2012-09-21 GnuCash IRC logs
00:01:15 <phunyguy> NEVERMIND! I FOUND IT! you have to manually specify a date instead of "earliest possible date" for ING to accept it.
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05:13:16 <Hinnerk> Hi
05:13:49 <Hinnerk> I'm trying to teach gnucash the proper accounts when import from my online checking account
05:14:41 <Hinnerk> Since there are a lot of bookings, I would like to start slow and import week by week, so that more and more suggestions are correct and I don't need to manually set all of them.
05:15:19 <Hinnerk> however when I import and tell the dialoge to import only up to a certain date, this setting is not respected, but rather everything up to today is being imported...
05:15:30 <Hinnerk> is this a know bug? am I doing something wrong?
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06:23:29 <fell> Hinnerk: Have a look at the log files below $HOME/.aqbanking. For details see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/De/HBCI#Fehlersuche
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08:47:06 <vehre> Hi, what does this errormsg mean:
08:47:14 <vehre> ERROR: In procedure scm_lreadr:
08:47:16 <vehre> ERROR: #<unknown port>:1:275: Unknown # object: #\<
08:47:47 <vehre> I am writing a new report and now have already moved the report away, but gnucash always displays this message.
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08:55:39 <warlord> looks like it's trying to read something and failing.. is there more to the stack trace?
08:57:21 <vehre> Nop, but I could solve it by deleting everything for ~/.gnucash
08:58:40 <warlord> Ah, if you had a saved or open report that could be it..
09:05:09 <vehre> I need to delete the .gnucash/books directory, whenever I have an error in my report. This is tedious.
09:10:01 <warlord> No, you should only need to delete the saved-reports
09:10:05 <warlord> ... assuming you save a report.
09:10:25 <vehre> I don't
09:10:28 <warlord> But you shouldn't even have to do that unless you are actually saving the report.
09:10:37 <warlord> ... or you have the report open and then remove it..
09:10:47 <warlord> Are you changing the report GUID every time you change the report?
09:10:51 <vehre> Nop
09:10:59 <warlord> or the report name?
09:11:03 <vehre> No
09:11:22 <warlord> Then there's no reason you should have to delete anything out of .gnucash
09:11:24 <vehre> I just made a mistake in my scheme spelling.
09:11:46 <vehre> It's a little bit rusted :-)
09:11:47 <warlord> Ah, here's a question -- did you start from an existing report?
09:12:05 <vehre> Jepp, from the example and I changed the UID.
09:12:09 <warlord> and if so, did you change the report GUID from the existing...
09:12:15 <warlord> okay..
09:12:50 <warlord> This is on Linux?
09:13:52 <vehre> Yes. Gnucash 2.4.10 as coming with Ubuntu 12.04
09:15:27 <warlord> hmm.
09:15:44 <warlord> How are you getting gnucash to load your report?
09:16:06 <vehre> Using a (load path) in config.user
09:17:28 <warlord> How about just putting the report into the standard-reports directory?
09:21:25 <vehre> Same result.
09:22:37 <warlord> And same result on restart?!?
09:23:07 <vehre> Yes. I figured, that I must not close gnucash with the report open, when I made a mistake in there.
09:23:35 <vehre> If I miss to do so I have to remove the file in .gnucash/book/
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09:30:00 <warlord> Ah, yes, if the report is broken then yes, make sure you don't have it open when you quit
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10:56:08 <phunyguy> Quick question again, I noticed that deposit transactions are listed last in the register, how can I make it list them first? Nothing like all of my bills coming out and making my balance red until the line containing the paycheck.. It's not a huge deal, just a minor annoyance.
11:01:19 <warlord> change the date
11:01:45 <warlord> or use the txn number to set an intra-day order
11:09:05 <phunyguy> Sounds messy.
11:09:54 <phunyguy> seems like a simple checkbox to add to the preferences, "Display deposits before withdrawal"
11:10:01 <phunyguy> +s
11:13:31 <warlord> Eww. checkboxes/options are bad -- it adds code bloat, adds testing requirements, and can quickly add bugs when an option is rarely used.
11:14:06 <warlord> But honestly, __transactions__ within a day are listed in the order in which you enter them.
11:14:14 <warlord> So just enter your deposits first.
11:14:36 <warlord> Unless you're talking about Debit v Credit splits in a Split transaction?
11:20:31 <warlord> BIAB
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11:23:34 <phunyguy> talking about scheduled transactions.
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12:17:31 <Franck> something strange : i create an invoice with one sale ; this sale comes from Incomes/Sales → Assets/Receivables_Acccounts
12:19:15 <Franck> let's says it was 10$
12:19:48 <Franck> then, under the SAME invoice, i add a second sale : in Assets/Receivables_Account, from Incomes/Sales, i now have the price of the second sales (30 $) and first sale (10$)
12:20:33 <Franck> if i edit the invoice (this is the only invoice that exists in my database) : it is worth 40 $ (30 + 10)
12:20:51 <Franck> the customer paid it : Assets/Bank : 40$ normal
12:20:53 <Franck> BUT
12:21:18 <Franck> Incomes/Sales says 50$
12:21:40 <Franck> and Receivables_Accounts still waits for 10$
12:25:41 <Franck> i should precise that's under python-binding i'm adding this invoice
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12:57:56 <phunyguy> Ahh, that works. I created the scheduled transactions in the order i want them to happen, and that works out well.
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13:29:17 <warlord> phunyguy: no clue about SX order.
13:29:51 <warlord> Franck: Sorry, no clue about the python bindings, but why are you adding to an existing invoice? Are you adding once it is posted?
13:30:35 <Franck> because i don't want to create an invoice for each act i do...
13:31:44 <Franck> so i make an invoice, i see a patient during n appointement, doing x acts , adding the acts to the invoice
13:32:00 <Franck> and when it's done, patient pay the invoice.
13:33:04 <Franck> when, 6 month/1 year later, patient come back for follow up, i open a new invoice, normally onty for one act (the checkup) but if others acts are needed (.....)
13:36:23 <Franck> warlord: http://vimpaste.com/BH
13:37:00 <Franck> i know it's python, but you may see how i add in the invoice everytime...
13:37:10 <warlord> Franck: sure, you can add multiple line-items to an invoice, that makes sense.. But you need to add all the line-items before you post it to A/R.
13:37:19 <warlord> Once it is posted, you must UNPOST before you add new items.
13:37:53 <warlord> Yeah, that code is wrong and broken
13:38:07 <warlord> Once it's posted you MUST NOT modify the invoice, unless you UNPOST it first.
13:38:16 <Franck> ok :)
13:38:30 <warlord> To fix your code, unpost it if you find it's already existing.
13:38:44 <Franck> thanx a lot :) really sorry for the bad RTFM i made :/
13:39:09 <Franck> yes, that's what i'll do
13:45:01 <warlord> well, a lot of the business logic is in the ui.. which you are bypassing..
13:45:16 <warlord> the ui would prevent this
13:46:05 <warlord> you also now have an extra txn in your data file, which you might need to get rid of.
13:55:01 <Franck> just to be sure... txn = transaction ?
13:55:52 <warlord> yes
13:56:19 <warlord> the first post will have created one. Then the second post created another.. That's why your books are off.
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14:24:52 <Franck> f*ck ; i update my "personnal_accounting", i erased all :( on postgresql, how my i "return in time" ?
14:25:42 <phunyguy> warlord, I am assuming scheduled transactions have some sort of date-stamp as well, so they are processed according to date, as well as the order they were created if the date is the same.
14:26:08 <warlord> Franck: postgres?? Did you create a DB backup?
14:26:17 <Franck> no :/
14:26:21 <warlord> phunyguy: i honestly dont know.
14:26:27 <warlord> Franck: oops, well... sorry.
14:26:33 <warlord> 'rm is forever'
14:26:58 <Franck> luckily, i update to postgresql a few days ago from xml...
14:27:27 <warlord> luckily you only lost a few days of data, then. But you should be sure to back up your database.
14:27:34 <phunyguy> you don't have a time machine, warlord? I thought all the ops did to fix everyone's accidental rm... =P
14:27:41 <Franck> from now, i will !
14:27:44 <warlord> LOL
14:28:02 <Franck> lol :)
14:30:37 <phunyguy> I wish I had a time machine, I would have gone back to wednesday and moved the thing I tripped over, thus avoiding a completely removed toenail... >< ouch....
14:33:59 <warlord> OUCH
14:35:30 <Franck> humm... 15 days lost
14:41:16 <warlord> sorry to hear that
14:41:54 <Franck> you don't have to... i'm stapid not to have "pg_dump" in my crontab
14:50:49 <warlord> Fair enough..
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