2012-07-19 GnuCash IRC logs
00:22:54 *** fell has quit IRC
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05:56:34 *** damien_ has joined #gnucash
06:00:22 <damien_> Hi
06:00:45 <damien_> I have a question about how to use gnucash in my situation (I'll explain quick ;) )
06:00:46 <damien_> :
06:01:45 <damien_> I used to do my accounting in Euros since I live in France and I am going to Scotland for a year or two, with regular trips back to France
06:02:03 <damien_> I will then spend both EUR and GBP
06:03:03 <damien_> how should I organize my accounts ? (I don't want to fill en exchange rate each time I buy something at the grocery...)
06:04:38 <damien_> (PS: I already followed the doc, which is great, but more suited if you go occasionnaly abroad in my opinion)
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07:59:58 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:00:37 <warlord> damien_: most likely you will need two sets of expense accounts, one in EUR and one in GBP, along with multiple sets of Asset accounts.
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08:28:06 <damien_> hi warlord, thanks for your answer
08:28:18 <warlord> you're welcome
08:28:19 <damien_> so basically I just duplicate everything...? (almost)
08:31:24 <damien_> is there an easy way to do this or do I have to re-create each expense account?
08:34:52 <warlord> I don't know if there is a good way to duplicate it at once. You could just recreate them as you need them.
08:36:02 <damien_> ok
08:36:33 <damien_> I will try this way ;)
08:36:38 <damien_> thanks
08:36:41 *** Jimraehl1 has joined #gnucash
08:37:14 <warlord> good luck
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09:32:06 <gnuCash> I have a question. May I ask it here? I did not get any useful information on the internet or I just don't know how to ask the correct question to the search engine.
09:35:45 <warlord> gnuCash: see the topic. just ask.
09:37:06 <gnuCash> In my country we had the currency "Slovene tolar" abb. SIT, now we have EUR, but in gnucash I still have SIT allover, even when I set the currency to "choose EUR". How can I fix that?
09:39:02 <warlord> gnuCash: why would you want to lose all your history?
09:39:58 <gnuCash> I just started using Gnucash and we changed SIT into EUR in 2006 or 2007. I have no history recorded in SIT currency
09:40:30 <warlord> Oh, then what do you mean by "in gnucash you still have SIT all over"?
09:40:49 <gnuCash> In all my accounts and reports
09:40:52 <warlord> It sounds like your computer locale has the currency SIT for the locale currency.
09:41:04 <warlord> That means you created your accounts with SIT.
09:41:33 <warlord> You can set the currency you use when you create you accounts.. but once you create them, the currency gets "locked in"
09:42:29 <gnuCash> But I had set EUR on my Mac before even installing gnucash...
09:42:56 <warlord> Mac locales are.... weird.
09:43:10 <warlord> (unfortunately I'm not a Mac person, and john isn't here)
09:43:23 <gnuCash> :) probably they are
09:44:22 <warlord> Anyways, the point remains, if your accounts are all in SIT then I would recommend you start over with a new set of accounts and make sure you set EUR before you create anything.
09:44:32 <gnuCash> OK
09:44:37 <warlord> Set your preferences and then File -> New File
09:44:43 <gnuCash> OK
09:44:51 <gnuCash> I will try that, thanks!
09:45:22 <gnuCash> So I should set to "Choose EUR" then make a new file?
09:46:07 <warlord> I'm not sure what you mean by "Choose EUR"
09:47:04 <gnuCash> on preferences -> accounts -> default currency there are 2 options:
09:47:07 <gnuCash> local
09:47:22 <gnuCash> choose (where you can choose the other currencies)
09:47:46 <warlord> Ah. Yes, you should set that to EUR before you create your Chart of Accounts.
09:48:05 <gnuCash> Ok, thanks again
09:48:11 <warlord> good luck!
09:48:32 <fell> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Locale_Settings#Changing_the_Language_on_OSX
09:49:30 <warlord> fell: does that talk about changing the currency, too?
09:49:40 <gnuCash> fell: I do that in the terminal?
09:49:58 <fell> The default currency depends on the region.
09:50:04 <gnuCash> warlord: it talks about setting local setting besides the languages
09:52:00 <fell> First look at System Settings>International
09:53:02 <fell> If there the default currency is still SIT, you should try to update OSX.
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09:54:51 <fell> .... or change it there.
09:56:23 <gnuCash> how do I check the System settings is that the same as System preferences?
09:57:55 <fell> I think so. (My last apple computer was apple ][. ;) )
09:58:29 <gnuCash> OK I will try
10:11:30 *** Antisoche has quit IRC
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12:46:05 <fell> warlord: about our spam fight: I think restrict page creation is less invasive than restrict account creation, because new users could still edit existing page, while spammers usually create new pages.
12:49:37 <warlord> Agreed.
12:49:48 <warlord> Remind me what I need to do?
12:50:55 <fell> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Preventing_access#Restrict_page_creation
12:51:37 <warlord> thx
12:56:47 <warlord> is 4 days sufficient?
12:58:21 <fell> I would prefer 5 (work week) or 7 (full week) days, but I believe it is not so important.
12:59:12 <warlord> okay
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13:29:10 <warlord> @tell fell done. Set at 7 days
13:29:10 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
13:33:41 *** fell_ has joined #gnucash
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13:37:46 *** fell_ is now known as fell
13:38:21 <fell> Strange, my networkmanager forgot the key of my wlan.
13:38:21 <gncbot> fell: Sent 9 minutes ago: <warlord> done. Set at 7 days
13:38:42 <fell> warlord:thx!
13:38:44 <warlord> Did it forget it? Or just re-ask you for it
13:39:14 <warlord> if you fall off the net it will sometimes just re-ask you for the password, even if you know it. If you 'cancel' and then try to reconnect it will usually do so without you typing it in again
13:40:58 <fell> Yes, usually I disable and reenable the wlan and it works again, but this time not.
13:43:01 <warlord> Weird.
13:57:31 <warlord> Anyways, mediawiki updated.
13:57:35 <warlord> Hopefully this will help.
13:58:15 <fell> Link?
13:59:33 <warlord> "this" meaning the config update I just made
14:02:01 <fell> The mediawiki update to which version?
14:08:38 <warlord> I meant the config update, making createpage only work after 7 days
14:19:27 <fell> Ok, I just created http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/GnuCash:Policy and will try to clean the spam wave of the last weak.
14:19:52 <warlord> Thank you!
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15:33:08 <fell> Most of the last spam wave were "search engine optimizer"s with relative smart user pages, marked as minor change.
15:35:01 <warlord> Hmm
15:35:13 <warlord> I wonder how they are bypassing the Captcha?
15:38:42 <fell> One old trick, is to offer the images on a separate page as a game. For the right solution a girl strips a piece of cloth.
15:42:53 *** Fabzgy has quit IRC
15:45:49 <warlord> LOL
15:45:52 <warlord> Ok
15:48:04 *** ErKa has quit IRC
15:51:11 <fell> I am not shure, if I should add the regexp .seo. to the url blacklist. I fear, there would be other urls containing the string "seo".
16:00:49 <warlord> Like what? Why would people need to add external urls?
16:12:35 *** fell has quit IRC
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16:18:33 <fell> urls like univerSEOfXYZ. Links to good documents or tools for gnucash.
16:19:51 *** fell is now known as fell_afk
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16:58:31 <fell> cleanup + overhead done in 4h. :-)
17:07:09 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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22:40:56 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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