2012-08-25 GnuCash IRC logs
01:25:20 *** fell has quit IRC
02:01:50 *** ErKa has quit IRC
02:59:28 *** ilisten has joined #gnucash
03:12:05 *** ilisten has quit IRC
03:21:10 *** ironwolf1 has joined #gnucash
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04:07:10 *** fell has joined #gnucash
04:07:10 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
04:07:21 *** mikee has quit IRC
04:14:14 *** mikee has joined #gnucash
04:14:15 *** gncbot sets mode: +o mikee
05:04:18 *** Krzysiek_K has joined #gnucash
05:26:04 *** Bodhi has joined #gnucash
05:27:21 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
05:55:56 *** Krzysiek_K has quit IRC
06:26:58 *** aqua___ has joined #gnucash
06:44:28 *** aqua___ has quit IRC
06:53:19 *** Bodhi has quit IRC
07:40:53 *** Jimraehl has left #gnucash
07:56:47 *** Jimraehl has joined #gnucash
08:54:55 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
09:02:46 <warlord> good morning all
09:03:11 <warlord> fell, mikee, are you going to be around today/tonight?
09:04:01 <fell> I will be on the highway for 2-3 hours
09:06:46 <warlord> fun! going anywhere fun?
09:07:17 <warlord> I'm only asking because when I do the hardware move I'm going to lose network so both gncbot and I will disappear
09:08:01 <mikee> I should be on line all day.
09:08:26 <mikee> I'll check in regulary as I'm not at the computer all day .
09:08:51 <mikee> Good luck with the UPS.
09:12:06 <mikee> You estimate 18:00 (your time) finish?
09:12:54 <warlord> Well, I hope to be done well before that.
09:13:16 <warlord> I already got my main shelves installed, so unless I mis-measured and have to move them I should be okay there.
09:13:26 <warlord> I found my cables so I've got those set up.
09:13:36 <mikee> I'll try and stay awake :)
09:13:51 <warlord> So it's just turning everything off, unplugged, moving, re-cabling, and then turning it all back on.
09:14:35 <warlord> Mostly it'll depend on when I get to start. My wife is going to take the baby to her mom's. I'll probably wait to start until then, which means ~11am
09:14:48 <warlord> My *hope* is that I'll be done by 1400 EDT
09:14:52 <warlord> (1800 UTC)
09:15:07 <warlord> But of course, nothing ever completely goes to plan. ;)
09:15:29 <mikee> Just what I was about to say.
09:15:55 <warlord> Right, that's why I said the later time, to give room for something to go wrong.
09:15:59 <mikee> I'm sure it'll be a breeze.
09:16:38 <warlord> (the only thing that did go wrong was that I ordered some 10" short shelves for things like my switch, cablemodem, etc, and they haven't arrived yet.. They're sitting at the local UPS depot.
09:17:00 <warlord> It should be fine provided I didn't mis-measure.
09:17:21 <mikee> Measured twice I hope.
09:17:34 <warlord> Yeah
09:18:27 <mikee> I've lost count of the times I've cut things 100mm too short.
09:18:43 <warlord> LOL
09:19:09 <warlord> In some places it's going to be tight. I know I have to remove the feet off one of my machines in order to get it to fit.
09:21:20 <mikee> Well, have fun. Lunch time here.
09:21:32 <fell> Can you send a foto when it is finished?
09:21:58 <warlord> Yes. I was planning to take some before and after photos.
09:22:10 <warlord> Alas, I didn't take anything before the UPS and shelves went in.
09:22:31 <warlord> But yes, I'll take pictures along the way as best I can.
09:33:43 *** vbatts has quit IRC
09:36:20 *** xnox has joined #gnucash
09:36:21 <fell> mikee, you are working on the docs? http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Documentation_Update_Instructions#Publish_your_Authorship
09:56:04 <mikee> fell: Sort of.
09:56:32 <mikee> I updated some the guide docs recently.
09:58:22 <fell> Then you should add your name at the referenced places.
10:00:16 <mikee> You're right, I should.
10:01:01 <mikee> And shall.
10:04:29 <warlord> :)
10:08:34 <warlord> Need to deal with the baby.. I'll probably start around 11:15 EDT
10:18:06 *** aqua___ has joined #gnucash
10:29:01 * fell is On the road again ...
10:30:28 <warlord> Have fun, fell
10:30:48 <fell> Yep!
10:31:35 *** fell has quit IRC
11:23:35 <warlord> Okay, starting the maint..
15:13:32 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
15:16:12 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
15:16:21 <warlord> hiya mikee
15:28:25 *** jmd has quit IRC
15:28:28 <warlord> mikee: can you /op gncbot when you get the chance?
15:52:07 *** john has quit IRC
16:04:27 *** evo has joined #gnucash
16:05:49 *** mikee sets mode: +o gncbot
16:06:09 <mikee> warlord: Nice to you back. Success?
16:06:15 <warlord> @op
16:06:15 <gncbot> warlord: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
16:06:29 <warlord> yes indeed.
16:06:30 <warlord> @op
16:06:30 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
16:06:35 <warlord> I'll post pics shortly.
16:06:57 <mikee> Exellent. I can relax now and have a beer.
16:07:38 <mikee> Have one youeself.
16:08:16 <warlord> I will in a couple hours..
16:08:46 <warlord> Thanks! Enjoy your beer.
16:08:56 <mikee> Will do. Cheers.
16:08:59 <warlord> (if you ever come to Atlanta you can enjoy some of my homebrew)
16:09:31 <mikee> It's a long way, but if I ever do, I will.
16:12:06 *** evo has quit IRC
16:13:50 <warlord> :-D
16:14:07 <warlord> I'll be in London the year after next..
16:14:34 <warlord> (March 2014)
16:16:42 <warlord> Now to grab some lunch.. (at 4:15pm)
16:18:28 *** ErKa has quit IRC
16:52:19 *** aqua___ has quit IRC
17:13:12 <warlord> mikee: I hope you don't object, I had a glass of wine instead of beer. Maybe I'll have some beer later.
20:16:11 *** pnema has joined #gnucash
20:24:44 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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21:11:16 *** ErKa has quit IRC
21:53:31 *** Jimraehl has quit IRC
22:55:32 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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23:49:51 *** timfrost has joined #gnucash