounts, but only my fee
08:07:27 <warlord> Ah, if you are buying into an LLC and want to keep track of it then yes, that would be like buying stock in a company.. So you'd create an asset for that.
08:08:01 <fabior> the division of the profits must treat as income? and the increase in share capital as income?
08:08:27 <fabior> a capital gain income, true?
08:11:42 <fabior> ok, i understand
08:11:57 <fabior> thanks, sorry for my poor english :-)
08:11:58 <warlord> Division of profits (aka dividend) is income. increase in value (share price) is an unrealized cap gain.
08:12:07 <fabior> ok!
08:12:48 <warlord> :)
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14:23:21 <mezimezim> hi
14:23:38 <mezimezim> I've just installed GnuCash, for my girlfriend to use....
14:24:07 <mezimezim> she finds the look a bit 'dry' and would prefer the look of something like KmyMoney
14:24:20 <mezimezim> I've told her gnucash is technically better
14:24:34 <mezimezim> what else can I tell her to convince her to use gnucash?
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14:47:02 <warlord> Change the theme?
14:47:35 <warlord> mezimezim: I dont know your GF so don't know what arguments to use. Both GnuCash and KMM are decent products. I think most people feel GnuCash has more features.
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16:02:46 *** Tinuk has joined #gnucash
16:03:35 <Tinuk> heya! My gnucash 2.4.11 freezes at random points (including the splash screen). I am using Ubuntu (Raring Ringtail), is this a known problem?
16:08:22 <Tinuk> ok, it seems to be related to my users since when started as root, it does not freeze (so far).
16:22:55 <Tinuk> Any ideas?
16:26:29 <warlord> possibly due to compiz?
16:34:17 <Tinuk> a) how to check for this setting (Xorg.0.log does not mention it)
16:34:34 <Tinuk> b) if this is the cause, shouldn't the root gnucash freeze too, then?
16:34:57 <Tinuk> I heavily suspect some gnome library (I do have the kubuntu = KDE desktop in use)
16:36:13 <warlord> Tinuk: Sorry, I don't know. I don't use Ubuntu, and I don't use KDE.
16:36:58 <warlord> Do you have Unity turned on?
16:37:03 <Tinuk> no
16:37:05 <warlord> (I'm just stabbing here..)
16:37:18 <Tinuk> I tried the gnome control center and it froze, too
16:37:19 <warlord> I don't know how to check for compiz (compviz?)
16:37:32 <warlord> Sounds like some Gtk incompatibility with your WM.
16:37:54 <Tinuk> yes. I just installed Eye of Gnome and it freezes, too.
16:38:06 <Tinuk> although gtk stuff works fine (gimp)
16:39:59 <warlord> Sounds like a gnomelib issue on your system, then. Sorry, I don't know what else to tell you.
16:40:20 <warlord> You can try the gnucash-user mailing list for a wider audience
16:41:00 <Tinuk> nP. I come to the same conclusion. I suspect some theming issues since it works as root user but not with my standard account (which is over 12 years old and might have collected digital dust).
16:41:06 <Tinuk> thanks for having a look at it anyways.
16:45:58 <Tinuk> bye then!
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18:34:55 <dre361224> Hello, I'm having a minor but annoying problem with gnucash. I'm using Windows 7 64bit and it doesn't save any settings.
18:35:58 <warlord> dre361224: what's your windows username?
18:36:13 <warlord> You might have an "invalid character" in there.
18:38:43 <dre361224> Windows name is "Coke & Dre"
18:39:02 <dre361224> Oh ok, I'll try changing it, thank you very much!
18:43:07 <dre361224> Hmm doesn't seem to have done anything, must I maybe restart my computer?
18:46:34 <dre361224> I'll be back, going to try restarting.
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18:53:54 <dre361224> Tried restarting the computer but still no luck.
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18:59:18 <ari1> I'm about to import from my bank account into gnucash (for our restaurant) and was wondering what the differences between the different import options (file types) was.
18:59:54 <ari1> I can get CSV, QBO, QFX and QIF from my bank and am wondering if one would be better than the others.
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19:36:20 <warlord> dre361224: Yes, that name is invalid. Unfortunately just changing it is probably not sufficient. You would need to create a completely new account.
19:37:17 <warlord> Your other option would be to change the gnucash environment file to reset GNC_HOME (IIRC) to something like C:\GnuCash -- assuming you have no additional users.
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19:48:07 <dre361224> Alright thank you for your help, I'll give it a try :)
19:49:39 <dre361224> Just to be clear, where would I find this environment file?
20:14:55 <warlord> dre361224: should be in the gnucash installation directory. Let me see if I can find something on the wiki for you -- http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/
20:17:39 <warlord> dre361224: possibly somewhere in http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Windows or http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Locale_Settings#Changing_the_Language_on_Windows
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