2012-08-14 GnuCash IRC logs
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11:21:04 <gjanssens> ping warlord
11:21:58 <warlord> pong
11:22:22 <warlord> fyi, i was thinking of installing gitolite on code..
11:22:22 <gjanssens> Hi there, still alive with the new family situation ?
11:22:40 <warlord> alive, mostly...
11:22:46 <warlord> definitely sleep deprived
11:23:05 <gjanssens> no doubt
11:23:13 <gjanssens> parents are a strong breed
11:23:21 <gjanssens> (by necessity)
11:23:53 <warlord> if i am slow-- have baby in arms noiw
11:24:05 <gjanssens> np
11:24:24 <gjanssens> I wanted to inform you I have updated daily_build.bat to use git for the trunk build
11:24:37 <gjanssens> Do you have to copy the script somewhere on the server ?
11:25:08 <warlord> nope. it'll get checked out from svn ;)
11:25:39 <warlord> (hopefully)
11:27:20 <gjanssens> you mean the nightly trigger reads c:\soft\packaging\build_daily.bat ?
11:27:33 <warlord> yes
11:28:20 <gjanssens> Can this be changed to read c:\soft\gnucash\repos\packaging\win32\build_daily.bat ?
11:28:48 <gjanssens> The new build configuration on trunk doesn't use a separate directory anymore for the build scripts
11:29:11 <gjanssens> Is this something I can do myself perhaps ?
11:29:22 <warlord> should be able to..
11:29:27 * gjanssens wouldn't know where to look
11:30:13 <gjanssens> Hmm, scheduled tasks maybe...
11:30:23 <warlord> sounds right
11:34:47 <gjanssens> That should be fixed now
11:35:02 <gjanssens> I'm curious to see tomorrow's build
11:35:36 <gjanssens> BTW tomorrow is a holiday here in Belgium, so if something goes wrong I'll probably only notice on Thursday
11:36:32 <warlord> ok.
11:36:57 <warlord> how would the build scripts handle a clean rebuild?
11:40:41 <warlord> Okay, mommy has baby.
11:41:13 <warlord> So, one potential issue of the in-tree packaging directory is that it's much harder to do an 'rm -rf ...' and maintain the custom settings.
11:41:52 <warlord> We can try "make clean" or even "make maintainer-clean", but often 'rm -rf' is needed, and that's going to be harder unless we keep a copy of the custom settings elsewhere and remember to copy it back in.
11:45:46 <gjanssens> Got interupted here...
11:46:54 <gjanssens> Building in-tree assumes you have the source code already downloaded (using git or svn, both still work)
11:47:15 <warlord> Sure..
11:47:16 <gjanssens> Secondly, we don't build inside the source tree, but in a dedicated build directory
11:47:32 <gjanssens> So an rm -rf of the source tree should be very rare
11:47:56 <warlord> Ah, I forgot about that.
11:48:19 <warlord> Okay, fair enough.
11:48:39 <warlord> So yes, the scheduled tasks should be where it's configured, IIRC. It's been a long time since I set that up.
11:49:02 <gjanssens> I found it and changed the paths in the meantime.
11:53:05 <warlord> That should be all that is necessary.
11:53:23 <warlord> ... Except, what about the tag build(s)?
11:53:46 <gjanssens> I was just writing a mail on that (to keep the conversation on the list)
11:54:50 <gjanssens> But in short: the script is ready for it, but not tested yet.
11:55:20 <warlord> Okay.
11:55:45 <warlord> Not sure how best to test that. ;)
11:55:54 <warlord> (we probably need to seed it with all the current tags)
11:56:19 <warlord> Also, I suspect that the svn->git migration has turned the existing tags into git branches instead of git tags
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11:57:57 <gjanssens> When no tags cache exists the script just assumes all tags have been built and does nothing but creating a tags cache
11:58:11 <gjanssens> So we can run the script once to generate the tags cache
11:58:24 <gjanssens> Remove one tag from the cache and run again
11:59:01 <gjanssens> The cache is a very simplistic text file listing all tags with their git hash (or svn revision number depending on the source repo)
11:59:44 <gjanssens> And the git tree does have true tags. The svn-git bridge code is clever enough to know the difference and properly create tags
12:16:15 <warlord> Ah, good to know.
12:16:17 <warlord> I haven't really looked at those scripts in a long long time...
12:16:19 <warlord> And baby eats brain. ;)
12:20:08 <gjanssens> ;)
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12:41:52 <gjanssens> GTG
12:42:07 <warlord> later!
12:42:23 <gjanssens> Yes, see you !
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14:14:26 *** Quanta has joined #gnucash
14:14:50 <Quanta> i am trying to import cvs data with the following format: Kontonummer;Buchungsdatum;Valuta;Empfaenger 1;Empfaenger 2;Verwendungszweck;Betrag;Waehrung
14:15:34 <jmd> cvs data ??
14:15:42 <warlord> I think he means csv data
14:15:54 <Quanta> sorry, yes, csv
14:16:12 <jmd> But that's ssv
14:16:26 <Quanta> whst is ssv?
14:16:34 <warlord> semi-column separated ...
14:16:39 <warlord> er -colon
14:16:52 <warlord> anyways, I dont know if the csv importer can handle the semicolon
14:17:39 <Quanta> the problem is with the fields Empfaenger 1 and Verwendungszweck
14:18:09 <jmd> They have spaces in them.
14:19:15 <Quanta> that is not the problem, since i use ";" as seperation char
14:19:34 <warlord> Which csv importer are you using? The raw gnucash one, or the AqB CSV importer?
14:20:31 <Quanta> the problem is that i gnucashneed to chose
14:20:38 <Quanta> ops, gnucash
14:21:19 <jmd> Maybe it doesn't work in German :)
14:21:21 <warlord> the problem is that you need to choose what?
14:21:56 <Quanta> i need to choose between "Empfaenger 1" or Verwendungszweck
14:22:40 <Quanta> and in gnucash, when i do online actions, i get both together
14:23:28 <warlord> How about modifying your spreadsheet to combine the two columns into one, and then import?
14:23:50 <Quanta> then i will need to write a script for it....
14:23:56 <warlord> so?
14:24:07 <Quanta> i can do it, but is there a more trivial way? (less work)
14:24:11 <warlord> If you want both columns combined then you need to combine them
14:25:16 <Quanta> if i will use AqB CSV importer (which i dont know how to use), wouldnt i end up again needing to import a csv file to gnucash?
14:26:25 <warlord> no, AqB's CSV would be a gnucahs menu item, but it would still require you to combine the columns yourself first if you want them combined
14:30:48 <Quanta> when i try to import the csv data, i need to define the columns. In my csv file i have Betrag, which could be positive or negativ. Will it work?
14:31:03 <Quanta> it is not Saldo
14:31:23 <warlord> I have no idea.
14:31:25 <Quanta> and it is either not Einzahlung
14:31:29 <warlord> I dont know what those words mean
14:31:41 <Quanta> ok
14:32:29 <Quanta> Betrag, means amount or value
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14:33:00 <warlord> Okay... so what's the question?
14:33:57 <Quanta> so i have the value of the transfer, which is either not the balance nor the deposit nor the withdrawal
14:34:34 <Quanta> so which category should i choose in this case at import transactions?
14:34:55 <warlord> I dont understand, how can it be none of balance, deposit, or withdrawal?
14:34:56 <Quanta> *either = neither
14:35:11 <warlord> If it's not any of those, then what IS it?
14:35:55 <Quanta> the amount of money which was withdrawal (with "-") or deposit
14:36:09 <Quanta> it is both, and not just one one of them
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14:37:11 <Quanta> in addition it is also not the balance of the account...
14:37:52 <warlord> I still dont understand your confusion. You have one column which is the debit/credit column, which maps into the gnucash amount/value. So what's your question?
14:38:08 <warlord> You never import a 'balance' -- balance is always computed.
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14:50:23 <Quanta> thanks
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16:46:51 <Einwill> Hello there! Can someone give me a hint how can I open previously saved custom reports at gnucash startup? Thanks in advance.
16:48:10 <warlord> Einwill: What do you mean, "open ... at gnucash startup?" GnuCash will re-open all open tabs when it restarts, so just don't close the report tab and gnucash will reopen it when you restart.
16:51:33 <Einwill> That's the problem. When I save customized report (to make it appear in user-list) it no longer re-opens at startup. I had to manually open it from the menu
16:53:50 * Einwill slaps Einwill around a bit with a large trout
16:55:17 <Einwill> warlord: So, custom report is available for use by the Reports->Custom Reports menu, but gnucash doesn't reopen it at startup. :(
16:55:36 <warlord> I've never heard that before.
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16:56:04 <warlord> But I've never saved a custom report; I always just leave the tab open and let GnuCash reopen it.
16:56:15 <warlord> IMHO, no need to save the report if it's already open.
16:58:37 <Einwill> Yep, it works this way. And I can, for example, rename my report and then it will be opened at startup. But this is weird.
16:59:08 <Einwill> I thought that there is a way to make a saved reports to appear at startup.
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17:03:01 <warlord> I thought so, too.
17:03:07 <Einwill> warlord: And in this "solution" you can't give your report a unique name. Which is bad. Say, I have two similar reports, that differs only in timescale. They share the same default name. If I'll rename them they no longer will be opened at startup. And while they have default names I can't distinguish them...
17:04:21 <warlord> Even if you rename them without "adding" them>
17:04:25 <warlord> ?
17:04:35 <Einwill> Yes
17:05:03 <Einwill> Only reports with original names are reopens at startup
17:05:34 <warlord> Hmm...
17:06:40 <Einwill> GnuCash 2.4.11
17:06:49 <Einwill> Windows XP
17:07:02 <warlord> Works for me
17:07:37 <Einwill> Ha
17:07:46 <Einwill> I found the problem
17:08:12 <Einwill> You need to name it in English
17:08:15 <warlord> I ran a report (not a Custom report), changed it's name, quit, restarted, and the report reopened just fine
17:08:56 *** moldy has joined #gnucash
17:08:58 <moldy> hi
17:12:57 <Einwill> warlord: That is it: when I name a report in English it perfectly reopens at startup. When I name a report in my native language it disappear at startup. Thanks a lot! Now I know what to do =)
17:13:25 <warlord> Einwill: It might be a utf8/iso thing..
17:13:47 <warlord> or guile might just not like the non-ascii...
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17:16:48 <Einwill> Well, you can save a report in any language and the open it manually in Report->Custom report menu. So I believe it has nothing to do with guile. Just GnuCash fails to save window layout properly.
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17:30:31 <warlord> I've never really looked at the restart code.
17:30:41 <warlord> Can you report this as a bug in Bugzilla?
17:36:56 <moldy> when i type too fast, gnucash's autocompletion destroy what i am typing. sorry for the bad explanation, maybe you know that i mean?
17:37:24 <moldy> how do i prevent this? is this a known bug?
17:42:24 <Einwill> warlord: Ok, I'll report this as a bug. Thanks for help.
17:42:33 <warlord> moldy: what os/distro? and what version of gnucash?
17:47:00 <moldy> warlord: linux/gentoo. gnucash 2.4.10
17:47:25 <moldy> warlord: i am not sure if it is related to what i am typing or not. it seems to happen often for texts starting with "server".
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17:48:10 <moldy> often, when i type the second "r" in "server", it autocompletes it with a previous text, but it completely replaces what i typed so far, instead of just "suggesting"
17:49:16 <moldy> hmm no, it happens with other texts, too. however, it does not seem to happen if i type really slow.
17:50:37 <warlord> i think it is a gtk bug that i thought was fixed. it is a race condition. However it should never replace what you type, the cursor should always remain where it was, and it should only "change" the rest of the entry
17:53:37 <moldy> warlord: hm, i will pay close attention when it happens next time
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18:08:25 <warlord> note that it can replace the case of what you wrote, but not the letters.. and if you keep typing it will return to what you input.
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23:48:53 <astro> Is it possible to generate a monthly report for income & expense statement?
23:50:06 <astro> I can only generate income & expense report vs. day of week through "Report -> Income & Expense -> Expense vs. Day of Week."