2012-09-06 GnuCash IRC logs
00:02:41 *** fell has joined #gnucash
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11:31:15 *** hermann_fuerth has joined #gnucash
11:39:28 <hermann_fuerth> Trying cyberjack secoder under ubuntu 12.04 64Bit with gnucash failed. aqbanking-Einrichtung starts nice, finds reader and card, shows Data from DDV-Card like Bank-BLU User-iD and Kto-iD but not Bank-Name;
11:40:09 <hermann_fuerth> Fails with Errormessage "Antwort konnte nicht kodiert werden"
11:43:12 <hermann_fuerth> Found same trouble from others with googleing but no help; It seems to be a common issue, can someone help?
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11:49:09 <fell_> herrmann_fuerth: which type of ddv card?
11:49:22 <fell_> or which bank?
11:49:36 *** fell_ is now known as fell
11:56:04 <hermann_fuerth> fell: Bankname is Sparkasse. What types are there? How do i find out what type i have. It ordered it only for HBCI banking and works still fine under ubuntu 9.04 / gnucash aqbanking
12:03:48 <fell> IIRC Sparkasse should work. Probably the best place to ask, would be the mailing lists gnucash-de@gnucash.org or aqbanking-user@lists.aqbanking.de.
12:07:38 <hermann_fuerth> OK, so i will search and ask there. Thanks
12:08:31 <fell> you are welcome.
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14:12:28 <fell> crabbe: Sorry, didn't see your question before.
14:12:56 <fell> 1. 2.2.9 is really outdated, you should upgrade.
14:13:27 <fell> 2. I fear you shot yourself in the feet: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_Why_can.27t_GnuCash_find_my_data_file_anymore.3F_It_just_says:_parser_error_:_Start_tag_expected.2C_.27.3C.27_not_found
14:16:39 <fell> warlord: about suse and guile-1: libguile1-devel has /usr/share/aclocal/guile1.m4, which is not found as guile.m4 is expected.
14:17:26 <fell> Some idea, how to tell this configure?
14:18:36 <fell> resp. autogen
14:19:54 <fell> IIRC we have similar tweeks for fooN
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14:27:06 <fell> Next point: Am I right, there is no guile2 compatibe swig until now? and files like guile-mappings.h or scm/base-typemaps.i are not the right places to fix this?
14:37:38 <warlord> I dont know much about guile2
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14:49:45 *** mikemorr has joined #gnucash
14:51:41 <mikemorr> Hi all. At http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Keyboard_Shortcuts it says "The accelerator map can also be edited on Windows".
14:51:53 <mikemorr> How do I do that? Where is the file I need to edit?
14:54:40 <fell> mikemorr: good question! /me is scanning the FAQ.
14:56:00 <fell> $HOME is at YSDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\SER%\
14:56:44 <mikemorr> Oh I just found C:/Program Files (x86)/gnucash/share/gnucash/ui/osx_accel_map
14:57:10 <mikemorr> Maybe that's it, although I wonder why it's called "osx" on my Windows installation.
14:58:40 <fell> No that is general; below your $HOME direcory
15:00:29 <fell> e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<yourname>\.gnucash\accelerator-map
15:05:48 <mikemorr> fell: OK thanks. I tried editing C:\Users\mikemorr\.gnucash\accelerator-map (while GnuCash was not running) but I don't think it worked.
15:06:34 <mikemorr> I tried changing o to j in ...FileOpenAction" "<Primary>o"
15:07:18 <fell> was it there? (I am not using windows) or is it below <yourname>\Local Settings\...
15:08:44 <fell> or was it C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local\...
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15:10:11 <mikemorr> I don't seem to have a Local Settings folder.
15:10:46 <mikemorr> I looked in AppData\Local but I don't see anything for GnuCash there.
15:11:51 <mikemorr> I do notice that the modified date/time on the C:\Users\mikemorr\.gnucash\accelerator-map file is updated each time I open and close the GnuCash application.
15:12:17 <mikemorr> Which makes me think I've found the right file, but maybe I'm not editing it correctly.
15:12:32 <mikemorr> (Using 64-bit Vista)
15:14:28 <mikemorr> Oh wait, maybe I need to remove the semicolon from the beginning of the line; it might be commented out.
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15:16:09 <mikemorr> Yep that was it! Thanks fell!
15:16:35 <fell> mikemorr. can you update the wiki?
15:17:25 <mikemorr> OK. Creating a wiki account now :)
15:18:20 <fell> a) Vista Path, b) ";" marks a line as comment
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15:23:01 <warlord> mikemorr: yeah, that could be ;)
15:36:35 <mikemorr> OK thanks fell and warlord! Here's my edit: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/index.php?title=Keyboard_Shortcuts&diff=8783&oldid=8781
15:38:53 <fell> Very nice! Thank you, mikemorr!
16:10:05 <mikemorr> When I click File > Properties, a small window appears very briefly, with the title (I think) "window1"; then it disappears and the Book Options window takes its place.
16:10:13 <mikemorr> I have two questions:
16:10:30 <mikemorr> Why does that window1 appear so briefly?
16:10:55 <mikemorr> And why is the second window called Book Options rather than Properties?
16:11:21 <mikemorr> (or conversely, maybe the Properties menu item should be called Book Options?)
16:20:20 <fell> mikemorr: I don't see window1 - which version are you using?
16:21:24 <mikemorr> 2.4.11
16:21:51 <mikemorr> I'll see if I can video-capture it.
16:22:10 <fell> In theory of gnucash's model a file could contain more than one book, but that was never implemented.
16:24:33 <fell> So the only book is choosen and the specific attributes of the book can be edited.
16:25:21 <mikemorr> Hm, maybe that "window1" was going to be a book-chooser dialog, but it closes itself since there's only one book.
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16:28:16 <mikemorr> Gotta go for a minute...
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16:32:27 <fell> time for supper!
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16:51:40 <mikemorr> Anyway, here's a video of that "window1": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFABHw5uGS4
16:53:17 <warlord> mikemorr: it's called "Book Options" because it's an "Options" dialog for the "Book" object internally. I think the title is auto generated. As opposed to "Report Options"
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16:57:09 <mikemorr> warlord: Ah, that makes sense. I wonder if it would make sense to change "Properties" to "Book Options" in the menu then?
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17:01:03 * mikemorr adds a screenshot of that window1: http://mikemorr.com/gnucash-window1.png
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