2012-07-28 GnuCash IRC logs
00:35:51 *** Maxxed has joined #gnucash
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00:59:22 *** Maxxed has joined #gnucash
01:09:32 *** Maxxed has quit IRC
01:49:58 *** Jimraehl1 has quit IRC
01:56:48 *** Maxxed has joined #gnucash
04:06:37 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
04:10:46 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
04:31:13 *** ErKa has quit IRC
04:38:06 *** scorn has quit IRC
05:05:45 *** aqua___ has joined #gnucash
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08:12:56 *** fell has joined #gnucash
08:12:56 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
08:48:43 *** Askarii has joined #gnucash
08:53:21 *** Jimraehl1 has joined #gnucash
09:40:58 *** aqua___ has joined #gnucash
10:35:56 *** jmd has joined #gnucash
10:43:47 *** Bodhi-Baum has joined #gnucash
10:56:02 *** kpreid has quit IRC
10:58:24 *** aqua___ has quit IRC
13:30:49 *** pnema has joined #gnucash
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16:32:27 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
16:32:47 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
16:33:35 <warlord> hey mikee, when you get a chance could you op gncbot, please? Had another power outage here.
16:37:17 <fell> I get the impression the US power grid is less reliable than that in India.
16:37:59 *** jspiros has joined #gnucash
16:38:18 <jspiros> where did the wiki go? :(
16:38:57 <fell> It should just be back again.
16:40:10 <jspiros> Oh yay
16:50:43 <warlord> Sorry, had a 2h power outage here, took out everything including my upstream network.
16:50:55 <warlord> (even though my local network had battery backup)
16:52:50 <warlord> I suspect though that, since it's back now, if I complain they wont do anything because "it's working now". It's not like they can "test" a power outage.
16:53:45 <warlord> fell: Yeah, I feel like I'm in a third world country -- enough so that I'm considering a $5k backup generator for my house!
16:55:03 <warlord> Kinda sad that here in the US you need to get a private power backup in order to reliably have power.
16:57:56 <warlord> fell: interestingly you noticed the outage within about 2 minutes of it going out!
17:03:00 *** jmd has quit IRC
17:04:57 <fell> Warlord, what do you think about a few solar panels+car batteries?
17:06:35 <warlord> fell: For my computers, yeah, maybe that might help. But I also need backups for my A/C, and I don't think that would help there. My plan, honestly, is to get Solar for the house at large (which should cover a majority of my power usage), and have it grid-tied but behind the backup generator, so that when main power is out the generator will kick in and then the panels will produce. I'm not 100% sure if I can do that; I'll have to see.
17:08:19 <warlord> I do have existing UPS systems, but they don't last long. I might be able to get some external batteries to extend the UPS lifetime. But I don't know if I could get it out to 2-3 hours.
17:30:46 *** mikee sets mode: +o gncbot
17:32:05 <mikee> Lucky I happen to check in before going to bed huh?
17:33:19 <mikee> @op warlord
17:33:19 <gncbot> mikee: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
17:33:39 <mikee> @op fell
17:33:39 <gncbot> mikee: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
17:34:04 <mikee> @op warlord
17:34:05 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
17:34:07 <mikee> @op fell
17:34:07 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
17:34:55 <mikee> Goodnight all.
17:36:18 <fell> good night, mikee!
17:41:12 <warlord> Thank you, mikee ! And yes, lucky. Good night.
18:13:21 *** Jimraehl1 has quit IRC
18:51:07 *** Askarii has joined #gnucash
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19:04:41 *** jspiros has left #gnucash
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21:12:55 *** Jimraehl1 has joined #gnucash
21:18:43 *** Frust has joined #gnucash
21:25:36 <Frust> Looking for help troubleshooting an ofx-direct connection to Bank of America checking accounts. I can get the connection to work in MoneyDance, but gnucash is a no go.
21:29:48 *** jay has joined #gnucash
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21:30:33 <jay> Looking for help troubleshooting an ofx-direct connection to Bank of America checking accounts. I can get the connection to work in MoneyDance, but gnucash is a no go.
21:30:43 *** Askarii has quit IRC
21:43:35 <warlord> jay: Define "no go". That's not any error message in GnuCash or AqB.
21:46:52 <jay> lol sorry I suppose that is not very technical its true. But just now while waiting I was messing around and am making progress. Let me work with it for right now
21:47:23 <warlord> okay.
22:00:22 <jay> I got this working, but I thank you for coming back to help me.
22:01:21 *** jay has quit IRC
22:07:28 <warlord> Oh, so you're not going to say what the problem was...
22:14:02 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
22:28:28 *** kpreid has joined #gnucash
22:35:59 *** Jimraehl1 has quit IRC
23:19:06 *** arnotixe has quit IRC
23:27:27 *** Jimraehl1 has joined #gnucash