2012-04-06 GnuCash IRC logs
00:06:51 *** Fabzgy has joined #gnucash
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02:16:36 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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04:50:47 *** heck has joined #gnucash
04:50:57 <heck> hello, everyone
04:52:33 <heck> i have for my bank account two hbci users - me and my wife. How can i tell gnucash which hbci user to use?
04:55:08 <heck> I tried to switch the default user in aqbanking-assistant (in edit accounts, choose user) but gnucash alwas uses the first user i added (me).
04:55:29 *** kpreid has joined #gnucash
04:57:21 <heck> hello kpreid do you know something about switching hbci users for one account?
05:36:53 <utopiah> heck: sorry no idea
05:39:24 <heck> OK folks i found a solution: In ~/.aqbanking/setting/users/*.conf are user-ids. Edit in ~/.aqbanking/setting/accounts the account for which you want change the user and set the values for "user" and "selectedUser" to the user-id. Then it works!
05:40:52 <heck> I use GnuCash 2.4.7 rb5bdf19+ from 2011-08-02, and it's sad that there is no GUI to switch the HBCI user.
05:41:58 <heck> I say bye and wish you a good "Good Friday"!
05:48:29 *** heck has left #gnucash
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08:26:42 <warlord> utopiah: You're probably better off asking on #aqbanking (on freenode, IIRC)
08:29:12 <utopiah> warlord: checked there and other networks before asking and was empty, Ill check better
08:29:48 <warlord> you can also try asking on the gnucash-user mailing list, where Martin frequents. Or try to AqB mailing lists
09:03:13 *** wizkid238 has quit IRC
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11:30:32 *** Chad_ has joined #gnucash
11:32:51 <Chad_> I have a reconciled bank deposit that i need to tie back to a customer invoice as paid so my customer aging report is accurate. Is there a way to do this in gnucash?
11:37:47 <warlord> Chad_: what version of gnucash?
11:37:55 <Chad_> checking...
11:38:14 <Chad_> GnuCash 2.4.10 - via portable apps
11:39:38 <warlord> Ah, right.. I am fairly sure that in 2.4 there is no way to tie an existing txn into the biz logic as a payment. I'm afraid you will need to delete the transaction, use Process Payment, and then just re-reconcile at the next reconciliation.
11:42:01 <warlord> (In future versions you will be able to apply the txn as a payment in the AR register)
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11:43:19 <Chad_> thanks warlord!
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19:39:32 *** fell has joined #gnucash
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20:10:45 *** Jimraehl has joined #gnucash
20:40:16 *** DanC has joined #gnucash
20:40:30 * DanC hunts for clues on building reports in python
20:41:44 * DanC ... or javascript, even
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22:01:51 <DanC> hmm... I see more discussion of using python to get straight at the gnucash SQL store than using python in the gnucash scripting environment.
22:02:14 <DanC> I have to say, I find the gnucash SQL schema quite straightforward to work with.
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22:51:30 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk