2012-09-27 GnuCash IRC logs
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12:10:19 <di-five> hello, i compiled and installed GnuCash 2.4.11 from ports on FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE-p4 (i386). after starting the program it crashes when i try to create new accounts.
12:10:36 <di-five> > gnucash
12:10:38 <di-five> gnc.bin-Message: main: binreloc relocation support was disabled at configure time.
12:10:39 <di-five> Found Finance::Quote version 1.17
12:10:40 <di-five> Speicherschutzverletzung(core dumped)
12:10:42 <di-five> what can i do?
12:13:06 <warlord> di-five: grab a stack trace?
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12:14:40 <john_> do-five: Yes, get a stack trace, the more detailed (i.e., the more libraries you have with symbols) the better.
12:15:25 <Franck> hi :) i was wondering if you were considering adding the gnucash's python-binding to http://pypi.python.org/pypi/
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12:29:45 <warlord> Franck: I'm not sure how that would work
12:41:27 *** vehre has joined #gnucash
12:42:08 <vehre> Hi, I'm getting this error message during a report generation: Unbound variable: syntax-dispatch
12:42:27 <warlord> vehre: OS/Distro? GnuCash version?
12:42:51 <john_> vehre: And what report?
12:43:06 <vehre> Linux/Ubuntu 12.04 , 2.4.10
12:43:29 <vehre> and a self-written one, where I do some nasty things :-)
12:43:43 <john_> vehre:
12:44:06 <vehre> Linux Ubuntu 12.04 , 2.4.10
12:44:16 <vehre> Sorry there was slash in the message
12:44:41 <john_> Vehre: Well, then you've made your own bed, eh? "Unbound variable means that you're trying to use a variable to which you haven't assigned a value.
12:45:11 <vehre> That variable is defined in ice-9 syncase and exported there.
12:45:27 <vehre> I do not get, why guile, gnucash does not see it.
12:46:03 <vehre> Is the guille-interpreter in gnucash stripped of some functionality?
12:46:18 <vehre> can I see this somewhere without looking into the source code?
12:47:59 <john_> You can run the guile interpreter from the command line and check that ice-9 is properly installed. Everything *should* be there.
12:48:20 <john_> But if it isn't, it's Ubuntu's fault. ;-)
12:48:26 <vehre> ;-(
12:52:28 <vehre> Can I execute the report.scm outside of gnucash by calling guile report.scm and get something more than a syntax check?
12:52:42 <vehre> The syntax seems to be ok.
12:53:10 <john_> Probably not, because the gnucash libraries won't be loaded.
12:53:48 <vehre> ok, to be precise I am doing: gnucash-env guile report.scm
12:54:18 <vehre> This somehow puts the libs where guile can find them, but in the guile-session nothing seems to execute.
12:55:06 <john_> I'm not sure that's sufficient. Warlord?
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13:05:42 <john_> vehre: I can pretty-print syntax-dispatch if I (use-modules (ice-9 syncase)). Perhaps you need to add that to your report module.
13:05:58 <vehre> I did add it.
13:07:05 <warlord> What version of guile?
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13:07:58 <vehre> How do I find out?
13:08:01 <warlord> I can see it locally if I (use-modules (ice-9 syncase))
13:08:06 <warlord> guile -v
13:08:20 <warlord> .. but I'm on Fedora, not Ubuntu, so YMMV
13:08:21 <vehre> System has 1.8.8
13:08:24 <warlord> BIAB -- lunch
13:09:17 <john_> That's what I have, too. Does the following work for you from the guile prompt?
13:09:35 <vehre> guile> (use-modules (ice-9 syncase))
13:09:37 <vehre> guile> syntax-dispatch
13:09:39 <vehre> #<procedure #f (syntmp-e-1430 syntmp-p-1431)>
13:10:10 <vehre> That is what the prompt is saying. I do not get, why it does not work from gnucash.
13:10:13 <john_> > (use-modules (ice-9 pretty-print))
13:10:26 <john_> > (use-moudles (ice-9 syncase))
13:10:39 <john_> > (pretty-print syntax-dispatc)
13:11:01 <vehre> #<procedure #f (syntmp-e-1430 syntmp-p-1431)>
13:11:09 <di-five> my GnuCash crashes
13:11:24 <di-five> because there was no liboog.so.7
13:11:39 <di-five> i simply made "ln -s libogg.so.8 libogg.so.7"
13:12:32 <vehre> Now I added the pretty-print thingy to my report and the syntax-dispatch is there.
13:13:21 <vehre> (let-syntax ((symbol
13:13:23 <vehre> (syntax-rules ()
13:13:24 <vehre> ;;((symbol "Jahreszahl") (number->string year-val))
13:13:27 <vehre> ((symbol account) (string-append "###" account "###"))
13:13:29 <vehre> )
13:13:31 <vehre> ))
13:13:33 <vehre> (writefile filename (regexp-substitute/global #f
13:13:35 <vehre> "\\!\\![A-Za-z:]+" (readfile filename)
13:13:37 <vehre> 'pre (lambda (m) (symbol (match:substring m))) 'post
13:13:38 <vehre> ;; 'pre "###Ext-REF###" 'post
13:13:40 <vehre> ))
13:13:43 <vehre> This is the code
13:13:44 <vehre> there are some closing ) missing
13:13:49 <john_> do-five: That's bizarre. Gnucash has no dependency on LibOgg. What's trying to link it?
13:14:20 <vehre> Does any see, if there is still a syntax or understanding problem?
13:17:29 <john_> vehre: Sorry, you've exceeded my meager ability with Scheme. Ask again when Warlord comes back from his lunch.
13:18:33 <vehre> thx
13:19:15 <warlord> di-five: Sounds like you have a bad or out-of-date dependency somewhere.
13:20:31 <warlord> vehre: yeah, that's what I did locally..
13:20:38 <di-five> maybe, when i delete the symlink from libogg.so.7 to libogg.so.8 i get the following message
13:20:39 <warlord> Are you sure "account" is a string?
13:20:50 <di-five> Shared object "libogg.so.7" not found, required by "libgnomeui-2.so.0"
13:21:08 <warlord> di-five: sounds like you might need to rebuild libgnomeui
13:21:34 <warlord> vehre: I dont see any reference to syntax-dispatch in that code.
13:22:22 <di-five> warlorg, libgnomeui-2.24.4_1 requires libogg-1.3.0,4
13:22:31 <di-five> *warlord
13:23:03 <vehre> I do not see either, where that syntax-dispatch is coming from, but gnucash stops with the error message.
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13:23:54 <vehre> Yes, "account" is a string, it is from the regexp-... command.
13:24:05 <warlord> vehre: can you pastebin the full guile backtrace?
13:24:22 <vehre> and match:substring gives the string (I am checking that now.)
13:24:34 <warlord> di-five: it sounds like there's been some port update and you didn't rebuild everything.
13:26:39 <john_> di-five: Rubbish. Libgnomeui requires livxml, lib gnome, libgnomecanvas, libbonoboui, gconf, pango, glib, bio, gtk, gnomevfs, lib glade, and gnome-keyring. That's according to configure.in. Libgnomeui is an obsolete drawing library. It has nothing whatever to do with sound or video, so nothing to do with Ogg-Vorbis.
13:28:53 <vehre> http://pastebin.com/LBjQV03n
13:29:00 <vehre> That is all I get
13:29:23 <vehre> I am calling gnucash with --debug activated.
13:32:15 <warlord> Is there nothing before like 78?
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13:34:17 <warlord> it looks like the issue is within the ice9 code
13:34:28 <vehre> no
13:34:55 <warlord> For example, the issue is coming from inside syntmp-syntax-type-149 ...
13:35:12 <warlord> SO... I would chalk it up to a guile bug
13:36:00 <warlord> Maybe pull out that chunk of code into a standalone test case?
13:36:37 <warlord> I'll note that "syntax-dispatch" occurs nowhere in the gnucash code, so it's unlikely to be a problem with gnucash at all.
13:36:45 <vehre> I will do that.
13:36:52 <vehre> Stand by.
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13:41:46 <di-five> ok, thank you
13:41:52 <di-five> bb
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13:52:33 <vehre> I don't get it. Outside of gnucash, that code performs what it is made to.
13:54:35 <vehre> Is there a maximum stack-depth in guile?
14:02:05 <warlord> yes...
14:02:40 <warlord> Maybe check main.scm's stack settings
14:04:34 <warlord> e.g. (debug-set! stack 200000)
14:05:56 <vehre> The same here.
14:06:03 <vehre> Mhh.
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