2011-01-23 GnuCash IRC logs
03:30:01 *** ironwolf1 has quit IRC
04:06:30 *** pianolady has joined #gnucash
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05:15:25 <pianolady> Hello, i'm a windows user and I have been getting error message "Unable to retrieve quotes for CURRENCY" using gnucash 2.2.9 since few months ago. Quotes for stocks are retrieved fine. I upgraded to 2.4.0 yesterday hoping that the issue will resolve, however, error stays the same. Pls advise how to fix this
06:01:06 <pianolady> sorry i kept asking this because my MIRC client keeps disconnecting before i was getting an answer
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07:06:48 <pianolady> any help re: Unable to retrieve quote on windows GN 2.4.0 is appreciated
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09:31:36 <pianolady> hello
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10:19:10 <pianolady> Hello, i'm a windows user and I have been getting error message "Unable to retrieve quotes for CURRENCY" using gnucash 2.2.9 since few months ago. Quotes for stocks are retrieved fine. I upgraded to 2.4.0 yesterday hoping that the issue will resolve, however, error stays the same. Pls advise how to fix this
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10:19:48 <c_korn> hello
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10:43:33 <warlord> pianolady: I suspect it's that yahoo changed their website, and F::Q hasn't kept up. It's not really something that GnuCash can fix, short of updating to the newer version of F::Q.
10:43:44 <warlord> pianolady: have you tried re-running the quote installer?
10:44:10 <warlord> pianolady: also, no need to re-ask every time you log on. Your question is sitting in the logs.
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11:11:09 <Antisoche> pianolady: What version of perl do you have installed? http://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2011-January/038302.html
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12:27:17 <pianolady> ow thank you warlord for the info sorry because i'm a newbie
12:27:56 <pianolady> antisoche, i am using activeperl 5.10.1 build 1006
12:28:51 <pianolady> warlord: 1) how do I access the logs and 2) how do i rerun quote installer
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12:30:16 <Antisoche> pianolady: There should be a bunch of *.log files in the same directory as your accounting data
12:30:53 <Antisoche> pianolady: You could create a new data file with dummy info and see if it works there.
12:31:18 <Antisoche> (I'm not sure if that's the same thing as rerunning the installer ...)
12:31:42 <Antisoche> pianolady: I don't use this feature. Have you followed http://code.gnucash.org/docs/guide/invest-stockprice1.html#invest-stockprice-auto2 ?
12:31:45 <Antisoche> pianolady: That page talks about stocks, but it's linked from http://code.gnucash.org/docs/guide/currency_howto1.html
12:32:21 <Antisoche> (Those last two messages were from the other day...)
12:32:28 <pianolady> i have followed it when i installed it few months ago. Now i'm trying to click Install Online Price Retrieval again in an effort to reinstall
12:32:40 <pianolady> got it, i managed to access the log at svn.. thanks anisoche
12:33:11 <Antisoche> Not sure what I did, but you're welcome :)
12:34:11 <pianolady> i am attempting reinstallation for the retrieval, if doesnt' work i will try dummy info..
12:43:07 <pianolady> ok, i reinstalled - but CURRENCY still not retrieved
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12:47:01 <pianolady> I tried using newly created dummy info and still CURRENCY is not retrieved
12:58:22 <pianolady> pls advise what else should be tried..
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14:41:14 *** jerry has joined #gnucash
14:57:33 <jerry> Hello,
14:59:54 <jerry> I'm thinking of converting from Quicken. One feature I use a lot in quicken is "TAGS", which let one assign some characteristic to a transaction independent of its category or account. Does gnucash have anything similar? I use the tags a lot, because I manage rental properties. Categories are things like "repair", and the tag tells my which property.
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16:32:39 *** davidv has joined #gnucash
16:33:46 <davidv> I noticed a discussion on devel mailing list about an issue "unable to save to database"
16:34:48 <davidv> I face that in the stable version 2.4.0 too
16:35:28 <davidv> after closing the application, a record remains in the gnclock table
16:35:53 <davidv> (using postgresql database backend)
16:36:48 <davidv> please is there a solution/workaround?
16:37:46 <davidv> end even after eleting the record from the gnclock table I can't make any changes to it
16:38:03 <davidv> to the accounting records, I mean
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16:48:36 <Antisoche> jerry: It does not. There was some duscussion on the mailing list about adding 'tags' though, so it may appear if someone gets sufficiently motivated.
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19:04:42 *** gizenshu has joined #gnucash
19:11:11 <gizenshu> How can gnucash be used to pay small business taxes? I enter all bills and invoices into gnucash, now what? How can I extract the information for the accountant to create a tax return?
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19:16:05 <Antisoche> gizenshu: What format does your accountant want?
19:16:17 <gizenshu> If I could at least print the general ledger, it would have suffice, but there seems to be no way to print anything from gnucash. Is that how it was intended to be?
19:16:36 <gizenshu> he wants it on a sheet of paper
19:17:22 <Antisoche> gizenshu: Perform a GL report and do a File->Print
19:18:27 <gizenshu> is GL report under Assets and liabilities?
19:19:16 <Antisoche> It is on mine.
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19:19:25 <gizenshu> why can't gnucash copy/paste GL?
19:19:40 <gizenshu> I run GL report and it says No accounts selected
19:19:47 <Antisoche> At least, that's what it's called. It doesn't look right to me, but I don't really know what I'm doing. :-)
19:20:32 <Antisoche> gizenshu: The last three buttons at the top of the GL report (2.2.x) are: (Export) (Options) and (Print)
19:21:00 <Antisoche> gizenshu: Go into the options and change the reporting period to start of previous year and the end to end of previous year
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19:21:17 <Antisoche> (or whatever it is you want to report over)
19:22:24 <Antisoche> I can cut-n-paste the report, it looks ... Ctrl+A to select all, and Ctrl+C puts it on my clipboard.
19:22:42 <gizenshu> GL report makes no sense at all. It has Income and expenses in front of every account. What is that supposed to mean?
19:23:18 <Antisoche> It doesn't make sense to me either. General Journal looks more like what I'd expect.
19:23:41 <gizenshu> no, GL report is broken. I can't use that. Why can't I copy/paste or print GL window? GL window has information I've entered
19:24:13 <gizenshu> this is what I get on General Journal: Report error. An error occurred while running the report.
19:24:30 <Antisoche> You have the desired date range?
19:24:36 <gizenshu> you bet
19:25:34 <Antisoche> Actually, General Journal isn't what I was looking for. Hmm. Unfortunately I haven't gotten to the point you're at yet. :-/
19:26:42 <gizenshu> problem is this is the 2nd year I am using gnucash for taxes. 1st year I just printed the balance sheet for the accountant and was done. This year I can't find a way to separate the inforamtion for last year from the year before.
19:26:45 <Antisoche> My reports are full of emty transactions with only a date...
19:27:00 <Antisoche> Did you close your books at the end of the previous year?
19:27:18 <gizenshu> Close the books? How is that done?
19:27:28 <Antisoche> Under 'Tools'
19:27:36 <Antisoche> I haven't done that yet ...
19:27:58 <Antisoche> But it's suppose to convert your P&L into a single starting point for the next year, AIUI
19:28:10 <gizenshu> Is it too late to do it now after entering 2010?
19:29:23 <Antisoche> I wouldn't think so, but I'd definitely say to make a backup first ...
19:35:47 <gizenshu> that seemed to do the trick
19:36:08 <Antisoche> Excellent
19:36:13 * Antisoche is smrt
19:36:19 <gizenshu> thanks for the tip, it saved my day
19:36:32 <Antisoche> My pleasure.
19:37:07 <Antisoche> Are you in the US? Incorporated or doing things out of pocket?
19:37:30 <gizenshu> Canada
19:37:46 <gizenshu> inc
19:38:37 <Antisoche> Okay. I just started and am working out of pocket, so I'm afraid to close my books until I figure out wtf ... Inc is a different scenario.
19:39:18 <gizenshu> I wish I could help you with anything, but you are ways ahead :)
19:40:18 <Antisoche> I wouldn't be so sure about that, but thanks :)
19:41:11 <Antisoche> Oh, hey -
19:41:19 <gizenshu> yes?
19:41:57 <Antisoche> This is old, but was pretty helpful: http://linas.org/mirrors/www.aerospacesoftware.com/2003.06.21/GNU_Cash_for_Business_users_Howto_Guide.html
19:42:29 <Antisoche> There's some CA-tax related stuff in there.
19:42:44 <Antisoche> .ca
19:43:16 <gizenshu> yes, Herman's bible
19:43:34 <Antisoche> Ok, so you're familiar. :)
19:43:38 <gizenshu> yes
19:44:02 <gizenshu> tax wise that's very useful, but short on gnucash specifics
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19:44:57 <Antisoche> Yeah, I found one that was better but I've lost it. I'll have to go hunting again soon.
19:46:19 <Antisoche> It's probably part of the GnuCash documentation somewhere.
20:02:41 <warlord> Antisoche: there is no need to close the books.
20:02:48 <warlord> The reports work just fine without it.
20:03:13 <warlord> The only reason to close the books is if you really feel you want your Chart of Accounts balances to start at zero for the period(year)
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22:08:27 <gizenshu> warlord: what steps does one have to take for the reports to work?
22:09:10 <warlord> gizenshu: which report?
22:10:46 <gizenshu> well, those that you were mentioning - those which you are saying work fine.
22:11:24 <gizenshu> GL report makes no sense at all. It has Income and expenses in front of every account. What is that supposed to mean?
22:12:11 <gizenshu> this is what I get on General Journal: Report error. An error occurred while running the report.
22:13:29 <warlord> I've never run that report.
22:13:40 <warlord> I'm talking about the real accounting reports
22:13:52 <warlord> Like Balance Sheet, and Profit&Loss (Income Statement)
22:15:15 <gizenshu> P&L has nothing but zeros in my case
22:16:04 <gizenshu> but I must retire, chiao
22:16:06 <warlord> gizenshu: well, it sounds like you have bad data.
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22:59:55 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk