2012-04-02 GnuCash IRC logs
00:13:50 *** pnema has joined #gnucash
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01:35:21 *** ErKa has quit IRC
01:41:21 *** fuzzybunny has joined #gnucash
01:41:45 <fuzzybunny> hey guys I am a bit confused about what aqbanking is? Has anyone here used it?
02:15:59 *** uXus has joined #gnucash
03:09:03 *** Jimraehl2 has joined #gnucash
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05:33:55 *** mikee sets mode: +o gncbot
07:05:54 *** Fabzgy has joined #gnucash
07:14:19 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
07:14:46 <warlord> fuzzybunny: aqbanking is a toolkit that supplies a bunch of bank connectivity and import support.
07:15:09 <fuzzybunny> oh I tried going through the setup thing but I wasn't sure what to put in any of the fields
07:15:18 <fuzzybunny> I am in NZ and my bank is kiwibank
07:15:48 <fuzzybunny> and they aren't very helpful so I don't know how I would find out what any of the information is
07:26:38 <warlord> I dont know what protocols, if any, they support.
07:32:42 <warlord> hey mikee -- any chance you could op gncbot?
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07:34:16 <mikee> warlord: Morning. I did already.
07:34:41 <warlord> @op
07:34:41 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
07:34:47 <warlord> ah, so you did. Sorry, and thanks!
07:34:57 <warlord> @op fell
07:34:57 *** gncbot sets mode: +o fell
07:35:08 <mikee> warlord: Good to be back at work?
07:35:41 <mikee> Forgot to op fell though.
07:35:56 <fell> NP :)
07:38:52 <warlord> A bit jetlagged, but yeah. Went to bed around 9:30 last night. Woke up around 5. Dozed until 7 before I decided to grab my laptop
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07:59:57 <fuzzybunny> oh ok
08:00:04 <fuzzybunny> hmmm
08:00:46 <fuzzybunny> warlord: why would I ever want to close my book in GNUCash?
08:01:19 <warlord> fuzzybunny: if you want the CoA Inc/Exp numbers to be "year to date"
08:30:13 <fuzzybunny> your such a brain over there
08:30:45 <warlord> Honestly, I never close the books..
08:32:08 <fuzzybunny> oh I haven't either lol
08:33:43 <fuzzybunny> warlord: why would you want your Income and Expenses to be year to date
08:33:46 <fuzzybunny> ?
08:34:21 <warlord> To more easily see how you're doing from te CoA, instead of running a report
08:35:00 <fuzzybunny> oh
08:35:24 <fuzzybunny> and the Coa is that Chart of Accounts
08:35:40 <fuzzybunny> like the page that has my Assets Equity and Expenses
08:35:44 <fuzzybunny> and Liabilities
08:36:28 <fuzzybunny> for some reason there is a bar at the bottom that says
08:36:57 <fuzzybunny> $, Grand Total: Net Assets: Profits
08:37:07 <fuzzybunny> then if I click on it there is one below that says
08:37:31 <fuzzybunny> $: Net assets Profits
08:37:40 <fuzzybunny> why are there two?
08:39:02 <warlord> Grand Total vs. splitting into currencies?
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08:40:42 <fuzzybunny> hmmm
08:41:00 <fuzzybunny> I am not sure
08:41:08 <fuzzybunny> the Grand total has nothing beside it
08:41:23 <fuzzybunny> and the Net assets and profits are the same on both lines
08:41:25 <warlord> Maybe you have no profits? ;)
08:41:35 <warlord> (I honestly dont know the math behind that)
08:42:40 <fuzzybunny> lol
08:42:53 <fuzzybunny> well im not exactly scrooge mcduck
08:43:01 <fuzzybunny> or whatever his name is
08:43:14 <fuzzybunny> apparently the richest person on earth
08:43:23 <warlord> heh
08:43:26 <warlord> Richie Rich?
08:43:35 <fuzzybunny> i think Forbes said Scrooge was
08:43:54 <fuzzybunny> http://www.forbes.com/lists/fictional15/2011/forbes-fictional-15.html
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08:45:48 <fuzzybunny> oh and warlord remember that time when you told me about double line mode
08:46:02 <warlord> what about it?
08:46:19 <fuzzybunny> well mine as you know have stuff like this
08:46:20 <fuzzybunny> OFX ext. info: |Trans type:Generic debit|Memo:POS W/D COUNTDOWN - T-18:14 ;
08:46:28 <fuzzybunny> so if I erase that
08:46:35 <fuzzybunny> what will happen
08:47:03 <fuzzybunny> I am scared I will open up some vortex in the universe
08:47:05 <fuzzybunny> if I erase it
08:47:33 <warlord> If you erase it you will lose your ofx memo.
08:47:36 <fuzzybunny> because I want to put a more detailed description of stuff but I don't really want all that in there
08:47:49 <fuzzybunny> why would I need my ofx memo
08:48:17 <fuzzybunny> and is that how it knows if things have been matched
08:48:20 <fuzzybunny> or added
08:48:23 <fuzzybunny> or things like that
08:48:30 <fuzzybunny> when I import transactions
08:49:01 <warlord> It's up to you. The OFX impoter doesn't want to drop data for you. You're welcome to decide you don't want it anymore. deleting it will have no effect on your data, except the loss of the data you deletred.
08:49:32 <fuzzybunny> what about if I tried to reimport the same information
08:49:34 <fuzzybunny> again
08:50:03 <fuzzybunny> like you know how it shows that window with all the transactions that it is importing
08:50:09 <fuzzybunny> and some of them are red
08:50:11 <fuzzybunny> or green
08:50:32 <fuzzybunny> ill try to do it again
08:50:35 <fuzzybunny> just to see what it says
08:51:14 <fuzzybunny> of course I erased them lol
08:56:12 <warlord> No, re-importing OFX will silently discard dups
09:02:42 <fuzzybunny> oh ok
09:03:16 <fuzzybunny> warlord: do you mind that I am asking you all these questions
09:03:28 <fuzzybunny> you know all this hidden stuff that I was always curious about
09:03:48 <warlord> I've been on this project for 13 years, give or take
09:04:02 <fuzzybunny> oh
09:04:12 <fuzzybunny> my word
09:07:19 <fuzzybunny> warlord: if I go into Edit -> Tax Report Options
09:07:35 <fuzzybunny> and click on Edit
09:08:07 <fuzzybunny> what would I put into the Income Tax Identity Name
09:08:25 <fuzzybunny> the type only has US stuff it looks like
09:10:39 <fuzzybunny> and also why would you want to set things as tax related
09:11:15 <warlord> Yeah, it's pretty US centric.
09:12:35 <fuzzybunny> oh
09:12:47 <fuzzybunny> so how would I enter my stuff for New Zealand
09:13:05 <fuzzybunny> and why would you use it
09:13:07 <fuzzybunny> ?
09:20:31 <warlord> You wouldn't, because GnuCash does not have NZ "Tax" support.
09:20:35 <warlord> It has support for US and DE
09:21:32 * Arafangion would be very wary of tax stuff in an open source package.
09:23:04 <warlord> Well, it doesn't compute taxes, just creates a TXF that you could import into e.g. TurboTax
09:23:06 <fuzzybunny> oh damn
09:23:13 <fuzzybunny> oh :(
09:24:24 <Arafangion> fuzzybunny: taxation rules also change frequently.
09:24:39 <Arafangion> Especially in Australia, no idea about NZ>
09:25:17 <fuzzybunny> oh
09:25:22 <fuzzybunny> I am not sure about here
09:28:53 <fuzzybunny> why would you want to install the finance quote update
09:31:08 <fuzzybunny> when would I have to use the Check & Repair stuff?
09:33:27 <warlord> F::Q is for stock and currency quotes.
09:33:45 <warlord> C&R is there to correct issues in data that accrete over time due to e.g. bugs.
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09:37:18 <fuzzybunny> oh
09:38:44 <fuzzybunny> do you guys know of anything I could read to learn what all the reports do?
09:39:46 <fuzzybunny> oh and also
09:39:58 <fuzzybunny> when I import transactions through my bank
09:40:02 <fuzzybunny> with the OFX files
09:40:13 <fuzzybunny> it imports everything in capital letters
09:40:21 <fuzzybunny> and whenever I try to change it
09:40:47 <fuzzybunny> it keeps reverting back to putting the description all in caps
09:41:04 <fuzzybunny> is there anyway I can get it so that I can just type in a replacement name
09:41:27 <fuzzybunny> and have it keep that instead of always autofilling the imported description
09:41:30 <fuzzybunny> ?
09:41:46 <fuzzybunny> I have to put like a . or something in front of the entry
09:41:50 <fuzzybunny> then type out the description
09:41:55 <fuzzybunny> and then erase the dot
09:43:22 <warlord> That works.
09:43:32 <Arafangion> fuzzybunny: Or ignore the auto-fill, then hit backspace.
09:43:54 <fuzzybunny> hmmm
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09:44:19 <fuzzybunny> that is my biggest thing with GNUCash I would say
09:44:40 <Arafangion> Hmm, htat doesn't always work, strangely it doesn't cause me any issues.
09:44:55 <fuzzybunny> lol
09:45:11 <fuzzybunny> it always gets me
09:45:16 <fuzzybunny> I will import all these transactions
09:45:22 <fuzzybunny> and then have to rename them all
09:45:45 <fuzzybunny> and put a . in front of them and type out the whole name and then erase the dot
09:45:46 <fuzzybunny> lol
09:46:11 <fuzzybunny> maybe it is just because I have an RSI lurking in the shadows
09:46:19 <Arafangion> After a while, you end up having the same ones again.
09:46:23 <fuzzybunny> hovering over me
09:46:30 <fuzzybunny> yeah
09:46:34 <fuzzybunny> it is just whenever I import
09:46:45 <fuzzybunny> it just refuses to get rid of the all caps description
09:46:52 <fuzzybunny> unless I put a . at the front
09:47:08 <fuzzybunny> my arms nearly fall off
09:47:12 <fuzzybunny> by the time I am done
09:47:49 <warlord> I'll note that I don't use any importers so I never run into any of these problems/
09:48:09 <fuzzybunny> oh
09:48:30 <Arafangion> I must admit it's suddenly started happening to me.
09:48:31 <fuzzybunny> ok
09:48:37 <Arafangion> And it's now annoying! :)
09:48:48 <Arafangion> I don't use importers, either.
09:48:55 <fuzzybunny> oh I do
09:49:04 <fuzzybunny> once again my RSI is to blame lol
09:49:37 <fuzzybunny> i used to enter everything manually
09:49:41 <fuzzybunny> and then im like
09:49:44 <fuzzybunny> am i crazy
09:49:52 <fuzzybunny> and I started importing
09:52:10 <Arafangion> Aha!
09:52:15 <Arafangion> fuzzybunny: Are you running linux?
09:52:24 <fuzzybunny> me no
09:52:26 <fuzzybunny> I am using mac
09:52:35 <fuzzybunny> I did use Ubuntu though
09:52:37 <fuzzybunny> before
09:52:55 <Arafangion> I've found out what was causing the completion issue for me, but it doesn't apply to you, sadly!
09:53:11 <Arafangion> warlord: For some *bizare* reason, if I kill clipman, autocompletion returns to being *sane*.
09:53:26 <warlord> No clue what clipman is
09:53:33 <Arafangion> It's some kind of fancy clipboard manager.
09:53:41 <Arafangion> I only ran it out of curiosity.
09:53:54 <Arafangion> For linux
09:55:30 <Arafangion> Looks like others also have similar issues.
09:55:40 <fuzzybunny> guys is there anyway I can have a password prompt before my gnucash file is opened
09:55:58 <fuzzybunny> so that any tom dick and harry cannot look at my finanaces
09:56:01 <Arafangion> fuzzybunny: Macs have a username and password, why isn't that sufficient?
09:56:12 <Arafangion> fuzzybunny: You can set up different accounts really easily, as well?
09:56:29 <fuzzybunny> with gnucash I can?
09:56:37 <Arafangion> It's built into the operating system!
09:56:38 <fuzzybunny> or are you just talking about on my computer
09:56:47 <Arafangion> Yes, your computer.
09:56:50 <fuzzybunny> oh yeah
09:56:54 <fuzzybunny> I have a guest account
09:56:59 <fuzzybunny> but you know
09:57:06 <fuzzybunny> what if someone steals my compute
09:57:07 <Arafangion> And any number of additional accounts you choose to create.
09:57:08 <fuzzybunny> computer
09:57:09 <fuzzybunny> or something
09:57:21 <fuzzybunny> and it was in sleep mode
09:57:38 <Arafangion> fuzzybunny: The macs also have quite good encryption, if you choose to enable it. Failing that, you can easily have it require the password to wake out of sleep.
09:57:40 <fuzzybunny> then they would just turn it on and have access to the whole kit and kaboodle
09:58:33 <Arafangion> So fix it.
09:58:52 <Arafangion> It's just a checkbox somewhere in system preferences.
09:59:49 <fuzzybunny> oh very interesting
09:59:59 <fuzzybunny> it is in security and privacy
09:59:59 <fuzzybunny> not
10:00:02 <fuzzybunny> power options
10:00:10 <Arafangion> Funny that! :)
10:00:17 <fuzzybunny> lol
10:00:54 <Arafangion> fuzzybunny: If you do become paranoid, though, I can suggest truecrypt, although I haven't used it specifically with gnucash.
10:01:08 <fuzzybunny> oh yeah I have that...
10:01:13 <fuzzybunny> for other stuff lol
10:01:26 <fuzzybunny> my secret recipes
10:01:56 <fuzzybunny> it is pretty good
10:02:14 <fuzzybunny> it is the best encryption program i have used
10:03:07 <Arafangion> fuzzybunny: Let me get this straight... You've used truecrypt and know its' the best encryption program, yet you don't know about your computer password settings, and you'd rather gnucash implement the security itself?
10:03:29 <fuzzybunny> yes
10:03:34 <fuzzybunny> lol
10:03:39 <Arafangion> Just checking.
10:03:47 <fuzzybunny> it brings back memories of my Quicken
10:04:00 <fuzzybunny> for some reason I missed that option
10:04:05 <Arafangion> Quicken tended to run on a *much* less secure OS.
10:04:07 <fuzzybunny> I never go into the system preferences
10:04:13 <fuzzybunny> yeah
10:04:15 <fuzzybunny> I know
10:04:29 <fuzzybunny> I switched to GNUcash when I switched to Linux
10:04:42 * Arafangion has never used quicken.
10:04:44 <fuzzybunny> i kind of miss the reports and stuff
10:05:01 <fuzzybunny> but I like GNUCash
10:05:40 <Arafangion> Why?
10:06:02 <fuzzybunny> I don't know I just found the GNUCash reports
10:06:02 <Arafangion> I hate it, it's telling me I spend far, far too much on food.
10:06:38 <fuzzybunny> like if I go to the Income Statement
10:06:49 <fuzzybunny> and customize it
10:07:03 <fuzzybunny> to show a certain date range
10:07:16 <fuzzybunny> it has all my accounts
10:07:34 <fuzzybunny> and it shows the amount i spent in each account
10:07:43 <fuzzybunny> but then if I click on it
10:07:57 <fuzzybunny> it shows all the transactions in that account
10:07:58 <Arafangion> I'm going to guess QUicken didn't do that?
10:08:01 <fuzzybunny> instead of just for the date range
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10:08:05 <fuzzybunny> that I selected
10:08:34 <fuzzybunny> and I think it was reporting the wrong amount or something one time
10:08:35 <fuzzybunny> lol
10:08:48 <fuzzybunny> like it said I had spent bla bla bla
10:08:59 <fuzzybunny> but I don't know
10:09:12 <fuzzybunny> maybe I just don't know what I am doing
10:09:27 <fuzzybunny> im not mr accountant
10:09:29 <fuzzybunny> or anything
10:09:48 <Arafangion> Neither am I.
10:10:00 <fuzzybunny> I just like how MS Money and Quick could filter things down for certain date ranges
10:10:29 <fuzzybunny> and it asked for a password when I opened my file lol
10:10:41 <fuzzybunny> but yeah it had annoying stuff too
10:10:48 <Arafangion> Feel free to encrypt it yourself.
10:11:02 <fuzzybunny> I know lol
10:11:08 <fuzzybunny> i could
10:11:45 <fuzzybunny> im just
10:11:52 <fuzzybunny> being a grandma
10:11:53 <fuzzybunny> I guess
10:12:32 <fuzzybunny> i just remembered about it
10:13:28 <fuzzybunny> I like learning about gnucash
10:14:00 <fuzzybunny> but anyway
10:14:08 <fuzzybunny> i suppose I should hit the hay
10:14:14 <fuzzybunny> thanks so much for your help guys
10:14:20 <fuzzybunny> your real champs
10:15:29 <fuzzybunny> have a nice night
10:17:31 <warlord> see ya, fuzzybunny
10:19:56 <fuzzybunny> cya
10:20:02 <fuzzybunny> good lord
10:20:03 <fuzzybunny> http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/rmfdo/what_is_the_most_offensive_thing_a_customer_has/c473c6u
10:20:10 <fuzzybunny> night
10:20:20 <fuzzybunny> I wonder if that is actually real
10:20:36 <fuzzybunny> ok
10:20:36 <fuzzybunny> night
10:21:06 *** fuzzybunny has quit IRC
10:23:34 <Arafangion> Hard to say if that was real or not... One can never overestimate human stupidity.
10:23:49 <Arafangion> But then... That's reddit.
10:36:17 <zxq9> Did that guy have a timed <enter> key or something?
10:37:08 <Arafangion> zxq9: No, I think he swapped enter and space, much the same as I've swapped ctrl and caps.
10:37:41 <zxq9> Arafangion: Your switching, I get it. I don't do it, but I get it and remember the keyboard its from. But that guy... wow.
10:38:05 <zxq9> Arafangion: And HOLY CRAP that is a funny chat log! Just started reading through it now... hahahahaa!!
10:38:24 <Arafangion> Indeed. :) I don't think his head was screwed on quite right.
10:38:48 <zxq9> That has got to get posted somewhere. Wow.
10:40:01 <zxq9> Just. Wow.... You can make up stuff this good "I don't know I just found the GNUcash reports. I hate it, they tell me I spend far, far too much on food."
10:40:48 <zxq9> s/can/can't/
10:41:50 <Arafangion> zxq9: That's me! :)
10:42:13 * Arafangion _does_ spend far too much on food.
10:42:25 <zxq9> But is it *good* food?
10:42:31 <Arafangion> Very. :)
10:42:31 <zxq9> as opposed to just lots of it.
10:42:40 <zxq9> Bah, knock yourself out! Hehe
10:42:57 <Arafangion> But I could still cut it by half and still have very good food.
10:44:31 <zxq9> hehe. I wish I was that way ATM. But I'm not. I'm still trying to figure out a good way to articulate an IT business idea to likely tech-ignorant investors (or... want to find tech savvy investors? but I think this is impossible).
10:45:07 <Arafangion> Eh?
10:45:10 <Arafangion> I work for someone.
10:45:17 <zxq9> Oh?
10:45:37 <Arafangion> zxq9: So I don't worry about sales crap like that. :)
10:45:56 <zxq9> lol
10:46:30 <zxq9> yeah, I have to. I started a business in Japan based on Linux, and I've got market interest now, but no capital to hire people for training. Haha.
10:47:16 <zxq9> And its not a web app, or anything with the words "social network" or "cloud" in it, so its hard to discuss.
10:47:33 <Arafangion> zxq9: The words can probably still apply, though!
10:47:36 <zxq9> And incidentally, GNUCash has been extremely fun to learn from a user perspective now instead of just looking at report code.
10:47:57 <Arafangion> Yeah, it's been very educational for me, too.
10:48:33 <Arafangion> Yikes, it's nearly 1am. I was supposed to have an early night.
10:48:42 <Arafangion> G'night! :)
10:48:45 <zxq9> night
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12:26:06 *** alexander has joined #gnucash
12:27:12 <alexander> good evening.
12:28:12 <alexander> please, why does the incoice-no don't come up automatically? maybe the invoice-format field is blank?
12:28:23 <alexander> because*
12:41:32 <alexander> in the tooltip it is directed as printf format. but %d and tilde-D won't work
12:42:24 <warlord> alexander: take a look at your gnucash.trace file -- it should give you an error message there if there is a parse error
12:42:35 <warlord> (the format is platform dependent)
12:42:47 <alexander> I'm still on windows ;)
12:43:35 <alexander> where do I find the trace-file?
12:43:54 <alexander> there's nothing in .gnucash
12:49:48 <alexander> OK. Is located in c:\users\myname\appdate\local\temp
12:51:11 <alexander> This message come up frequently:
12:51:13 <alexander> CRIT <GLib> g_utf8_to_utf16: assertion `str != NULL' failed
13:00:45 <warlord> Not sure what that's about.
13:01:12 <alexander> there is no file for today
13:03:12 <alexander> is it corrct that the invoice-number-format field is empty?
13:03:34 <alexander> I mean the field in file/options
13:05:26 <warlord> I don't know what the default is supposed to be.
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13:06:02 <alexander> as default it is empty on my installation
13:06:50 <warlord> then that should be fine. The default invoice number is NNNNNN
13:08:09 <alexander> hmmm. no responce. no number in "new invoice" dialog
13:09:57 <warlord> You wont see it in the New Invoice dialog. Leave that blank and it'll autogenerate when you hit "OK"
13:10:32 <alexander> ahhh. I'll try
13:13:05 <alexander> thanks. this seems to work
13:13:29 <warlord> there you go.
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13:30:24 <alexander> warlord. last time I had this problem with the blank report view. I think I know the problem. It depence on the umlaute ÖÄÜüöäß. Because last month "März" the report was'nt displayed. This month "April" all is well.
13:31:08 <alexander> This and the crit message I posted above. I think that make sence.
13:31:59 <alexander> But only the umlaute in the date, which is given by windows
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14:18:04 <alexander> warlord?
14:18:20 <alexander> I found out this problem. Hope so.
14:19:19 <alexander> the file invoice.scm is in unix-format. if I ad a Ä report is not chown
14:22:51 <warlord> alexander: good to know... can you file a bug report in Bugzilla?
14:23:35 <alexander> I don't have an account. hmmm. OK. I will try to get one
14:24:36 <warlord> it's a simple signup
14:58:45 <alexander> well this is my post: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=645273#c50
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15:13:26 <warlord> alexander: okay
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15:23:25 <alexander> warlord: thanks for now. bb
15:23:58 <warlord> later alexander
15:24:19 <alex001> hey guys... is there a way to ignore the charge type, quantity and total if they are 0 ? I.e I have some entries in the invoice which are just "headers". I can't seem to find anything either online or in the preferences/options
15:24:54 <warlord> alex001: yeah, you can do that. just leave the account blank, too
15:25:26 <alex001> sweet!
15:28:33 <alex001> warlord, unfortunately, only the charge type is empty, but the quantity is still 0 and so it the total
15:30:00 <warlord> alex001: yeah, I dont think there's a way to keep those from being 0
15:30:07 <warlord> There are numbers, after all
15:31:21 <alex001> okay, no big problem
15:31:57 <alex001> maybe i could add a preference option and the patch for it if other people would think it would be a good idea :P
15:32:07 * warlord shrugs
15:32:15 <warlord> Does the '0' vs '' really make a difference?
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15:41:39 <alex001> 0.00 CAD 0.00 I have 4 of those and it looks not that nice... but then again, this is a preference :)
15:41:53 <alex001> same with the phone number appearing in the middle of the invoice :P
15:42:28 <warlord> ??? Which report are you using? (and as for the CAD -- are you not in the en_CA locale?)
15:44:01 <alex001> nope, I'm in en_US, but I switched everything in the preferences to CAD
15:44:34 <alex001> why ? it should not show the currency ?
15:45:04 <alex001> this is the fancy invoice
15:45:23 <warlord> Well, if currency == locale currency then it will display currency-symbol instead of currency-mnemonic
15:45:34 <warlord> So if you were in en_CA it would display $ instead of CAD
15:45:38 <alex001> oh
15:46:44 <alex001> I thought that by setting default currency and the default report currenty to CAD it would have the same effect
15:47:48 <warlord> Nope.
15:47:57 <warlord> Only the locale currency will use the locale symbol
15:48:30 <warlord> By setting what you did it will be consistently CAD internally, but the display is purely by locale.
15:49:27 <alex001> I see!
15:49:30 <alex001> thanks for the tip, warlord
15:51:05 <alex001> sweet. much better now.
15:53:08 <warlord> there you go
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16:25:06 <ynte> anyone from the netherlands?
16:25:44 <ynte> if so, is it possible to make clieop files with gnucash?
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16:29:05 <warlord> ynte: I don't think so -- I've never heard of clieop
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16:30:57 <ynte> it's needed to collect direct debit payments here
16:31:08 <ynte> if that is the correct translation
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16:32:02 <ynte> it's the only function i can't find in open source programs
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16:38:33 <Silly> hmmmm
16:39:47 <Silly> I created a series of automatic transactions with the Mortgage/Loan Repayment Setup druid and every payment it creates has 0.01 going to imbalance... have I done something wrong in setting it up?
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16:50:26 <ynte> i never worked with gnucash but i have the specifications of the filetype
16:50:45 <ynte> would it be easy to write a plugin for this functionality?
16:51:38 <warlord> ynte: as an importer?
16:51:53 <warlord> Silly: possibly, or it's a rounding error
16:55:21 <ynte> exporter
16:58:36 <warlord> ynte: are you sure? It sounds like you want to pull direct debits from the bank into gnucash. Regardless, it does sound similar to the functionality of HBCI in Germany. You might want to work with the AqBanking people.
17:03:33 <ynte> perhaps i'm going to fast
17:03:48 <ynte> i will play around with gnucash first
17:03:55 <ynte> see if it is something we could use
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19:22:22 <fuzzybunny> Hey guys
19:22:55 <fuzzybunny> I had all my Canadian accounts in Quicken and I am wanting to get them into GNUCash
19:23:06 <fuzzybunny> but I am not quite sure how to go about doingi t
19:23:23 <fuzzybunny> like right now I have my Canadian accounts in Quicken and my New Zealand accounts in GNUCash
19:23:44 <fuzzybunny> and I am just wondering if it is possible to import my Canadian accounts into the same file as my New Zealand accounts
19:23:59 <fuzzybunny> and then for them to share the same accounts(categories)
19:24:19 <fuzzybunny> but right now my New Zealand accounts and the Expenses and Income are set to use NZD
19:24:31 <fuzzybunny> but all my Canadian account transactions would be in Canadian Dollars
19:24:49 <fuzzybunny> does anyone have any advice on the best way to go about importing all my stuff into GNUCash?
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20:42:03 <fell> fuzzybunny: You could create subaccounts like expense:car:gas:CAD and expense:car:gas:NZD
20:42:26 <fuzzybunny> oh hmmm
20:42:34 <fuzzybunny> damn I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that
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20:52:52 <fell> handling multiple currencies is not so trivial as it seems. Did you read http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/guide/chapter_currency.html and http://www.mscs.dal.ca/~selinger/accounting/gnucash.html ?
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21:56:34 <fuzzybunny> oh I read the doc one I think
21:57:35 <fuzzybunny> oh wait I didn't read that
21:57:42 <fuzzybunny> it must of been an older one
22:28:58 * fell falls asleep.
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