2012-04-01 GnuCash IRC logs
00:20:38 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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00:23:48 <fuzzybunny> hey guys! I am trying to reconcille my accounts in GNUCash but I only have my bank statements for some of the transactions in the account so I am just wondering how to change the reconcile window so that the starting balance matches what is on the bank statement. Right now it is just at 0.00
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02:23:31 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
02:24:50 <warlord> fuzzybunny: define "some of the transactions". Reconciliation is always "from the beginning of time", so don't worry about the starting number. Your starting number should be the "opening balance" transaction, which you can click off on the first reconcile. Just set the *ending* balance to what's on your statement, then click the O-B and then all the txns on the statement.
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02:31:12 <fuzzybunny> warlord: I opened the account im reconcilling in 2008 but I only have the statements from 2010 - till now
02:31:33 <fuzzybunny> so I need to start the reconcilliation from the statements that I have access to instead of when I opened the account
02:31:56 <warlord> fuzzybunny: If you only have statements from 2010 until now, how did you enter data from before then?
02:32:06 <warlord> (define "opened the account" in this context)
02:33:49 <fuzzybunny> warlord: I was using my banks website
02:34:02 <fuzzybunny> and I opened the bank account with the bank in 2008 or something
02:34:12 <fuzzybunny> but they only store your statements for 2 years
02:34:42 <fuzzybunny> so I would just enter my transactions into GNUCash manually and then not worry about it
02:34:53 <warlord> so you're saying you downloaded transactions for those first N years. Well, then, you have a lot of checking off to do, because you will have to reconcile all those early transactions in a single reconcile against your first statement as your "opening balance"
02:35:02 <fuzzybunny> but I messed up my accounts somehow and now I am trying to go back and reconcile everything to see what the extra or missing transaction is
02:35:25 <fuzzybunny> yeah I know I didn't really understand what reconcilling was
02:35:27 <fuzzybunny> so I never did it
02:35:38 <warlord> .. and you better hope it's all correct, otherwise you're screwed.
02:35:39 <fuzzybunny> now I think I know what it is
02:36:00 <fuzzybunny> well I think I entered it pretty accurately
02:36:09 <fuzzybunny> I just messed up something somewhere
02:36:18 <fuzzybunny> and I need to track down where it is lol
02:36:25 <warlord> So long as that somewhere is "since 2010", you should be okay.
02:36:31 <fuzzybunny> yeah
02:36:33 <fuzzybunny> Im pretty sure it is
02:37:24 <warlord> Okay, then reconcile the account using your first statement.. Enter in the ending balance, and just select everything from before then that would definitely have cleared before the first statement you have. The only thing that wouldn't clear would be txns close to the end date, or potentially checks.
02:38:00 <fuzzybunny> hmmm
02:38:16 <fuzzybunny> well I will check with the bank and see if they can give me all my old statements
02:38:47 <fuzzybunny> oh and warlord do you know how I can reorder my transactions
02:39:01 <fuzzybunny> I have some that are in the incorrect order according to what is on my bank statements
02:39:18 <fuzzybunny> so I just want to be able to reorder them so they are in the same order as how they appear on my bank statement
02:39:47 <warlord> don't worry about that. during reconcile you can just check them off.
02:39:55 <fuzzybunny> oh
02:40:12 <fuzzybunny> i would still like to reorder them
02:40:12 <fuzzybunny> lol
02:40:19 <fuzzybunny> im a bit anal I guess
02:40:21 <fuzzybunny> lol
02:40:26 <warlord> If you ***really*** need to reorder your transactions (which, honestly, doesn't matter) then the only way to do that is by entering numeric data in the 'num' colume.
02:40:40 <warlord> Sorting goes by Post Date, then NumCode
02:40:41 <fuzzybunny> oh
02:40:52 <warlord> The Num column is a string, but it's sorted numerically.
02:40:53 <fuzzybunny> hmmm
02:41:08 <warlord> that's your only option.
02:41:12 <fuzzybunny> oh
02:41:19 <warlord> (other than re-entering them in order)
02:41:24 <fuzzybunny> well maybe someone who makes it will add an option to do it someday lol
02:41:36 <warlord> ... It goes Post Date, NumCode, then DateEntered. D-E is internatl.
02:41:36 <fuzzybunny> so i don't have to dirty up the num column
02:41:44 <warlord> Nah, it wont happen.
02:41:47 <warlord> It's not important
02:41:56 <fuzzybunny> hmmm
02:42:13 <warlord> It's considered normal that your record of your transactions don't match the bank's.
02:42:21 <fuzzybunny> oh
02:42:44 <fuzzybunny> oh and
02:42:55 <fuzzybunny> also do you know if there is anyway to add like a description field
02:42:56 <warlord> For example, you write a check on Friday, give it to the worker, They don't deposit it for a week. Then it takes days more to clear. Your bank may not register the txn for 2 weeks. But for *your* records you really need to know you wrote the check on that first day.
02:43:10 <warlord> what do you mean? There is a description field.
02:43:17 <warlord> .. and a Split memo (for each Split in the txn)
02:43:30 <warlord> .. and a Txn Notes field (View -> Double Line Mode)
02:43:36 <fuzzybunny> like some of my transactions the payee is <Some electronics store> but then I might want to make a note that the transaction was when I purchased my radio or something
02:43:37 <warlord> .. and an Action field
02:43:49 <warlord> Use the Notes field for that
02:44:04 <fuzzybunny> hmmm
02:44:06 <warlord> BIAB
02:44:07 <fuzzybunny> where is the notes field
02:44:58 <fuzzybunny> I just have a date, num, description, transfer, R, Deposit, Withdrawl and Balance
02:45:01 <fuzzybunny> im on mac
02:45:15 <fuzzybunny> and I am using v 2.4.10
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02:52:37 <warlord> fuzzybunny: as I said before: <warlord> .. and a Txn Notes field (View -> Double Line Mode)
02:53:40 <fuzzybunny> oh weird
02:54:14 <fuzzybunny> ill read what you put before I don't know how I missed that lol
02:55:04 <warlord> heh
02:55:10 <fuzzybunny> hmmm
02:55:31 <fuzzybunny> when I go into that
02:55:43 <fuzzybunny> there is this thing that says OFX ext. info: |Trans type:Generic debit|Memo:AP#5105283 TO DOLLY TAYLOR ;Rent Payment 75b Atkin
02:55:52 <fuzzybunny> well for one of my transactions
02:56:13 <fuzzybunny> do I have to erase that all out or will it mess something up
02:57:11 <warlord> No, you are free to erase that, or add to it. It's just recording info that was in the OFX txn
02:57:21 <warlord> (BIAW -- grabbing breakfast)
02:57:23 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
02:57:30 <fuzzybunny> and what would you use the action field for
02:57:31 <fuzzybunny> ?
02:57:33 <fuzzybunny> ok
03:07:01 <fuzzybunny> warlord-afk: how do you know so much about GNUCash?
03:17:13 <Arafangion> fuzzybunny: I think he's a developer on gnucash.
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03:35:44 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
03:36:19 <warlord> Well, I was a dev. Haven't had the time to code recently..
03:36:36 <warlord> Action field.. I don't really use it much except in stock txns
03:48:35 <Arafangion> warlord: Full-time work and 'life' sucking your energy out? I've the same issue. :(
03:50:07 <warlord> basically, yeah
03:51:35 <Arafangion> Sucks, doesn't it. Anyway, off to church I go!
03:51:45 <warlord> off to the airport for me.
03:51:51 <warlord> and hey, it's life.
03:51:55 <warlord> have a good day.
03:51:59 <warlord> see ya fuzzybunny
03:51:59 <Arafangion> Likewise. :)
03:52:41 <fuzzybunny> cya
03:53:01 <fuzzybunny> thanks
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10:07:09 <yaya> hi
10:07:29 <yaya> what about javascript in reports ?
10:10:36 <Arafangion> What about them?
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10:11:05 <yaya> is it supported ?
10:15:44 <Arafangion> Looks like it can, as of revision 20473.
10:16:18 <yaya> sweet
10:16:50 <Arafangion> I don't know how practical it is to use it, though.
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10:37:53 <Arafangion> Do people actually use the budgeting feature in Gnucash?
12:19:50 *** r7calvin has joined #gnucash
12:22:05 <r7calvin> is there a currency convertor in gnucash that i can use to say, put in $1000 USD and find out how much it is in NZD to bill a New Zealand client?
12:22:37 <r7calvin> or a way to just type in the USD amount in an invoice for an NZD customer
12:23:21 <Arafangion> I think you could create NZ customer as an income account, specified in NZD.
12:23:34 <Arafangion> But that's not the same as what you're asking.
12:24:14 <r7calvin> well, i've already got it created as a customer account
12:24:28 <r7calvin> but it expects me to type in invoice amounts in NZD
12:24:38 <Arafangion> Yes, it would.
12:24:56 <Arafangion> You either want it in NZD, or USD, or some other currency.
12:25:04 <Arafangion> Set it up in the currency you wish to use. :)
12:25:16 <r7calvin> i guess for now i'll just use USD =]
12:25:21 <r7calvin> the customer can deal with the conversion
12:25:32 <r7calvin> i'll add a currency convertor to gnucash when i get the chance
12:25:52 <Arafangion> It'd be a useful tool, I guess.
12:26:10 <r7calvin> well, i've already got it set up through Finance::Quote to fetch the exchange rates
12:26:16 <r7calvin> might as well find a way to integrate that
12:26:35 <Arafangion> Yep - without that there's no advantage over using an ordinary calculator.
12:26:42 <r7calvin> right
12:26:55 <Arafangion> There might be additional expenses, though, such as conversion overheads.
12:27:05 <Arafangion> Tax as well.
12:27:14 <Arafangion> At least, I assume so.
12:27:35 * Arafangion get to bed.
12:27:57 <r7calvin> peace
12:37:13 <r7calvin> What are some examples of income accounts? Would Google Checkout, PayPal, etc. be a good income accounts? Or do most businesses just have Sales as their income account?
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14:46:27 <coder89> Hello. I use GnuCash for one year and I always wonder if there is any solution for logging all transactions onto my mobile phone (with Symbian S60) and easily synchronize collected data with my desktop version of GnuCash ?
14:48:25 <coder89> If not, could anyone provide me description of possible solution for this? (I have never look into GnuCash code but I could write some code for my own but I need to know how to cope with that ;) )
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14:53:25 <r7calvin> what kind of transactions would you be logging?
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16:11:37 <DGMurdockIII> hi
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19:12:47 <fell__> mikee: can you op gncbot?
19:13:23 *** fell__ is now known as fell
19:33:28 <warlord> fell: I asked mikee about 12 hours ago while I was still in Paris this morning. I think he's afk at the moment. Hopefully he'll come back soon.
19:34:30 <fell> OK, I just arrived from Frankfurt.
19:37:06 <warlord> Heh. I think I had a longer travel ;)
19:37:16 <warlord> (not that this is a contest)
19:37:29 <Arafangion> Sounds like a contest.
19:38:51 <warlord> I flew from CDG->ATL
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19:48:13 <Arafangion> I'd best get to work... Good to see you back on the ground, our lives in #gnucash just wasn't the same! :)
20:35:18 <warlord> heh. almost bedtime for me. :) Although I should probably force myself to stay up a couple more hours. It's only 8:35pm here
20:52:30 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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