2011-07-21 GnuCash IRC logs
02:43:12 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
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14:49:27 *** David2 has joined #gnucash
14:58:22 <David2> Hi I am trying to import an investment account from a Quicken 2011 QIF export ile to Gnucash 2.4.7. Since most of the accounts already existed except for two new securities, I was able to link all transactions except for those two to existing accounts. When I got to the end, I got the very descriptive error message "A bug was detected while converting the QIF data." I went back to the new stock account entries to see if t
14:58:34 <David2> ?
15:09:25 <warlord> David2: your posting ended at "entries to see if t"
15:14:32 <David2> Hi I am trying to import an investment account from a Quicken 2011 QIF export ile to Gnucash 2.4.7. Since most of the accounts already existed except for two new securities, I was able to link all transactions except for those two to existing accounts. When I got to the end, I got the very descriptive error message "A bug was detected while converting the QIF data." I went back to the new stock account entries to see if t
15:14:54 <David2> is there a maximum length?
15:15:01 <warlord> David2: same issue. Limit your message size.
15:15:05 <warlord> Yes
15:15:20 <David2> I went back to the new stock account entries to see if the problem was there, but there was nothing that I could change unless I abandoned my attempt to create correctly named stock sub-accounts for the investment account.? How can I find out how to avoid this bug. My flyswatter melted in the heat here in Chicago.
15:16:20 <David2> I went back to the new stock account entries to see if the problem was there, but there was nothing that I could change unless I abandoned my attempt to create correctly named stock sub-accounts for the investment account.? How can I find out how to avoid this bug? My flyswatter melted in the heat here in Chicago.
15:17:20 <David2> The question mark is hard for me to get correct.
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15:22:59 <strk> spanish?
15:26:07 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
15:43:39 <warlord> David2: anything printed into your gnucash.trace file?
15:43:45 <warlord> (from the "failed" import)
15:48:07 <warlord> (sorry for the delay -- I was on the phone)
15:56:44 <warlord> strk: No, only English here...
15:57:28 <David2> I do not remember where to look for that
16:03:17 <warlord> It's in /tmp
16:04:16 <David2> I'm getting close but my computer has suddenly decided to run sloooow...
16:10:32 <strk> warlord: I referred to David2 having problems with question marks :)
16:11:13 <David2> there is a file named gnucash.trace.79KTYV.log which may have what you are asking for. Should I sent it to you?
16:12:58 <David2> :-D I was thinking of that, but I cannot produce an upside-down question mark!!!
16:14:28 <warlord> ¿Porque no?
16:14:28 <warlord> ;)
16:14:58 <warlord> Well, I dont necessarily need the whole file -- take a look inside and see if you see something that looks like an error or backtrace
16:17:41 <David2> using notepad there does not seem to be any carriage returns in the text. the last 80 characters or so are
16:17:43 <David2> (error (quote not-a-record) obj))
16:17:44 <David2> ...
16:17:44 <David2> ?: 36 [scm-error misc-error #f "~A ~S" (not-a-record #f) #f]
16:17:44 <David2> <unnamed port>: In procedure scm-error in expression (scm-error (quote misc-error) #f ...):
16:17:44 <David2> <unnamed port>: not-a-record #f
16:19:35 <David2> before that there are some hints about importing, but I cannot tell what to include
16:20:45 <David2> how about In C:\Program Files\gnucash\share\gnucash/scm/qif-import/qif-to-gnc.scm:
16:20:45 <David2> 381: 22 (if (not (qif-xtn:mark xtn)) (let (#) (xaccTransBeginEdit gnc-xtn) ...))
16:20:45 <David2> 383: 23 (let ((gnc-xtn #))
16:27:41 <David2> apparently Pidgin is finding something similar to a carriage return in the strings
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16:39:27 <warlord> Yeah, it's finding the NewLine
16:39:43 <warlord> Anyways, that would be the bug. Please file a bugzilla report and attach that log?
16:40:31 <David2> OK
16:44:11 <warlord> Thanks.
16:44:24 <warlord> Alas, I don't have a good answer for you offhand. What version of GnuCash are you using again?
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17:06:10 <David2> 2.4.7
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17:20:47 <warlord> Yeah, I saw that in the bug report... Alas, I cannot suggest that you upgrade ;)
17:28:39 <David2> L guess I'll print a transaction report in Quicken and enter the transactions manually into GnuCash. There aren't too many. Thanks.
17:29:08 <David2> bye
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21:25:08 <randy> If I have an investment that appreciates, how do I enter that?
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22:11:55 <warlord> randy: what exactly are you trying to enter? There is no "gain" until you sell.
22:14:40 <warlord> Generally you look at the Balance Sheet with a non-realized gain computed by the Price entry of the stock.
22:39:42 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
23:26:14 <randy> Example: I have some gold which I have entered the value of under current assets. If the gold increases in value, how do I record that in Gnucash?
23:26:43 <randy> OK, that didn't work. I'm new at this.
23:27:18 <randy> I have some property, X, under current assets. If that increases
23:27:29 <randy> in value, how do I record that?
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