2012-10-27 GnuCash IRC logs
00:14:53 *** jmd has joined #gnucash
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08:48:38 <gp5st> hello. my account for my income, it's suppose to be an account with a lot of withdraws, right? since i'm moving money from my salary to my checking and savings?
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09:09:42 <spm_Draget> Problem is, I only know the german expressions. But, gp5st, it is an account of the type for incomes, so the money is booked as an income.
09:10:25 <spm_Draget> There is a positive value on your income accont that should be the same as the positive value in your 'bank-account'-account, corresponding to the ammount of mone yyou cogt
09:10:28 <gp5st> spm_Draget: oh, i see
09:10:29 <spm_Draget> I hope that makes sense :P
09:11:05 <gp5st> and "income" is a debit against an "income" account
09:11:06 <gp5st> spm_Draget: yes, thank you:)
09:11:24 <gp5st> i'm still getting use to two column accounting
09:11:37 <gp5st> and the different types of accounts
09:12:29 <spm_Draget> You have your spendings accounts, which also have positive values. You book postive 100$ on 'food' from your cash account for example, meabing you spend 100$ (positive 100$) on foor, a -100$ booking on your cash account. While when you sell something on ebay, you get a positive booking on your 'Income:eBay' account etc.
09:12:37 <spm_Draget> Yeah, took me a while, too.
09:14:48 <spm_Draget> Just keep in mind how to read accounts: Spendings:Food shows the (positive) ammount of money you spent on food. Income:Presents shows the ammount of money you got for presents etc. If you have opened your cash account and enter on the 'spent (outgoing? withdraw? not sure how it is called in english)' side -10$ when you bought something for 10$, it automatically creates a +10$ counte booking on the account you specify.
09:15:05 <spm_Draget> For every negative booking you have a positive somewhere and via-verca :P
09:15:29 <spm_Draget> Play around with a test-file for a while, one quickly gets a hang of it =)
09:15:44 <spm_Draget> Need to run
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14:06:02 *** Rastikan has joined #gnucash
14:06:57 <Rastikan> Hi there, anyone in here ?
14:10:57 <Rastikan> I've been using ( or at least entering my expenses thoroughly ) for about 2 years now. Among the many things I never figured out from gnucash is whether it is possible to display a graph of my money order time. To see for example when I might get in negative because too many bills come at same time.
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