2011-12-08 GnuCash IRC logs
00:37:55 *** joti_ has joined #gnucash
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01:05:55 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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08:26:22 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:29:19 *** fbond has joined #gnucash
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09:00:11 *** Mer|in has joined #GnuCash
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13:27:05 *** L01 has joined #gnucash
13:27:09 <L01> hy
13:28:05 <L01> can someone hel me with some accounting terms
13:31:34 <L01> who can explain what refer this phrase: this wasn't supose to happen with the dolar swap lines in place
13:31:50 <L01> "dolar swap line in place"
13:37:13 <warlord> where do you see that phrase?
13:37:47 <L01> in financial times
13:38:32 <warlord> Maybe you should ask them what it means? I'm not sure how that applies to GnuCash
13:39:17 <L01> http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/93885646-20fd-11e1-8a43-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1fxmoIHCu
13:39:27 <L01> this is the article
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14:41:54 *** Sicelo^ has joined #gnucash
14:42:54 <Sicelo> just a side question.. sorry to ask here.. irc.gnome doesn't have nick registration?
14:54:53 <warlord> nope, nor a chanserv
14:57:25 <Sicelo> ah. thanks for info :)
15:01:14 *** slimer has joined #gnucash
15:02:13 <slimer> Hi, can I ask in german?
15:05:40 <warlord> slimer: you could, but you wont get any answers -- I dont see any of our german-speaking regulars here.
15:05:55 <warlord> (well, except felle, but I dont know if he's listening)
15:06:22 *** felle is now known as fell
15:06:45 <fell> Ich höre...
15:07:28 <slimer> Die HBCI - Kontostandsabfrage bei der Postbank funktioniert seit einiger Zeit nicht mehr?
15:08:15 <fell> Oh ja, wird auf der mailing-Liste besprochen. Such ...
15:08:55 <slimer> 7:2011/12/08 20-35-52:gwen(2996):fslock.c: 225: FS-Lock released from /home/gk/.aqbanking/settings/backends/aqofxconnect.conf
15:13:40 <fell> Lies mal hiervon https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-de/2011-December/thread.html die mit Postbank im Betreff.
15:14:53 <slimer> Super ich beiss mich durch. Danke derweilen ...
15:17:33 <fell> Gleich die 2. von Holze enthält die offizielle PB-Antwort. Soweit ich weiß, tut es das neue Verfahren momentan nur mit der Entwicklerversion (trunk)
15:20:57 <fell> weshalb Christian schnell eine neue release rausbringen will: https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2011-December/033057.html
15:25:30 *** hpj has quit IRC
15:31:55 *** felle has joined #gnucash
15:31:55 *** gncbot sets mode: +o felle
15:33:09 <felle> Der aktuelle Stand steht i.d.R. in http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Release_Schedule , aber wahrscheinlich ist es einfacher für dich, die deutsche Liste zu abonnieren https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-de , um auf dem laufenden zu bleiben.
15:33:36 <felle> Hm, annoying, this dynIPs.
15:41:04 *** fell has quit IRC
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16:02:43 <warlord> yeah, dynamic ips are annoying!
16:07:27 *** linas_ is now known as linas
16:08:39 <Sicelo> NAT sucks more, especially if it's at ISP side. no portforwarding helps :(
16:09:36 <linas> freenode does have nick registraton ...
16:10:18 <Sicelo> yes. dalnet, oftc, etc too
16:27:58 *** slimer has left #gnucash
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18:54:13 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
19:18:35 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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22:40:14 *** djinn has joined #gnucash
22:41:02 <djinn> greetings, can GNU cash post a negative invoice? I am trying to write a credit note for a client (for returned merchandise), but the software will not let me
22:41:47 <djinn> Maybe I am doing it wrong
22:50:01 *** Krzysiek_K has joined #gnucash
22:59:52 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
23:00:13 <warlord> no, negative invoices and credit notes are note supported. it's under development and should be in 2.5/2.6
23:00:45 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
23:01:03 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
23:06:52 <djinn> warlord Okay, so I don't have to trash my keyboard while I try to figure it out
23:28:32 *** ErKa has quit IRC