2012-08-03 GnuCash IRC logs
00:04:58 *** jeremyking-afk is now known as jeremyking
00:08:27 <jeremyking> I have been trying to create a sting "Terra" for the menu-path. I have come up with 'menu-path (N_ "Terra"). But this doesn't work. Gnucash loads but there is no folder named Terra. The report doesn't load anywhere. If I comment out this menu-path line the report shows up under reports.
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01:06:04 *** astro has joined #gnucash
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02:02:40 *** riyas50 has joined #gnucash
02:03:28 <riyas50> Hi there, I want a report in gnuCash, where I need to only see the customer invoices which are not fully paid, please help
02:16:18 <riyas50> Which scm file I need to edit to acheive the above result in customer report?
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03:53:01 *** mikee_ has joined #gnucash
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04:03:18 <astro> a/sb c
04:44:54 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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05:02:39 <mikee> @op
05:02:39 <gncbot> mikee: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
05:02:54 <mikee> @op
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05:09:24 *** SAMAY has joined #gnucash
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05:10:29 <SAMAY> hey
05:10:35 <SAMAY> good noon all of yo
05:11:00 <SAMAY> where i can download yor accounting software?
05:23:19 <mikee> SAMAY: http://gnucash.org/download.phtml
05:45:39 *** riyas50 has joined #gnucash
05:47:31 <riyas50> Hi there, I want a report in gnuCash, where I need to only see the customer invoices which are not fully paid, please help
05:52:55 <riyas50> Which scm file I need to edit to acheive the above result in customer report?
06:17:37 <SAMAY> Thank You
06:40:31 *** YeOldHinnerk has joined #gnucash
06:40:36 <YeOldHinnerk> hi
06:40:51 <YeOldHinnerk> do you guys have a recommendation for a compiler under windows?
06:43:04 <YeOldHinnerk> is everything else I need included in SVN?
06:43:31 <YeOldHinnerk> I don't know anything about doxygen - do I need to download something?
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06:45:46 <YeOldHinnerk> hi
06:45:56 <YeOldHinnerk> I'm starting to look into developing
06:46:19 <YeOldHinnerk> since I'm also going on vacation today, with limited internet access, I'm trying to collect everything I need
06:46:26 <YeOldHinnerk> I download the code through svn
06:46:38 <YeOldHinnerk> I still need to good free compiler for windows
06:46:44 <YeOldHinnerk> what else do I need?
06:46:56 <YeOldHinnerk> what about this doxygen stuff? means nothing to me...
06:48:54 <fell> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doxygen
06:49:23 <YeOldHinnerk> fell: most important for me, is what I need to download, including any documentation
06:50:43 <fell> On Windows? Hm, not shure. MinGW?
06:51:10 <YeOldHinnerk> I won't have time to read the documentation now. And finding out that some big chunck is missing, when I'm on a really slow and limited (sizwise) internet access, won't help....
06:52:08 <fell> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Building#Microsoft_Windows
06:56:00 <YeOldHinnerk> uff
06:56:35 <YeOldHinnerk> Q: Is it possible to compile GnuCash on Windows?
06:56:37 <YeOldHinnerk> A: Yes. It's painful, but possible. See the instructions below.
06:57:17 <fell> In short Doxygen is used for creating this pages: http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/
06:59:08 <fell> or you download a Linux distro and make your computer dual boot.
07:08:14 <YeOldHinnerk> nah, that doesn'T pass my lazyness-threshold
07:09:55 <fell> It depends on your horizont: short or long term.
07:11:48 <fell> riyas50: Reports->Business->* Aging are not sufficient?
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07:12:32 <fell> BIAB
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07:32:44 <YeOldHinnerk> is it possible to checkout the entire doxygen documentation somewhere, so that I have it available offline?
07:32:58 <YeOldHinnerk> I don't mean the source code, but the produced html
07:45:45 <riyas50> Hi there, I want a report in gnuCash, where I need to only see the customer invoices which are not fully paid, please help
07:45:45 <riyas50> [13:52] <riyas50> Which scm file I need to edit to acheive the above result in customer report?
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07:52:38 <riyas50> what I want is customer report with only unpaid report
07:52:45 <riyas50> or partially paid invoices
07:53:07 <riyas50> i dont want the paid invoice and payment information to show in that report, so that I can use it as a Statement of Account
07:54:30 <riyas50> please somebody respond, i'm here for 5hrs and 50mins
07:58:06 <YeOldHinnerk> ok, ok, i'respond: I don't know. :)
07:58:52 <riyas50> thank you for your response
08:00:44 <YeOldHinnerk> but I know the problem, sometimes it takes forever for someone to even acknowledge one's presence...
08:01:27 <riyas50> ok
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08:09:58 <riyas50> Q:how to modify customer report to only show the unpaid invoices
08:48:00 *** ErKa has quit IRC
09:00:39 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:01:07 <warlord> riyas50: you were also here over the middle of the night. It's just now 9am here in the US. Patience.
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09:02:32 <warlord> riyas50: but to answer your question, there is no report that will *list* unpaid invoices. The reports all give you a summary. You can get a list of unpaid invoices, but not in a report form. Just search for invoices that are not paid.
09:03:32 <warlord> YeOldHinnerk: Check the wiki page on building gnucash on Windows. Fell gave you the link.
09:05:20 <warlord> YeOldHinnerk: I would suggest to you that if you are planning to do GnuCash development that you do NOT do it in windows.
09:06:14 <warlord> Building GnuCash on Windows takes about 10x longer than building on Linux. I would recommend you create a Linux VM (distro of your choice) and develop there. It'll be MUCH faster for you
09:14:25 <YeOldHinnerk> well, that may be an idea, w'll see.
09:14:44 <YeOldHinnerk> I first want to get a sniff off what gnucash is like in the inside before deciding to continue :)
09:31:24 <warlord> It's mostly C
09:31:42 <warlord> With some Guile (Scheme) on the side for certain portions (namely reports)
09:39:08 *** fell_afk is now known as fell
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10:13:24 *** benoitg has joined #gnucash
10:35:12 <jeremyking-afk> Warlord thanks again for yesterday... I am trying different ideas about how to create Report > Terra> Terra Invoice. As I am trying to get Terra as a folder. I have been trying to create "Terra" as a string. I have come up with this 'menu-path (N_ "Terra") but have not had any success.
10:35:17 *** jeremyking-afk is now known as jeremyking
10:35:47 <warlord> jeremyking: Ah, right, I saw your response. You still need to provide a list.
10:35:58 <warlord> So just use 'menu-path (list "Terra")
10:36:18 <warlord> The "N_ " prefix is for translation which doesn't apply to you, so you can ignore it
10:38:40 <jeremyking> I just edited to list. However the folder and the reports do not show up at all.
10:46:32 <jeremyking> do I need to (define make-list Terra) or something like this?
11:00:27 <jeremyking> I have found this link is this like something I need to do http://mandriva.598463.n5.nabble.com/Bug-42526-gnucash-NEW-Gnucash-crashes-when-adding-a-custom-report-td606562i20.html
11:07:11 <warlord> jeremyking: what do you mean "make-list"?
11:07:26 <warlord> What's your menu-path setting look like?
11:08:08 <jeremyking> I don't know. I am just trying to find more info on the web..... me menu-path is 'menu-path (list "Terra")
11:08:43 <warlord> That looks correct.
11:09:01 <warlord> What is the define-module line? and what is the file name + path?
11:09:26 <warlord> Also, that doesn't apply, this isn't a custom report, this is adding a *new* report.
11:13:00 <jeremyking> (define-module (gnucash report standard-reports terra-invoice)) in /usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/standard-reports/terra-invoice.scm
11:15:19 <warlord> Okay, that should auto-load just fine. config.user is gone/empty?
11:16:20 <jeremyking> yep config.user is emtpy. if I comment out menu-path line (ie: ;; 'menu-path) it will autoload
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11:19:19 <warlord> ??? Show me the context around your menu-path line
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11:19:50 <warlord> It is possible that the menu might need to be created elsewhere...
11:21:57 <warlord> Also, what is the backtrace you get when you run gnucash without commenting out the menu-path?
11:25:35 <warlord> Ah, yes, you need to make the menu. See business-gnome.scm for an example where it called gnc:make-menu for the business reports
11:26:47 <jeremyking> http://pastebin.com/GXLb8gLG is a copy of the new terra-invoice.scm.
11:26:51 <jeremyking> the back trace
11:26:55 <jeremyking> #0 0x00000034ceae85c3 in poll () from /lib64/libc.so.6
11:26:57 <jeremyking> #1 0x00000034d0a45448 in ?? () from /lib64/libglib-2.0.so.0
11:26:59 <jeremyking> #2 0x00000034d0a45c85 in g_main_loop_run () from /lib64/libglib-2.0.so.0
11:27:01 <jeremyking> #3 0x0000003c8a34bbb7 in gtk_main () from /usr/lib64/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0
11:27:03 <jeremyking> #4 0x00007fc7379a9a89 in gnc_ui_start_event_loop () from /usr/lib64/gnucash/libgncmod-gnome-utils.so
11:27:05 <jeremyking> #5 0x00000000004038ac in _start (
11:27:49 <fell> jeremyking: Please use pastebin for more than 3 lines.
11:28:21 <fell> No need to repaet it in IRC.
11:28:48 <fell> DimStar: You or somebody else released GnuCash 2.4.10-38.2 at suse. Why didn't you use the recent 2.4.11?
11:31:57 <fell> Eventually you should subscribe https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-announce .
11:33:01 <warlord> jeremyking: that doesnt look like a crash to me. What's printed on the console or in gnucash.trace?
11:33:39 <warlord> And yes, the 'menu-path (list "Terra") will fail unless you first create the menu as I mentioned above.
11:33:56 <warlord> You cannot add the report to a menu that doesn't exist.
11:34:35 <jeremyking> no it didn't crash just didn't load the folder or scm. I am creating a terra-gnome.scm in the standard reports directory now
11:35:42 <warlord> That may not be sufficient.
11:36:00 <warlord> .. because it may not get loaded prior to your report getting loaded.
11:36:13 <warlord> Just put the report into an existing menu for now.
11:36:16 <warlord> to get it working.
11:36:39 <warlord> Also, your redefinition of gnc:fancy-invoice-report-create-internal might cause problems.
11:47:39 <jeremyking> I have got it to load now as Terra.. however do I need all of the stuff. I have defined Terra near the end.... http://pastebin.com/Ga3t1qqb
11:53:09 <jeremyking> i have changed the gnc:fancy-invoice-report-create-internal to gnc:terra-invoice-report-interal as per your advice.
11:53:39 <jeremyking> Warlord thanks again. I really appreciate all your advise and help.
11:56:56 <warlord> jeremyking: I would rename that procedure from business-report-function to terra-report-function
11:57:53 <warlord> It'll probably work as-is, but might be confusing to you later.
12:00:18 <jeremyking> as soon as i rename to "terra-report-funtion" i get the error "Unbound variable: business-report-function" I think it is calling from business-report.scm
12:01:26 <jeremyking> my bad had to change it twice in the report all is good
12:01:35 <jeremyking> didn't change the export line
12:02:06 <warlord> ok.
12:04:22 <jeremyking> thanks again.
12:05:15 <warlord> you're welcome.
12:05:23 <warlord> What did you change in the set of reports you made?
12:05:33 <warlord> (I didn't compare it to the released version)
12:07:30 <jeremyking> I changed to show the different taxes that were applied and the default number of lines.
12:09:06 <jeremyking> The only other thing in the reports that I would like to change and haven't figured it out yet is how to have extra lines larger to that I can pen in extra notes as necessary.
12:09:34 <jeremyking> I should elaborate a bit i changed it to chow the tax types that are applied to each line
12:12:00 <jeremyking> *show
12:13:04 <warlord> So you just changed the default options?
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12:14:12 <jeremyking> I changed one line as well. I have a comment look under "Jeremy-Custom:"
12:15:13 <jeremyking> I will slowly making changes as I learn more.
12:24:43 <warlord> jeremyking: Okay, because if you were only changing the options then there's a MUCH easier way!
12:29:21 <warlord> You could've just opened the report, set the options as you wanted them, rename the report to e.g. Terra invoice, and then click "Add Report"
12:29:53 <warlord> Then Report -> Custom -> Terra Invoice to run the report later. Only thing is that you'd have to choose the invoice each time.
12:33:06 <jeremyking> that would have been a good place to start.
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12:35:10 <jeremyking> around line 344 of the fancy invoice there is the number-range-option 23
12:35:12 <jeremyking> 4 23 0 1.... the first 23 is the min number of lines? do you know what the rest are for? Could one of the be for the spacing of empty lines?
12:50:07 <warlord> I'd have to go read the report-options.scm to read the docs on the definition of a number range option. I think 4 is min, 23 is max, and the others ... the 1 is a 'step'
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13:18:34 <jeremyking> I have created terra-amenu.scm and have (define-module (gnucash report standard-reports terra-amenu)). It seems as though the standard reports are loaded alphabetically. The report loads fine. in the terra-invoice.scm how do I call the gnc:menuname-terra-reports from the terra-amenu.scm? gnc:module-load of use-modules?
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13:26:43 <jeremyking> Sorry I've bothered you enough for one day.... I really appreciate all of your help. thanks again. I will keep on plugging away.
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13:37:18 <warlord> jeremyking-afk: See, that's why I mentioned before about doing that not being a good idea because the order isn't guaranteed.
13:37:36 <warlord> Adding a new menu item needs to be done elsewhere. That's something you *might* want to put into config.user, honestly.
13:37:54 <warlord> or maybe even into /etc/gnucash/config
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14:43:04 *** riyas50 has joined #gnucash
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14:43:48 <riyas50> Q: How to take report of only unpaid customer invoices of a particular customer?
14:57:31 <warlord> riyas50: Please stop asking the same question over and over. We saw the query the first 5 times you made it.
14:58:45 <warlord> riyas50: see http://code.gnucash.org/logs/2012/08/2012-08-03.html#T09:01:07
15:00:52 <riyas50> so what am I suppose to do now?
15:06:17 <warlord> I dont know. What do you want to do. Why do you think you need this information in a report?
15:09:27 <riyas50> I need to send a statement of account to my customer, but only unpaid invoices
15:12:34 <warlord> Why?
15:12:46 <warlord> Why not also show paid invoices?
15:13:46 <riyas50> I have data from 2012 january, and more than 100 invoices, if I take the customer report and send to the customer, they are really annoyed of the information they already know.
15:14:02 <riyas50> they just need the partially paid and unpaid invoice information and due dates only
15:14:30 <warlord> Well, none of the existing reports do that. You will need to modify the owner-report.scm to add the ability to limit that.
15:15:13 <riyas50> any chance you can tell me which portion of the report i need to modify?
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15:18:33 <warlord> You would need to add a new option to the options-generator to let you select whether to show only unpaid invoices.
15:18:51 <warlord> and then you would need to use that option to choose whether to output an invoice to the list.
15:19:05 <warlord> But I have to question what business you're in that a single customer has over 100 invoices in 8 months.
15:19:13 <riyas50> ah...thats what I want, can you help me to add that option please....
15:19:20 <warlord> Sorry, I don't have time.
15:19:45 <riyas50> we sell paper labels to some sim card packing company
15:20:52 <warlord> Ah, well that would explain 100 orders in 8 months.
15:21:43 <riyas50> give me some hint on what I have to add in the options please, so that I can search for help
15:23:02 <warlord> I would add a boolean option
15:23:13 <warlord> Take a look at the existing options in the report for examples.
15:23:58 <riyas50> for Is Paid, what is the call?
15:24:42 <warlord> I dont understand the question.
15:24:58 <warlord> gncInvoiceIsPaid ?
15:25:04 <warlord> Is that what you're asking?
15:25:08 <riyas50> yes
15:25:20 <warlord> That's in the API documentation. http://code.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/
15:25:34 <warlord> yes, it's the C docs, but the scheme API is effectively the same.
15:26:32 <riyas50> I've never done it, but I'll try it myself. Thanks for the link, do I need to refer anything else before I try?
15:28:11 <riyas50> also can you please tell me am I in the right position in the owner-report.scm, (define (customer-options-generator)
15:28:11 <riyas50> (options-generator (list ACCT-TYPE-RECEIVABLE) GNC-OWNER-CUSTOMER
15:28:11 <riyas50> (_ "Invoice") #f))
15:28:12 <warlord> I would look at the report.
15:28:45 <warlord> That looks like it off the top of my head
15:28:57 <DimStar> fell: it was probably in the 12.2 channel? we're feature / version frozen there..
15:29:52 <riyas50> 12.2 channel, is there another channel for report help?
15:31:31 <warlord> riyas50: that wasn't to you, that was to fell, and it was regarding OpenSuSE 12.2
15:31:53 <riyas50> sorry, I'm really new to IRC
15:33:02 <warlord> no worries
15:34:59 <riyas50> now where is the place I need to edit this in owner report.scm
15:35:07 <riyas50> who can help me in that?
15:35:31 <fell> Dimstar: I use 12.1 and I think it was related to your help fix.
15:36:43 <DimStar> fell: ahh.. yes, that's possible... released products usually do not get version updates... so for 12.1, the 'german' help should have gone out and a fix for 'susehelp', which actually allows to start the help.
15:37:03 <DimStar> also, I think on 12.1, we released a glib2 patch, fixing one of the issues with gnucash.
15:40:15 <fell> Dimstar: FYI in Gnucash versions X.Y.Z Z is usually a bugfix release - no dependency changes etc.
15:41:39 <DimStar> fell: understood... I think as gnucash was historically in a VERY bad shape inside openSUSE, I'm not sure how much I want to risk at the moment (considering that we managed apparently to get it to work finally).
15:41:55 <DimStar> I can try to get it in for 12.2 at least...
15:42:22 <DimStar> (and after some testing, I can consider trying to get it in the 12.1 channel)
15:42:37 <DimStar> it still requires guile1, right? (the guile2 fiasco is not solved?)
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15:45:09 <fell_> DimStar: home/j_engel has built 2.4.11
15:45:31 * DimStar always wonders why is not submitting stuff he fixes :(
15:47:16 <fell_> For some reasons you have only different perl:date-manip versions. the rest of the dependencies is the same.
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15:52:53 <fell> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Dependencies still says: guile (= 1.8.x) (Eventually Gnucash 2.6.x will have the adjustments for guile 2.x.)
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16:02:13 *** fuzzybunny69y has joined #gnucash
16:04:55 <fuzzybunny69y> hey guys for some reason all these dates in my GNUCash are off by a day. I am not quite sure why this happened or what to do about it. Some of my accounts are in NZD and in NZ and other accounts are in CAD and in Canada and I am looking at my Canadian accounts and they seem to be off by a day. Should I adjust the dates or just leave them?
16:06:40 <fell> fuzzybunny69y: you are crossing the date line. If you return, they switch again.
16:07:15 <fuzzybunny69y> hmmm so I shouldn't adjust them
16:08:27 <DimStar> fell: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/129870 <= My submission to officially update to 2.4.11
16:10:52 <warlord> fuzzybunny69y: are you changing your computer timezone?
16:10:58 <warlord> my recommendation: don't do that.
16:12:06 <fuzzybunny69y> warlord: yeah I changed my timezone to Canadian time when I got to Canada
16:12:14 <fuzzybunny69y> but it was set to NZ time when I was in NZ
16:12:28 <fuzzybunny69y> and I entered some of the Canadian transactions when I was in NZ
16:12:36 <fuzzybunny69y> and now everything is all crazy
16:13:35 <warlord> Yep, because it's all entered using LocalTime, and actually uses a timestamp, not a date. So when you take localtime(NZ) -> localtime(CA) it's off by a day.
16:13:47 <fuzzybunny69y> oh
16:13:47 <warlord> Technically the transactions *did* happen a day off..
16:14:09 <fuzzybunny69y> so what happens if I have changed some of the transactions while I have been in Canada
16:14:12 <warlord> ... because it was a different day in CA when you entered the txns in NZ
16:14:26 <warlord> if you are going back to NZ they'll be a day off in the other direction
16:14:44 <warlord> So again, my recommendation: never change your computer TZ unless you actually *move*
16:14:55 <fuzzybunny69y> well I do kind of move
16:15:00 <fuzzybunny69y> I was in NZ for 2 years
16:15:06 <smw> If you had a choice between importing OFX, QFX, QBO, QIF, or a CSV file, which would you choose?
16:15:06 <fuzzybunny69y> and I have been back in Canada for 3 months
16:15:17 <fuzzybunny69y> I always do QFX
16:15:19 <fuzzybunny69y> or OFX
16:15:31 <fuzzybunny69y> but it seems to make my accounts go crazy when I import
16:15:32 <smw> fuzzybunny69y, why?
16:15:41 <fuzzybunny69y> I just find OFX works better
16:15:52 <fuzzybunny69y> QIF asks all this stuff that I am sometimes not sure about
16:16:02 <smw> fair enough, was hoping for a better answer, but thanks :-)
16:16:04 <fuzzybunny69y> or it imported stuff weird
16:16:42 <fuzzybunny69y> my accounts are all crazy now anyway so you might not want to take my advice lol
16:17:37 <fuzzybunny69y> sometimes I feel like asking the bank for all my statements and then putting all the stuff in one by one
16:17:39 <fuzzybunny69y> manuallt
16:17:41 <fuzzybunny69y> manually
16:19:05 <smw> I stopped using gnucash and I decided to start again. So I am pretty much starting from scratch :-(
16:20:29 <fuzzybunny69y> oh
16:20:44 <fuzzybunny69y> sometimes I get a bit switchy
16:21:01 <fuzzybunny69y> but then I come to my senses
16:21:19 <fuzzybunny69y> and get on my horse again
16:21:45 <smw> I kept it pretty well for 6 months, but then did not look at it for another 6 months
16:21:51 <fuzzybunny69y> I looked at Quicken
16:21:57 <smw> I lost the old data
16:21:59 <fuzzybunny69y> and got flashbacks
16:22:08 <fuzzybunny69y> of horrible times
16:22:10 <smw> so now I am starting over. Who knows, maybe this time I can stick to it ;-)
16:22:15 <fuzzybunny69y> yeah
16:22:20 <fuzzybunny69y> I wish the reports were better
16:23:04 <fuzzybunny69y> and that you could narrow down transactions from a specific date range
16:23:37 <fuzzybunny69y> but until I learn to program Guile
16:23:40 <smw> fuzzybunny69y, what do you mean?
16:25:42 <fuzzybunny69y> I think GNUCash is programmed in Guile or soemthing
16:25:53 <fuzzybunny69y> unless I'm just out to lunch
16:25:59 <fuzzybunny69y> which could very well be the case
16:26:11 <smw> <fuzzybunny69y> and that you could narrow down transactions from a specific date range
16:26:18 <smw> I know what guile is ;-)
16:26:35 <smw> fuzzybunny69y, and you know gnucash has python bindings.. right?
16:27:03 <fuzzybunny69y> well in microsoft money my brother could generate a report and it would only show transactions from the date range specified by the report
16:27:23 <smw> you can do that in gnucash...
16:27:48 <fuzzybunny69y> but in gnu cash if I click on the electronics account it just shows the entire electronics account
16:28:00 <smw> fuzzybunny69y, "edit report options"
16:28:02 <fuzzybunny69y> how do you do it
16:28:04 <fuzzybunny69y> ?
16:28:05 <smw> start date and end date
16:28:21 <smw> go into any report, click the gear icon
16:28:22 <fuzzybunny69y> oh yeah I think I put that in there
16:28:42 <fuzzybunny69y> I haven't done it in a while
16:28:49 <fuzzybunny69y> but the last time I remember I did it
16:29:22 <fuzzybunny69y> it would generate the report but then if you clicked on the "electronics" link in the report it would just show the entire electronics account not just the transactions from the dates in the report
16:29:30 <fuzzybunny69y> if that makes sense
16:29:41 <smw> not sure what you mean
16:30:32 <fuzzybunny69y> well MS Money had it so that you could filter the transactions to a specific date range
16:31:37 <fuzzybunny69y> I dunno
16:31:44 <fuzzybunny69y> you might just have to try it
16:35:48 <fuzzybunny69y> oh well
16:35:49 <fuzzybunny69y> im off
16:35:52 <fuzzybunny69y> thanks guys
16:35:56 <fuzzybunny69y> toodles
16:42:49 <fell> DimStar: your build succeeded. For some of the rpmlint warnings like "no man page for binary" you should file an enhacement request at http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash
16:43:36 <warlord> smw: I think it depends what you are importing, the source of your data, and your desires for the import. I would choose QIF or the *FX formats.
16:44:31 <smw> I am importing my daily expenses from my CC
16:44:37 <smw> OFX it is
16:45:45 <warlord> Yeah, in that case OFX is probably fine.
16:45:52 <warlord> OFX has limitations like lack of split transactions.
16:46:02 <warlord> But it has benefits in that it can clear duplicate txns
16:46:08 <warlord> me, I dont import anything.
16:47:10 <DimStar> fell: yes, build succeeds.. but that still means somebody should test if the app does what it should... I don't use it myself :(
16:49:15 <fell> DimStar: did you run the make *check s?
16:50:37 <DimStar> fell: no, seems that's not in the spec.. will add that as well...
17:02:08 <fell> DimStar: is your .spec file in some kind related to packaging/gnucash.spec.in ?
17:02:49 <DimStar> fell: I don't think so... I basically inherited it, so can't really know how it started..
17:03:41 <fell> warlord: I have the impression packaging/gnucash.spec.in is not in sync with with the rest of our build system.
17:12:12 <fell> Eventually we should compare it with https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file?file=gnucash.spec&package=gnucash&project=home%3Adimstar%3Abranches%3AGNOME%3AApps and improve it.
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17:55:33 <warlord> fell: I am sure it is way out of date
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18:06:16 <warlord> fell: either that or just make it go away.
18:07:42 <fell> I am just filing a bug report. I think there are more rpm based distros and also a few rpm building users.
18:08:09 <fell> They could benefit from it, if it were more recent.
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18:11:14 <warlord> That's fine I have no objection to modernizing it if you wish
18:23:39 *** jeremyking-afk is now known as jeremyking
18:25:15 <jeremyking> Just thinking out load here. It would be wonderful if there was a place to put the scm files with a description of what was changed, somewhere in the web so that others could see examples. Almost like a code database.
18:28:29 <fell> jeremyking: did you see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Custom_Reports ?
18:30:03 <fell> if you quote the part in <pre></pre> it is proper visible in the wiki.
18:31:20 <jeremyking> yes spent a lot of time there. shows how to build basic reports. But it is kind of like recreating the wheel everytime. I am sure that others have created scm files to thier liking that others could take advantage of.
18:31:52 <fell> or if you think your change is an improvement for most users file it as enhancement request to http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=GnuCash
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18:49:20 <fell> jeremyking: where will I see your work: wiki or bugzilla?
18:49:42 <fell> :-)
18:50:39 <jeremyking> Well I don't think I could edit your wiki..... Bugzilla just logged in. seems as though my work is more of a bug, than what is already in there.
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18:52:01 <jeremyking> I am willing to share what I have come up with. Somewhere.
18:53:15 <warlord> jeremyking: why couldn't you edit the wiki?
18:57:51 <jeremyking> I guess I can just never read the very top left corner.
19:01:36 <jeremyking> I have edited a wiki before. looks ok. Just have to learn both gnucash syntax and mediawiki syntax at the same time.
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21:38:43 <phunyguy> Hey folks, I really need some help here. I am using aqbanking, and failing at it hard. I set up a user, and a few accounts pointing at ING Direct. The account list imported properly, and I linked the user account to it. Problem is, when I linked it to an account in GNUCash, and try to download transactions from ING, it says there are none to download! I have also noticed that in aqbanking, the currency is set to EUR, eve
21:38:45 <phunyguy> n after I change it to USD.
21:39:14 <phunyguy> Can't get it to stick on USD.
21:52:54 <fell> phunyguy: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/AqBanking and relatives know more than me about aqbanking.
21:54:30 <fell> Can you try the different log options and check the .log files deep in ~/.aqbanking?
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21:57:09 <warlord> phunyguy: did you email gnucash-user like I suggested?
21:57:47 <phunyguy> warlord, I did not, I will. Was just giving this a second attempt with more details I found
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22:17:38 <phunyguy> Error 15500 in the OFX log, fell.
22:18:16 <phunyguy> seems to be identifying as quicken 2000
22:18:23 <phunyguy> seems pretty old.
22:20:19 <fell> IIRC you can adjust it. should be elsewhere in the OFX pages of the wiki.
22:24:37 <warlord> good night all
22:24:40 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
22:25:58 <fell> Good Night, warlord.
22:41:38 <phunyguy> I found the setting, and its weird, it has a dropdown with Quicken 2011 selected, but the next two boxes are APPID (QWIN) and APP Version (2000).
22:41:46 <phunyguy> am I missing something here? lol.
22:52:10 <fell> did you check ofxhome and the other info sites, which version you need?
22:52:26 <fell> Was that logfile recent?
23:11:40 <phunyguy> OK I got the 15500 error to go away, that was logon failure
23:11:49 <phunyguy> now it is error 2000 (general error, yay)
23:12:02 <phunyguy> but that may be because I messed with the client version
23:12:09 <phunyguy> quicken versin I mean
23:12:12 <phunyguy> +o
23:15:26 <phunyguy> nope, still 2000
23:18:39 <fell> phunyguy: Because it is here short before sunrise, I will leave you now alone. But I just found http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Finding_OFX_Info_With_Quicken - our only reference to ING.
23:19:09 <phunyguy> i read that
23:19:14 <phunyguy> and kmymoney works great
23:19:43 <phunyguy> and I cant get quicken to work without crashing
23:20:37 <fell> IIRC kmymoney is using AqBanking too.
23:24:10 <fell> BTW in our mailing list archives are many references to ING: http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Alists.gnucash.org+ING+bank
23:25:21 <fell> Now you will have enough to read until some of us awake. ;-)
23:26:53 *** fell is now known as fell_afk
23:29:33 <phunyguy> thanks
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