2012-08-09 GnuCash IRC logs
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08:10:00 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell_
09:08:39 *** benste has joined #gnucash
09:08:56 <benste> hi - anybody who could help me with aqbanking - hbci issues ?
09:09:09 <benste> the card reader is working in pcsc_scan
09:09:19 <benste> only gnucash / it's plugin is troubling me
09:09:52 <benste> when i'm asked to insert the card and press ok, it takes a moment and after a while i get a libchipcard might not be installed errror - but it is installed
09:10:11 <benste> I'm on ubuntu 12.04 with a reinersct RFID standard chipcard reader
09:16:23 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:16:49 <warlord> benste: you might need to ask on the gnucash-de mailing list, as hbci is only in Germany, and you'll have a better chance of finding someone who can actually help you.
09:17:15 <benste> warlord: thanks for the advise - what are you using for online banking ?
09:18:37 <warlord> Well, in the US we don't have anything that lets us initiate transactions, and I don't use online banking to pull transactions into GnuCash. I hand-enter everything and then reconcile with my statements at the end of the month.
09:18:48 <warlord> To do electronic bill-pay I use my bank's website
09:27:36 <benste> me too - up to now :)
09:27:49 <benste> only issue is i now changed only to find it doesn't work
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09:50:21 <warlord> Sorry.. I dont know anything about HBCI so I cannot help you.
09:50:24 <warlord> @op
09:50:24 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
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11:36:18 <warlord> Hmm, I got disconnected. Wonder what happened. fell, mikee could you op gncbot?
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12:13:30 *** fell_ sets mode: +o gncbot
12:13:36 *** fell_ sets mode: +o warlord
12:14:14 *** fell_ is now known as fell
12:15:33 <fell> warlord: I just found the short way "/op ..."
12:16:09 <warlord> Ah, neat.
12:16:10 <warlord> Thanks
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13:54:42 *** YeOldHinnerk has joined #gnucash
13:54:51 <YeOldHinnerk> Hi
13:56:46 <YeOldHinnerk> hey, topic is outdated: lastest stable is 2.4.11
13:57:28 <YeOldHinnerk> talking about unstable: i tried to install the latest nightly and i didn't show any accounts?
13:58:19 *** warlord changes topic to "Free GPL Personal and Small Business Accounting || Please don't ask to ask, just ask and wait! || publically-logged channel || latest stable: 2.4.11 || www.gnucash.org"
13:58:39 <YeOldHinnerk> thx
13:59:01 <warlord> YeOldHinnerk: Did it still have your Accounts page? Did you try creating a new one? Also, are you sure it had opened your data file?
13:59:27 <YeOldHinnerk> Well, the title bar at least displayed the proper file
13:59:37 <YeOldHinnerk> Let me check though
14:01:28 <YeOldHinnerk> just checked: It opens with my latest file in the title menu
14:01:35 <YeOldHinnerk> the accounts tab is open, but empty
14:01:56 <YeOldHinnerk> however the total of equity etc. are displayed in the tab in the top area
14:02:10 <YeOldHinnerk> (I have thiese displayed in top instead of the default bottom.
14:02:36 <warlord> Well, the daily builds could easily be broken.
14:02:52 <YeOldHinnerk> of course.
14:03:17 <YeOldHinnerk> ah, also, the equity is displayed as zero
14:03:27 <YeOldHinnerk> may be it didn't open the file properly...
14:03:42 <warlord> xml or db?
14:03:47 <YeOldHinnerk> xml
14:04:00 <warlord> hmm.. that should be pretty stable.
14:04:00 <YeOldHinnerk> when can i expect a decently stable beta?
14:04:15 <warlord> But you're in a double-whammy situation. Trunk .. on Windows.
14:04:25 <warlord> When it gets to 2.5.0
14:04:32 <YeOldHinnerk> call me a most-valueable tester :)
14:04:54 <warlord> heh
14:05:07 <YeOldHinnerk> And when is 2.5.0 to be expected?
14:05:11 <warlord> no clue
14:05:20 <warlord> There's no schedule for the 2.5/26 release
14:05:41 <warlord> there was one, but we're about 4 months late.
14:05:53 <YeOldHinnerk> ok. I was hoping for some smaller features, especially about navigation, e.g. doublecklicking placeholder opens tree
14:06:17 <warlord> yeah, that's probably not going to get backported, so you're going to have to wait.
14:06:31 <warlord> Feel free to chime in and convince the devs to release sooner.
14:06:52 <YeOldHinnerk> hey devs! release sooner!
14:07:30 <YeOldHinnerk> btw - is it ok to install nightly parallel to stable version?
14:07:40 <YeOldHinnerk> or should I uninstall stable first?
14:12:51 <warlord> I dont know. I dont think Windows properly handles multiple versions installed side-by-side.
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14:30:50 *** YeOldHinnerk is now known as Hinnerk_afk
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15:12:33 <insink71> allo all
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