2012-10-01 GnuCash IRC logs
00:27:57 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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13:03:19 *** dora71 has joined #gnucash
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13:04:49 <dora71> I am new to gnucash, I use the German language and I get stuck with the help command F1 because of a help file which seems to be no valid XML.
13:06:39 <dora71> I am using Linux Mint Debian Edition, gnucash version 2.4.10 from repository
13:08:12 <fell> yelp and gnucash-doc are installed?
13:10:17 <dora71> fell: yes both are installed, I have already reinstalled gnucash-docs
13:10:24 *** docgnome has joined #gnucash
13:10:48 <docgnome> hi, does gnucash have some "am an idiot please teach me how to do business accounting" style docs?
13:11:34 <dora71> I can also read the course and concepts section, so that should be ok
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13:16:24 <dora71> error message is (translated):
13:17:07 <dora71> unknown error. the file /usr/share/gnucash/gnome/help/gnucash/de_DE/gnucash-help.xml could not be analyzed,
13:17:25 <dora71> because the contents is no valid XML document
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13:27:59 <fell> docgnome: not direct, but you can search the http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/GnuCash for a bunch of useful pointers.
13:28:49 <fell> dora71: can you countercheck the file with xmllint --validate --noout ?
13:29:42 <fell> xmllint is usually part of the libxml2 package.
13:31:00 <dora71> xmllint --valid --noout /usr/share/gnucash/gnome/help/gnucash/de_DE/gnucash-help.xml gives the following output:
13:31:18 <dora71> warning: failed to load external entity "/usr/share/gnucash/gnome/help/gnucash/de_DE/Help_ch_Intro.xml"
13:31:18 <dora71> /usr/share/gnucash/gnome/help/gnucash/de_DE/gnucash-help.xml:177: parser error : Failure to process entity intro
13:31:49 <dora71> &intro; /usr/share/gnucash/gnome/help/gnucash/de_DE/gnucash-help.xml:177: parser error : Entity 'intro' not defined &intro;
13:33:27 <dora71> if I browse the directory, there is no file called Help_ch_Intro.xml
13:34:09 <fell> yep, I am searching the repo...
13:34:38 <fell> http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/22270
13:37:43 <dora71> ok, I have seen the changeset, but how do I use it? I also installed the docs from distribution repository
13:38:52 <fell> You will need docs, which are more recent than 2012-07-22.
13:40:16 <fell> I am just looking for releases, but OTOH the german help is very incomplete - we are always searching translators.
13:42:01 <dora71> just searched the debian site: actual release is gnucash-docs 2.4.1-3 , that is what is also installed on my system :-(
13:42:21 <fell> OK there are no more recent releases of the docs. One is planned in short time.
13:43:10 <dora71> ok thanks for your patience. Will there be an announcement of the new doc-release?
13:44:15 <fell> you can see the nightly at http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/help-de_DE/
13:45:27 <fell> but you should compare it with the english http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/help/
13:46:15 <dora71> ok I see there is still a lot of work to be done for the translation
13:47:18 <fell> If you would like to translate a section, have a look at http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation
13:49:31 <dora71> I am just starting to use the software, and I am far away from being a finance expert, but thank you for the links, will see how things will go
13:51:36 <dora71> yet a last question: is there a way to synchronize 2 online accounts when I do an accounting transaction from one account to the other?
13:52:10 <fell> with HBCI?
13:52:16 <dora71> yes
13:53:16 <fell> you put your order in one account and sent it to the bank. later you ask the other bank for recent changes.
13:54:09 <dora71> and gnucash recognizes that and puts the thing together?
13:54:16 <fell> then the importer should find the duplicate.
13:54:54 <dora71> ok that sounds cool and easy, I will give it a try.
13:55:12 <fell> Edit preferences online banking bayes or similar should be enabled.
13:56:07 <dora71> already done!
13:58:00 <dora71> fell: thanks again for your help, think I'll be back in the channel more often now.
13:59:30 <fell> BTW, you should also check http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Mailing_Lists e.g. for german discussion, announcements, ...
14:00:29 <fell> and there are many more recent german docs in http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/De/
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14:01:47 <dora71> so there will be enough lecture for the next time ;-), will be off now and thanks again.
14:02:27 <fell> Bitteschön!
14:02:59 <dora71> :-)
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