2012-05-31 GnuCash IRC logs
00:03:19 *** fell_ has joined #gnucash
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00:09:42 <lake> hello, i would like a report that generates the average monthly expense for a given category.
00:10:04 <lake> for all expense categories, rather.
00:12:17 <lake> i am cloning the source now to look around.
01:00:06 <lake> Ah, i see the expense account pie chart that supports an average as an option.
01:00:07 <lake> woo!
02:15:50 *** GabrieleV has joined #gnucash
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04:02:00 <mikee> @op
04:02:00 *** gncbot sets mode: +o mikee
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14:18:46 *** alberto has joined #gnucash
14:18:58 <alberto> Hi
14:22:16 <alberto> I want to duplicate a account hierarchy that I have created before. For example Expenses > Accounts1 and I want to duplicate Accounts1 and get a Accounts2
14:22:23 <alberto> That's possible?
14:22:29 <alberto> thanks for the help
14:29:19 <warlord> File -> Export Accounts
14:29:38 <warlord> Wait, do you want to create a new data file with the same set of accounts?
14:29:49 <warlord> Or do you want to duplicate one subset within the same data file
14:30:08 <alberto> whitin
14:30:17 <alberto> within
14:30:31 <alberto> that's my problem
14:32:00 <warlord> Oh. Yeah, there's not a great way to do that. The best way would be to extract that account subset and create a gnucash-xea file that you can load via the New Hierarchy Druid.
14:37:24 <alberto> how can I do that?
14:38:44 <warlord> File -> Export Accounts and then you need to hand-edit the XML
14:41:24 <alberto> OK I've already exported and opened the xml file
14:41:44 <alberto> I'm reading archives with this extension on internet
14:41:51 <alberto> What do I have to edit?
14:42:51 <alberto> I have to add the tag <gnc-account-example>?
14:46:29 <warlord> alberto: Take a look at an existing gnucash-xea file for an example. Alas, I dont think there's good docs on this.
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14:49:44 * Mer|in gasps
15:03:38 <alberto> OK I've mounted my gnucash-xea file
15:03:41 <alberto> How can I import?
15:09:50 <alberto> nevermind
15:10:03 <alberto> found the folder on usr/share/gnucash/accounts
15:12:57 <alberto> WoW
15:13:04 <alberto> I've maded IT
15:13:05 <alberto> it
15:13:15 <alberto> Thank you a lot warlord!
15:13:22 <warlord> you're welcome.
15:13:32 <warlord> Feel free to document your experiences on the wiki?
15:13:58 <alberto> yes!
15:14:06 <alberto> can you give me a link?
15:20:14 <fell_> alberto: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/AccountHierarchyTemplate
15:20:28 *** fell_ is now known as fell
16:30:52 *** matthias has joined #gnucash
16:31:36 <matthias> hi all, hey fell :)
16:31:44 <matthias> anyone available?
16:32:26 <fell> Hi matthias!
16:33:06 <matthias> hi fell,
16:33:10 <matthias> na? alles klär?
16:33:22 <matthias> ich hab nochmal ne frage, geht aber nicht direkt um gnucash sondern die mailing liste
16:33:54 <fell> Und was genau?
16:33:58 <matthias> ich hab mich bei der von gnucash eingetragen
16:34:02 <matthias> bekomme aber bisher keine emails
16:34:06 <matthias> so funktioniert das doch oder??
16:34:30 <matthias> in die mailing liste eintragen.. dann bekomm ich von der liste (bzw von den mitgliedern) emails mit deren fragen/diskussionen
16:35:17 <matthias> oh. moment, ich seh grad auch im archiv dass seit meiner anmeldung keiner mehr geschrieben hatte
16:35:27 <matthias> hm, vergiss die frage, ich warte nochmal ab ;)
16:35:45 <matthias> mit gnucash hat übrigens weiter alles funktioniert, die mehrteiligen buchungen "laufen"
16:36:40 <fell> auf Gnucash-de ist zur Zeit nicht viel los. Auf -user und -devel schon mehr.
16:37:30 <fell> Hab ich nicht anders erwartet. ;)
16:48:06 <matthias> fell: ich hab nicht nachgelesen, geb ich zu, aber.. kann ich die einstellungen der vorhandenen berichte abspeichern?
16:50:37 <fell> Ja, wenn du alle Optionen angepaßt hast, einfach umbenennen, etwa von Bericht nach mein_Bericht.
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16:59:29 <matthias> fell: ich bin jetzt mal auf "berichte - erträge und aufwendungen - Aufwendungen balkendiagramm"
16:59:41 <matthias> so, die grafik ist zu klein ich stelle sie höher..
17:00:17 <warlord> alberto: thanks
17:00:31 <alberto> bye
17:00:34 *** alberto has quit IRC
17:00:42 <matthias> fell: was kann ich jetzt tun um das abzuspeichern? einfach den berichtsnamen ändern?
17:02:04 <matthias> fell: oder hat das alles was mit dem benutzerdefinierten bericht und der vorlage usw zu tun..
17:02:23 <matthias> fell: dann würd ich mich mal einlesen darin,a ber wenns was schnelles einfaches gibt, würd ich das vorziehen
17:02:38 <fell> Erst umbenennen, dann speichern.
17:03:02 <matthias> fell: ja, genau,, den SPEICHERN knopf hab ich GERADE erst entdeckt!! sorry, ich war etwas eifrig wohl
17:10:43 *** gncbot` has joined #gnucash
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17:12:55 * matthias is wech
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17:41:50 <warlord> fell: could you op gncbot, please?
17:42:13 <fell> @op
17:42:13 <gncbot> fell: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
17:42:26 <warlord> fell: /mode +o gncbot
17:44:35 *** fell sets mode: +o gncbot
17:45:10 <fell> @op warlord
17:45:10 <gncbot> fell: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
17:51:27 <warlord> Thanks, fell.
17:51:32 <warlord> @op
17:51:32 <gncbot> warlord: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
17:51:53 <warlord> @op
17:51:54 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
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22:52:26 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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