2012-09-24 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:00:09 <DimStar> fell_: I don't think we bootstrap guile1, so autogen is likely not started and the patch to make them parallel installable missed something... let me check
03:01:31 <DimStar> fell_: we only rnu autoreconf -fiv; no ./autogen.sh
03:02:03 <DimStar> (spec file can be seen at https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file?file=guile1.spec&package=guile1&project=openSUSE%3AFactory&rev=3a319b328e592b06e352e1eec9ac300e )
03:18:38 *** fell_ is now known as fell
03:24:02 <fell> Moin, DimStar! I will later have a look at your spec file. Last night,I saw we have bug reports in both bug systems about guile 1 vs. 2, but I assume you know most of them.
03:27:03 <fell> I had a short look in the last time. Our problem is SWIG, which creates deprecated expressions and I saw only in they mailing list a patch for guile 2 without much response.
03:30:00 <DimStar> fell: yes, seems openSUSE 12.2 went out with a broken guile1 package (dang.. again..) it missed deps on some libs; I created an update already, which is in the :Update repo.. but seems rpm does something wrong there (it 'forgets' a folder... reinstalling guile1 afterwards fixes that issue and rpm does the right thing)
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04:45:17 <bootjgfx> I was looking at doing an extension to the gnucash program ... Is this possible generally ??
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04:55:08 <fell> bootjgfx: Something like http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Python_Bindings ?
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04:56:17 <bootjgfx> opening...
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04:58:40 <bootjgfx> its not opening for me .. just hangs ??
04:58:56 <bootjgfx> wait I'll re-open it.
04:59:39 <bootjgfx> ok got it .. hang-on.
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07:21:14 <Franck> in the "ApplyPayment()" method, is it possible to do it on a "Job" instead of "Invoice" : ApplyPayment(Job=j, ...) ?
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07:24:24 <fell> Franck: from my understanding no, a job is an internal thing, it doen't know of sales tax, rebates, payment terms ...
07:27:34 <Franck> ok, but how to tell gnucash that the ApplyPayment(invoice=x, ...) , the payment wasn't only for the invoice told in the ApplyPayment, but for "x" others invoices ?
07:28:05 <Franck> other ApplyPayment(..., amount=0,...) ?
07:28:18 <Franck> for each others invoices ?
07:31:08 <fell> IIRC the assignment is FIFO.
07:32:31 <Franck> so you don't need at all to tell gnucash for invoices payed.. they're automaticaly paid
07:33:55 <fell> http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/guide/bus-ar-payment1.html
07:36:15 <fell> warlord can tell you later more .
07:37:02 <Franck> ok
07:37:07 <Franck> thank you :)
07:38:57 <fell> welcome!
07:40:44 <Franck> ah, i was wondering too, is it possible to work quietly with the database ? not having :
07:40:47 <Franck> NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY créera un index implicite « employees_pkey » pour la table « employees »
07:41:15 <Franck> and lots of others line at every session.save()
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07:42:06 <Franck> like the fact that "numtest_back" table doesn't exists
07:44:37 <fell> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Tracefile#Trace_File_Adjustments ?
07:46:01 <Franck> not exactly ; it's in the python_binding i'm working with
07:50:42 <fell> noisy = gnc_is_extra_enabled()
07:51:51 <Franck> thanks :)
07:52:15 <fell> from python.init
07:52:43 <fell> (my first look in the python dir)
07:53:19 <Franck> i don't have this line in gnucash/__init__.py
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07:55:44 <fell> in src/python/init.py; I assume that is checking for gnucash --extra
07:56:18 <Franck> hum ! ok :)
07:58:47 <fell> Ah, this is the page with the llog details: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Logging
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08:10:55 <warlord> Franck: ApplyPayment applies the payment to the invoice owner (Customer) and will apply any overages to other invoices for that customer in FIFO order.
08:11:31 <warlord> Franck: If you are using a Database you never have to session.save()
08:12:01 <warlord> ... you only need to save if you're using XML.
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08:20:31 <Franck> oh !
08:20:36 <Franck> cool :)
08:21:02 <Franck> warlord: i found where gnucash saves the postgresql (like it saves .xml)...
08:21:21 <warlord> You only need to use sesson.save once.
08:21:22 <Franck> ls ~/.gnucash/translog/postgres_*
08:21:32 <warlord> (if you're using sql storage)
08:21:36 <Franck> when will you use it ?
08:21:45 <warlord> Once, when you create the database.
08:21:55 <warlord> (or if you're using XML)
08:22:01 <Franck> hum... i create it in the GUI
08:23:44 <warlord> then you should never need to use session.save, assuming you begin/commit your changes properly
08:24:26 <Franck> i hope i begin/commit my changes properly
08:26:04 <warlord> If so, then you dont need to save.
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09:29:54 <Franck> there is something curious ; CRIT <gnc.backend.dbi> [pgsql_error_fn()] DBI error: ERREUR: une valeur NULL viole la contrainte NOT NULL de la colonne « currency » ; but i have set a currency
09:30:07 <Franck> -> new_customer = Customer(self.book, self.gcpatient_id, self.currency,
09:30:13 <Franck> (Pdb) p self.currency
09:30:19 <Franck> <gnucash.gnucash_core.GncCommodity object at 0x272f390>
09:30:59 <Franck> but the customer is created in gnucash... even with the lines above
09:34:57 <warlord> Franck: are you sure that error is from inserting a Customer?
09:35:06 <Franck> yes i am
09:35:47 <Franck> it appears at the line new_customer = Customer(self.book, self.gcpatient_id, self.currency, name.encode("utf_8"))
09:36:45 <Franck> warlord: http://vimpaste.com/BR
09:44:04 <fell> Currency=NULL, if you compare the fieldnames and values
09:45:05 <fell> I took a spreadsheet and called text to columns.
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09:47:12 <Franck> oh ! the "name" field too is blank ... (the 2nd one) ...
09:48:18 <fell> warlord: with "pod2man $< > $@" in the makefile I can extract man pages for gnc-fq-*
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09:54:28 <warlord> fell: I don't think we want to depend on pod2man existing during the build.
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09:59:53 <fell> Ok, I will it not commit. I will put it in bugzilla for discussion.
10:00:22 <warlord> for example, I dont know if pod2man is available in the default Win32 build.
10:00:46 <warlord> considering those apps dont change much, why not just run pod2man manually and check in the resulting manpages?
10:00:50 <fell> It is part of perldoc
10:01:44 <warlord> is that a current build dep?
10:03:10 <fell> It is a very basic part of perl, because all of their docs are made by it.
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10:08:26 <warlord> Sure, but I don't think perl is part of our build system, is it? I dont think we *need* perl to build gnucash currently.
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10:43:42 <TommyT> fell: I just saw your message (from yesterday?) I am trying the Thunderbird irc client. Is it doing something strange?
10:49:21 <fell> TommyT: you are spamming the logs: http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2012/09/2012-09-23.html#T11:56:50 -18:17:16 every ~10 min. out & in
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10:51:12 <fell> Or your router (energy save mode?) or provider is always disconnecting
10:52:09 <TommyT> It is probably the irc client in Thunderbird. I will disconnect it. Sorry for the spam!
10:52:39 <fell> NP.
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10:53:40 <fell> warlord: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=684719
11:00:39 <warlord> fell: possibly in /doc next to gnucash.1.in ?
11:03:33 <fell> warlord: yep.
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12:19:56 <Franck> warlord: even with postgresql, i must Session.save() everytime i insert / modify an Invoice, too.
12:20:49 <Franck> if not, the invoice is lost.
12:21:58 <Franck> hum...
12:22:17 <Franck> maybe i'm not beginning / comminting my change properly :/
12:22:23 <warlord> Franck: Are you using begin_edit and commit_edit ?
12:22:28 <Franck> no
12:23:04 <Franck> http://vimpaste.com/BI
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12:28:25 <warlord> Franck: that's your problem; you need to use begin_edit and commit_edit around your changes to get them into the database.
12:28:52 <Franck> i'm just doing it right now
12:29:44 <warlord> ok
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13:07:40 <fell> Hm, what is this changed property in http://code.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/22424 ?
13:08:56 <warlord> fell: looks like a change to svn:ignore
13:09:53 <fell> but which kind? " " to "" or vice versa?
13:10:30 <warlord> I dont think I can tell from trac
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15:17:32 <Franck> warlord: i'm really ashamed to trouble you with it, but i turn this to lots of differents shape, but i can't arrive to make it work ;
15:18:32 <Franck> would you look at http://vimpaste.com/BF , and maybe tell me where i could put the invoice.BeginEdit() (and Commit()) in order to make it work ?
15:21:16 <warlord> Franck: why are you removing all the entries every time? That seems REALLY overkill.
15:23:03 <warlord> a) you need to begin/commit each entry.
15:23:07 <warlord> b) try to commit before post.
15:23:58 <Franck> because you told me something... that i knew wasn't about the entries, but i didn't knew how to deal with it ; wait...
15:24:30 <Franck> 19:46 <@warlord> you also now have an extra txn in your data file, which you might need to get rid of.
15:25:12 <Franck> i tried to deal with the extra txn by removing the entries
15:25:34 <warlord> Yeah, no, that's not going to do what you think/want
15:25:44 <warlord> The extra txn is from before, when you double-posted the invoice.
15:26:43 <Franck> ah ! before i "Unpost"
15:26:53 <warlord> Right...
15:27:37 <warlord> Before you did the unpost, what would happen is that "post" would create a txn (T1), and link that to the invoice. Then you would post again, creating T2, and overwriting the linkage because an invoice can only have one transaction.
15:27:45 <warlord> ... This is enforced by the UI; not by the engine.
15:27:53 <warlord> .. So you didn't follow the invariant.
15:28:10 <Franck> ok
15:28:50 <warlord> you dont need to remove the entired.
15:28:52 <warlord> entries
15:29:50 <Franck> i'm trying right now without removing anything
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15:48:51 <Franck> i tried both with invoice / invoice_entry .{Begin,Commit}Edit the invoice isn't kept http://vimpaste.com/BC
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15:58:52 <warlord> Franck: you still dont have invoice.BeginEdit and invoice.CommitEdit
16:01:03 <Franck> i tried invoice.BeginEdit() invoice.CommitEdit() didn't worked ; that's why i tried invoice_entry.BeginEdit() ....
16:01:53 <Franck> hum...
16:01:58 <Franck> around the Post?
16:03:10 <warlord> Franck: you need both
16:03:25 <warlord> no, around the whole thing.
16:03:45 <Franck> ok...
16:24:15 <Franck> warlord: am i close enough... sorry, but still can't make it work : http://vimpaste.com/Bw
16:25:37 <warlord> Franck: Sorry, I have no idea at this point. I dont use the python bindings. it *should* work. But of course there could be a bug, too.
16:25:38 <Franck> the CommitEdit() after the PostToAccount won't work neither , the invoice.BeginEdit() close to Entry(self.book, invoice) neither
16:25:48 <Franck> hum
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16:25:56 <warlord> I also dont use SQL
16:26:00 <warlord> so double whammy
16:26:12 <warlord> The issue with using session.save is that it might wipe your database
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