2012-08-02 GnuCash IRC logs
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05:29:34 <YeOldHinnerk> Hi
05:29:42 <YeOldHinnerk> I'm trying to use the loan assisstant
05:30:02 <YeOldHinnerk> The loan I have das a fixed interest rate and has a term of 36 months.
05:30:41 <YeOldHinnerk> At the end of the 36 ponth, there is still a lump sum payment to be done, that is, not all of the loan is repaid within the 36 months.
05:30:53 <YeOldHinnerk> How do I tell this to the assisstant?
05:37:24 <YeOldHinnerk> Or is there a way to tell a scheduled transaction to book x% of the current balance of an account somehwere?
06:00:10 <YeOldHinnerk> Anyone?
06:15:41 <YeOldHinnerk> Is there any documentation on formulas in scheduled transactions?
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06:34:09 <fell_> YeOldHinnerk: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_use_variables_and_formula_in_scheduled_transactions.3F
06:37:11 <fell_> I never used the loan assistant, but you should find some threads in https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user
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06:41:10 <YeOldHinnerk> hi fell
06:41:25 <YeOldHinnerk> well, I'm just reading thorugh those description
06:41:49 <YeOldHinnerk> maybe I overread it, but I didn't see anything where a formula can refer to the balance of an account.
06:41:55 <YeOldHinnerk> you can only enter a value manually.
06:42:01 <YeOldHinnerk> Or am I wrong?
06:48:53 <fell> Sorry, I didn't any research in this region.
06:50:04 <YeOldHinnerk> quote: What it _cannot_ do, however, is sum or obtain the values from existing
06:50:05 <YeOldHinnerk> accounts ... so it would not be able to compute "all expenses in the
06:50:06 <YeOldHinnerk> last month".
06:50:15 <YeOldHinnerk> damn
06:50:32 <YeOldHinnerk> it would be great it it at least could access the balance of one given account
06:50:44 <YeOldHinnerk> then I could do the loan calculation manually:
06:50:51 <YeOldHinnerk> each month, add interest of x%
06:50:59 <YeOldHinnerk> each month pay y eur back
06:51:09 <YeOldHinnerk> would be straight forward
06:51:19 <YeOldHinnerk> I wouldn't need any fancy formulas.
07:05:41 <YeOldHinnerk> All I want to do, is add interest to an account each month. Does this work somehow?
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07:30:30 <YeOldHinnerk> anyone else: Is it possible to automatically add interest on the balance of an account with a scheduled transaction?
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08:37:48 <YeOldHinnerk> maybe one of the "new" guys: Is it possible to automatically add interest on the balance of an account with a scheduled transaction?
08:42:53 <fell> YeOldHinnerk:If I understand jsld right in the mail the variable handling was introduced as a side effect of the loan druid. So you could have a look at the sources of the loan druid, how it is done there - if you are not satisfied with the result of the druid.
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08:53:12 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:53:25 <warlord> YeOldHinnerk: there should be a way to specify that the ending value of the SX is not 0
08:53:59 <warlord> YeOldHinnerk: and yes, being able to compute the value of an account would be nice.
08:54:27 <warlord> YeOldHinnerk: no, there's no good way to auto-add interest on an account short of using a variable and having gnucash ask you what to input.
08:55:33 <warlord> Note also that your dates might be off from the bank's dates, so your interest calculations might be off. So you'd most likely have to manually correct the transaction anyways.
08:55:39 <warlord> You COULD have an SX to remind you to create an interest entry
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09:16:39 <YeOldHinnerk> Well, if I could calculate interest and add it to the account and subtract my fixed payment, I may be off by a couple of cents, but that would be ok, as I wouldn't know the excat amout still owed anyway.
09:17:06 <YeOldHinnerk> and if there is a difference of a couple of euro in 10 years, i could care less when I have to correct one booking then at the end :)
09:18:29 <warlord> fair enough. Patches always welcome!
09:44:48 <YeOldHinnerk> Maybe I should start looking into the code. It's always a bit overwhelming at the beginning though ...
09:44:59 <warlord> of course.
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18:16:26 <fell> warlord: I was just wondering . you applied your patch on trunk and branch, the other guys only on trunk. So what is our current policy?
19:10:25 <warlord> I think it depends on the patch..
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19:55:16 <jeremyking> I am looking for a webpage to add a menu to the reports menu.... Any ideas? I have been googling without success.
19:58:18 <jeremyking> just like "Sample & Custom" .... But Have a report menu called "Terra"
19:59:41 <warlord> jeremyking: Custom Reports on the wiki?
20:21:35 <jeremyking> warlord I would to say thanks for gnucash. I am running fedora. I have modified the fancy estimate to my liking and have copied it to my .gnucash folder. I have created the config.user to load terra-invoice.scm. I have ;; the menu-path line. When I start gnucash 2.4.11 I cannot find the report anywhere.
20:23:59 <jeremyking> http://pastebin.com/BE1c75yS
20:27:09 <warlord> jeremyking: Wrong way to load it. Rename the report (internal and external), change the GUID, and put it in the standard-reports directory; gnucash will autoload it.
20:33:05 <jeremyking> ok I did this but i am getting this error "no code for module (gnucash report standard-reports Terra-Invoice)"
20:36:58 <warlord> mmm... I think the file might need to be named Terra-Invoice.scm
20:37:12 <warlord> (i.e., the filename and module name must match)
20:38:29 <jeremyking> It does....
20:39:17 <warlord> You have: (define-module (gnucash report Terra-Invoice))
20:39:23 <warlord> You need to re-add standard-reports
20:39:51 <jeremyking> I need to edit the standard-reports.scm?
20:41:15 <warlord> No, you need to fix your report
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20:42:09 <warlord> Or... you need to put the report in the correct directory. Put it at the same place where the fancy-invoice is
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20:44:38 <warlord> basically, the module path must match the install path
20:45:02 <warlord> (I apologize for suggesting you put it into standard-reports, it should go one level higher)
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20:49:17 <jeremyking> I have it up one level now in the report directory. it will not autoload.
20:55:17 <jeremyking> Warlord thanks so much. I figured it out. I put it in the report folder but did not edit the config.user to /usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/Terra-Invoice.scm. now it is autoloading. I cannot put Terra-Invoice into /home/jeremyking/.gnucash/Terra-Invoice.scm It will not autoload from this point
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21:31:38 <warlord> jeremyking: You don't need config.user
21:34:19 <warlord> gnucash will autoload all reports from the master dir.
21:45:19 <jeremyking> if i delete config.user the reports will not autoload. I just checked again. I then recreated config.user and they autoload.
21:52:31 <warlord> reportS? plural?
21:53:59 <warlord> Ah, that's because it *is* only standard-reports that get auto-loaded. make your report a "standard-report", fix the module name, fix the location. Then it will autoload
21:54:06 <jeremyking> sorry I have a terra-estiamte.scm and a terra-invoice.scm
21:58:13 <warlord> that's fine. they should still all be a standard-report module and live in the standard-reports directory. then you dont need config.user
22:00:20 <jeremyking> I am going to have to do some reading to find out what the difference is between the reports I have and a "standard" report. Then I can make the changes.
22:17:35 <jeremyking> One more thing. I would like to create a folder menu under "Reports" called "Terra" ie: Reports >Terra>Terra Invoice.... I have been looking at how some of the other folders are created. It seems to be more of a challenge than I anticipated. I am not a programmer, software developer. I am a carpenter that took a program in C (not C++) course in university.
22:22:03 <warlord> jeremyking: I already told you, fix the module name and put it in the right dir
22:23:00 <warlord> set the menu-path
22:25:13 <warlord> for the first part, add standard-reports to (define-module (gnucash report Terra-Invoice)) . See any existing report in the standard-reports dir. Then put your report into that dir.,
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22:42:38 <jeremyking> warlord thanks so much for your patience. I now have them autoload in standard reports. I can set the menu-path to a defined on like business-reports. when I set it to 'menu-path (list gnc:menuname-Terra)... but where to i define Terra?
22:43:25 <warlord> gnc:menuname-Terra would be a symbol. You need to define that. Or you can just put in the string "Terra"
22:43:54 <warlord> The reason is uses a symbol is to make sure all the reports go to the same place, and if we wanted to rename the menu item we could.
22:46:24 *** phunyguy has joined #gnucash
22:47:06 <phunyguy> Hey folks, I have some online accounts set up with ING Direct and connecting GNUCash to them via aqbanking. I successfully got the account list, and then mapped them to my gnucash accounts
22:47:23 <phunyguy> problem is it wont return any transactions!
22:47:39 <phunyguy> Says there are none for the range specified (early as possible to now)
22:49:52 <warlord> phunyguy: banking or investments?
22:49:58 <phunyguy> banking
22:50:03 <warlord> just checking.
22:50:20 <warlord> You might want to enable to OFX logging to see what's going on behind the scenes.
22:50:30 <phunyguy> ok. It asked me to accept some certificates and, gave me the account list.
22:50:32 <warlord> I dont use the importer so I dont have first-hand experience.
22:50:36 <phunyguy> ok.
22:50:43 <warlord> That's probably a good first start.
22:50:55 <warlord> Have you checked the wiki to make sure you have it configured properly?
22:51:30 <phunyguy> It had a premade entry for ING
22:51:37 <phunyguy> :-/
22:51:49 <warlord> Oh, off ofxhome, possibly
22:52:11 <phunyguy> log says error 2000 and "the server needs to provide a more specific error"
22:52:17 <phunyguy> lol.
22:53:18 <warlord> Sorry, beyond me. You could try asking on gnucash-user mailing list and Martin (from AqB) might be able to point you in the right direction.
22:54:10 <phunyguy> KMyMoney works, but it has one crappy dealbreaker
22:54:32 <warlord> I know nothing abnout KMM. Never looked at it.
22:54:38 <phunyguy> when it imports and matches the manual transactions, it makes the transaction date the date the transaction cleared instead of what I put manually
22:54:47 <warlord> Yuck
22:54:51 <phunyguy> I want to know when I swiped my card, not when they took the money
22:54:59 <warlord> Yeah.
22:54:59 <phunyguy> yeah...
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22:55:10 <phunyguy> Frustrating!
22:55:19 <warlord> anyways, I'm sorry I can't help you.
22:55:24 <phunyguy> it's all good.
22:55:58 <warlord> anyways, i gotta run. g'night
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23:10:58 <jeremyking> Thanks warlord
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