2012-07-26 GnuCash IRC logs

00:30:03 *** Askarii has joined #gnucash
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02:36:59 *** fell_afk is now known as fell
02:37:45 <fell> Hm, make returns: ../../../src/test-core/swig-unittest-support-python.c:125:20: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory
02:38:45 <fell> Some ideas?
02:51:32 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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06:17:33 *** fell_ has joined #gnucash
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08:03:11 *** fell_ has joined #gnucash
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09:25:09 <DimStar> fell_: which repo and where did the one come from you have currently installed? (I'd expect 1.51 to be from another repo than 9.1)
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09:46:04 *** fell__ has joined #gnucash
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09:51:47 <fell> DimStar: For a long time I used home:j_engel, but he has now no gnucash-doc. And for red packages I always compare the build date and the repo.
09:52:11 <fell> It was both obs:GNOME
09:54:21 *** fell_ has quit IRC
09:55:57 <fell> Did you probably start to build also for 12.2 with a reset of the number?
10:11:34 *** benoitg has joined #gnucash
10:49:42 <DimStar> the release number is CI Count.. j_engle was just a random 'home' repo.. not really meant for usage.. the 'official' repo for gnucash is GNOME:Apps
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12:01:54 <fell> DimStar: yep, j_engel is only a home repo, but over about 2 years it was the only suse repo with recent aqbanking versions. The german banks dropped the old methods of the FinTS/HBCI standard for security reasons.
12:04:38 <fell> CI Count ?
12:40:15 <DimStar> CI count => Checkin count... So whenever a checin happens (a package change), the digit before the dot increases by one... the one after the dot represents how often the package was rebuilt with the same source (due to changing depending packages for example)
12:40:35 <DimStar> fell: 2 years? Shame that nobody reported such things in bugzilla I guess :(
12:40:58 <DimStar> but the last feedback I got from the 12.2 Release Candidate: gnucash seems to work there :) that's new for openSUSE
12:43:05 <DimStar> fell: see https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=751127#c12...
12:47:21 *** wrb has joined #gnucash
12:47:25 <fell> Fine!
12:47:30 <wrb> Hi!
12:58:14 <wrb> hi all, wanted to say I'm creating a free POS (GPL) and would like to connect with GNUCash.
12:58:21 <wrb> Initially I tried to connect to postgres GNUCash, supposedly to save should give me that option, but only gives me the xml format.
12:58:27 <wrb> I'm using the svn version.
12:58:35 <wrb> Anyone know how I can make that option appear?
13:29:55 <wrb> hi?
13:40:52 <fell> wrb: I really would welcome a connection to a POS, but you should try to use a standardized method like QIFor OFX to connect.
13:41:38 <fell> Relying only on one backend of currently 4 is no good idea.
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13:52:14 <fell> You can get an inspiration, how it could be done in this thread: https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2012-July/034044.html
13:58:15 <fell> Beneath libdbi you need also to install the desired dbd package.
13:58:45 <fell> ... for accessing SQL
13:59:52 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord-slow
14:00:14 <warlord-slow> fell: did you solve you Python build issue? Did you --enable-python-bindings but not have python-devel installed?
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14:01:34 <warlord-slow> wrb: you need t... okay, nevermind.
14:07:59 <fell> Ough, I didn't see it between all the python-*.
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14:13:41 <warlord-slow> fell: If that was the case it's a bug in our configure script. It should make sure you have python development headers if you --enable-python-bindings
14:15:24 <fell> I had the same thought.
14:17:11 <warlord-slow> I would file a Bz report on it.
14:18:34 <warlord-slow> anyways, I'm off again.. BIAW
14:18:39 *** warlord-slow is now known as warlord-afk
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