2012-09-29 GnuCash IRC logs
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05:36:59 <aj> hi, I have been using gnucash for a few days but have 2 problems with it under windows 7 - could anyone help me?
05:36:59 <gncbot> aj: Sent 23 weeks, 2 days, 7 hours, and 51 minutes ago: <fell> --enable-hbci and --enable-ofx are parameters of the configure script, which should be called before the first compiling of CnuCash. UID depends on the context: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UID.
05:39:48 <aj> each time the program unches
05:41:02 <aj> sry... each time the program launches it forgets the settings the trace says it is trying to store changes but teh file doesn't exist (the dir does) and I'm an admin on the machine
05:42:53 <aj> problem 2 is getting online quotes - using a cmd prompt I can get a rate via activeperl I have also downlaod the updated quote.pm file and run the cmd utility under the gnucash programs but rates don't come from within the gnucash gui when I press fetch quotes
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09:23:49 <warlord> aj: what is your windows user name?
09:24:27 <warlord> aj: for quotes, which quote source? There are many known quote grabber bugs in 1.17
09:48:12 <aj> I have 'solved' the windows saving preferences by starting gnucash with 'right click as adminsitrator'
09:49:45 <aj> ccy rates - I havn't chosen a source but don't see where to do this. I was under the impression that it used Yahoo.
09:50:12 <aj> I'm using version 2.4.11
09:52:42 <warlord> aj: ccy? Currency? I believe you need more than just an updated Quote.pm, but I'm not sure. If you need to run as admin that means your permissions are wrong.
09:55:15 <aj> ccy = GBP USD
09:56:02 <warlord> aj, right, ccy == currency. I thought you needed more than just an updated Quote.pm
09:56:07 <warlord> (although maybe I am wrong)
09:57:22 <aj> typing in a cmd window >perl gnc-fq-dump yahoo GBPXAU=X gets me the right info
09:57:35 <aj> so that part must be working ok
09:58:55 <warlord> What's the full output from that?
09:59:27 <aj> c:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>perl gnc-fq-dump yahoo GBPXAU=X Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses: symbol: GBPXAU=X <=== required date: 09/28/2012 <=== required currency: GBP <=== required last: 0.0009 <=\ nav: <=== one of these price: 0.0009
10:00:32 <warlord> That's not GBP USD. That's GPBXAU
10:02:06 <aj> agreed - I forgot I had tested/tried that too :)
10:03:07 <aj> here it is for gbpusd:
10:03:11 <aj> c:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>perl gnc-fq-dump yahoo GBPUSD=X Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses: symbol: GBPUSD=X <=== required date: 09/28/2012 <=== required currency: GBP <=== required last: 1.616 <=\ nav: <=== one of these price: 1.616
10:20:09 <warlord> That looks like it should work.
10:20:16 <warlord> Sorry, no idea why it is not working.
10:20:23 * warlord doesn't do windows, generally
10:21:46 <aj> ah ok, thanks anyway
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