2012-07-25 GnuCash IRC logs
01:22:17 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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16:20:34 *** Fox_Chere has joined #gnucash
16:20:59 <Fox_Chere> Hello?
16:22:25 <Fox_Chere> I'm new to financial software, and am having difficult navigating how to start. I would like to import my bank statements, and I do not understand how to do it.
16:25:21 <fell> Fox_Chere: First have a look at http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/guide/ ...
16:25:51 <Fox_Chere> hmm.. okay. I was looking through different manuals. I'll check that out
16:26:11 <Fox_Chere> I'm already looking at that
16:26:56 <fell> ...then read http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Setting_up_OFXDirectConnect_in_GnuCash_2
16:29:58 <Fox_Chere> am I just reading too fast? I feel like there should be an "import your data" button in the program
16:30:24 <Fox_Chere> ugh.. there it is.
16:30:36 <Fox_Chere> I just need the mechanic standing over the car to find stuff..
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16:38:36 <fell> There are several ways to import data: if available from your bank use OFXDirectconnect, else download the files manually [,convert] and import them.
16:42:22 <Fox_Chere> my bank allows me to download the .qif files
16:43:13 <Fox_Chere> is there someone who would be willing to walk me through some things? I'm importing my information, though, I didn't have categories set up already, so am I going to be able to edit those later?
16:44:09 <fell> It is not in the list at http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/OFX_Direct_Connect_Bank_Settings ?
16:45:15 <fell> or in this database http://www.ofxhome.com/ ?
16:48:35 <fell> or here http://web.intuit.com/personal/quicken/search.cfm?type=basic ?
16:48:45 <Fox_Chere> I'd prefer to not have direct connections with my program and the internet
16:50:29 <fell> OK, I understandsecurity reasons.
16:51:33 <Fox_Chere> I just don't understand it enough to protect myself, so I'd rather not.
16:51:34 <Fox_Chere> =o)
16:52:28 <Fox_Chere> what does the "transfer" column in the checking account mean? all the entries say "unspecified"
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16:57:47 <fell> I don't see a transfer column. :-(
17:00:12 <fell> To import your QIF file, first make a copy of your data file, if anything goes wrong.
17:00:54 <fell> Then File->Import->Import QIF
17:03:14 <Fox_Chere> Yes, I did that
17:03:40 <Fox_Chere> one of the sections asks if something is matching.. I'll delete the account, and restart it to give you the exact wording
17:05:28 <Fox_Chere> "match payees/memos to gnucash accounts"
17:06:03 <Fox_Chere> am I going to be able to match these later, or does it have to be done now?
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17:08:47 <fell> I _believe_ on the first import it is not important, but later your files might be overlapping in the date range or a transaction was already entered in another way, then it is important to find duplicates.
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17:10:31 <Fox_Chere> I'm importing two accounts, a checking and a savings.. it's asking me to associate each import with an account and with a catagory?
17:11:58 <fell> I seldom use the importer manually, but I belive you should answer "yes".
17:13:15 <Fox_Chere> well, yeah. I see that I can shift some stuff around. I have to leave for work now, though. I'll be back in for more help at another time. I appreciate your help, fel
17:13:17 <Fox_Chere> fell*
17:13:36 *** Fox_Chere has quit IRC
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17:48:32 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
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17:59:38 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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18:09:47 <nafg> Hi
18:10:00 <nafg> Is it normal for the files in .aqbanking to be url encoded?
18:10:07 <nafg> Like %3a
18:15:12 <fell> nafg: Some have this encoding in my ,aqbanking too.
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18:58:33 <nafg> I'm a bit confused about A/R
18:59:10 <nafg> Suppose a customer pays me $100. There are three accounts involved -- A/R, income, and bank account.
18:59:18 <nafg> How do they add up?
19:00:57 <fell> If you post the invoice, money flows from income to A/R, if he pays from A/R to bank.
19:02:43 <nafg> So it's either or?
19:03:01 <nafg> Still confused
19:03:14 <nafg> What do you mean by "if you post the invoice" or "if he pays"?
19:06:39 <warlord> nafg: which part don't you understand?
19:07:00 <nafg> What are the two possibilities?
19:07:02 <warlord> When you post/send the invoice, it's Income -> A/R. When you receive/deposit their payment, it's A/R -> Bank
19:07:12 <warlord> What do you mean, "two possibilities"?
19:07:12 <nafg> Oh
19:07:15 <warlord> There is only one way
19:07:19 <warlord> (with invoicing)
19:07:32 <nafg> fell said if ... if, I thought it was either or
19:07:36 <nafg> I see it's really "when" :)
19:07:38 <warlord> no..
19:07:52 <warlord> the 'if' was referring to which step.
19:07:56 <nafg> Right
19:08:10 <nafg> Got it
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19:17:46 <fell> warlord wrote the business module.
19:18:39 <warlord> okay :)
19:18:45 <warlord> fell: Hmmm... Sort of, maybe. I don't know how hard that would be.
19:18:47 <warlord> nafg: I was, once. NOwadays I just maintain the main servers.
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19:20:56 <warlord> @nick gncbot
19:20:56 *** gncbot` is now known as gncbot
19:20:59 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot
19:23:34 <nafg> What is gncbot?
19:23:42 <nafg> Is there really no undo command?
19:25:36 <fell> gncbot is the GNuCash supyBOT.
19:25:36 <gncbot> fell: Error: "is" is not a valid command.
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19:27:16 <fell> Dinning time, CU later.
19:27:22 *** fell is now known as fell_afk
20:44:35 <nafg> If someone pays me in cash and then I deposit it, should I transfer to cash and then to the bank, or just straight to the bank? Because the deposit includes
20:45:01 <nafg> additional cash, so not sure if I should do a split including A/R, or keep it separate
21:08:00 *** benoitg has joined #gnucash
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21:10:27 <warlord> nafg: it would be two txns: Income-> Cash, and then Cash -> Bank
21:10:43 <warlord> .. and no, there is no "undo" except "Quit without saving"
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21:49:00 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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23:23:52 *** benoitg has joined #gnucash