2012-09-18 GnuCash IRC logs
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00:28:48 <fell> @tell vivace No, you should use an expense account. If you like at the end ofyour fiscal year, you can use the close book tool. then equity new will be equity old + income - expense.
00:28:48 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
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05:38:40 <Franck> hello
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16:12:08 <Hinnerk> Hi
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16:13:04 <fell> Ho
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16:19:40 <warlord> Hello
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16:33:23 <Franck> hello everybody :) Sorry to disturb, but i'm trying to build a python program, and i'm kind of need gnucash ; i read http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/head/group__python__bindings.html and the python_scripts-examples ; i also read /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-pack/gnucash/gnucash-business (and the others, of course) ;
16:34:29 <Franck> but my lack of knowledge in coding, and "codes" of coding make that there still are some stuff i can't figure what it is and how to use it
16:35:15 <Franck> especially, right now, it the "instance=None" of the class GnuCashBusinessEntity(GnuCashCoreClass):
16:36:25 <Franck> that i may use instead of book,id,currency and [name] ; maybe someone could help me to know what it is, and, that way, how i may use it if it was usefull for me
16:41:34 <warlord> Franck: the python bindings aren't very pythony.. it's really a C interface accessible from python
16:42:21 <Franck> sadly, i'm only know a "little" of python
16:43:13 <Franck> and i'm not ready to rewrite my software in C
16:43:58 <fell> 1. What are you trying to do. 2. Where did you see "instance=None" of the class ...
16:43:58 <warlord> No, my point was that the Python API is pretty much the C API. You can use it from python, but it "looks" like C
16:44:45 <Hinnerk> I'm still trying to understad the scrub mechanism for stocks :)
16:44:46 <Franck> def __init__(self, book=None, id=None, currency=None, name=None, instance=None):
16:45:00 <Hinnerk> let's say I bought stocks for 1000 and sold them for 1300.
16:45:10 <Franck> warlord: ok :)
16:45:14 <Hinnerk> scrubbing will bring a realized gain of 300.
16:45:33 <Hinnerk> but then I also need to book expenses (trading fees)
16:45:52 <warlord> Franck: that implies that there is a default instance of 'none' to the API. It means you can supply an 'instance' object in the initializer
16:46:01 <Hinnerk> if I change the booking, won't future scrubbing bring back the delta?
16:46:09 <Hinnerk> say expenses are 30.
16:46:39 <Hinnerk> then each run of scrubbing would add a booking of 30 as realized gains...?
16:47:28 <Franck> fell: i'm building a software for a dental office (i'm a dentist) ; the act that are done but unpaid, i want to send them in a customer invoice in a Account Receivable from my software, and be able, again since my software to turn them when paid in "assets-banks" ; all the rest we'll be treated directly in gnucash, but i need this bridge between my software and gnucash
16:48:17 <warlord> Hinnerk: the fees should be a part of the sale transaction
16:48:35 <Hinnerk> meaing, you subtract it from the sell price?
16:49:31 <Franck> warlord: i see ; right now, i can't imagine how to use it, but maybe later, i'll need it and be happy that it exists :)
16:49:50 <warlord> Hinnerk: no, meaning you split it out of proceeds.
16:49:55 <warlord> The *price* is the same.
16:50:02 <fell> Hinnerk: No sell 1300; broker fees 30; bank: 1270
16:50:21 <Hinnerk> ah, good point!
16:53:41 <Franck> i know how to add a customer into the database (with the python binding part...) question : how to "select this customer" from the database, while i'm building an invoice ?
16:55:07 <warlord> Sorry, you've pretty much reached my limit on python.
16:55:41 <fell> warlord: but you know the C functions. ;)
16:56:02 <warlord> fell: there is no "find_by_name" -- you need to set up a query
16:56:24 <fell> if anybody know the business features.
16:57:03 <Franck> i'd pretty much "find_by_id" as i insert new Patient = new Customer, and both have same id in odontux and gnucash
16:58:08 <warlord> Well, if you just input the customer then you should have the object. But if you need to look it up later then you'll need to set up a query to find it. Unless you have the customer's GUID, in which case you could use gncCustomerLookup()
16:58:30 <Franck> hum...
16:59:44 <Franck> i may get the new_customer_GUID easily while creating it ? because i just need to insert it my database, and i'll have it forever
17:00:55 <warlord> Sure, you can extract it out.
17:01:45 <Franck> :)
17:01:47 <warlord> qof_instance_get_guid()
17:02:01 <warlord> (I'm not 100% sure the pythonic way to do it)
17:02:23 <Franck> i'll find out :)
17:10:29 <mikee> There is a book.CustomerLookupByID(id_string)
17:11:11 <mikee> The ID can be obtained from the normal GnuCash interface
17:11:32 <mikee> It has to be a string like "000011"
17:14:20 <Franck> mikee: thanks :) it seems to work :)
17:14:46 <Franck> patient = book.CustomerLookupByID("1")
17:15:36 <Franck> the "patient" variable created above is the "Owner" i send when i'm creating an Invoice, i presume
17:19:40 <mikee> AFAIK yes.
17:20:07 <mikee> But an invoice can also owned by a job, I think.
17:21:07 <mikee> invoice = Invoice(book, 'INVOICE_ID', gbp, patient )
17:21:29 <mikee> Assuming the currency is gbp
17:21:45 <Franck> for Invoice, owner may be : (Customer, Job, Employee, Vendor)
17:22:14 <Franck> for the moment, it's eur (french)
17:22:29 <Franck> but i want to move in the world...
17:23:06 <Franck> i'll try to work in february (and for a few month/years) in GB ; maybe Brasil after...
17:23:16 <mikee> Don't come to Wales, the weather is crap.
17:23:36 <Franck> ok...
17:23:41 <mikee> Rain mostly
17:23:55 <Franck> which part of gb is better for the weather ?
17:24:06 <Franck> (the best...)
17:25:38 <mikee> South east seems to be better in summer, colder in the winter.
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17:28:10 <Franck> the truth is, if i succeed at IELTS and that the GDC allows me to work over there, i'll work where a dentist will trust me to let me work on a chair in his dental office, wherever it is... but now, i sure hope it will be in the south-east ;)
17:31:18 <mikee> Good luck.
17:31:54 <Franck> :
17:31:56 <Franck> :)
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18:49:48 <daum> hey guys - is there a way to have gnuash display a total for when you search for a transaction? For example I search for a check number in my checking account, it gave me all related entries but it doesn't give me a sum so i have to go through all of them and add them up by hand
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