2011-01-18 GnuCash IRC logs
00:36:23 <dbreiser> Mikhail9: I can't remember details, but I think windows version just updated the version of aqbanking it uses. There have been a couple changes in recent days as a result.
00:48:59 <Mikhail9> dbreiser: I'll hold off and give it another try later then. I suspect something subtle that will be worked out.
00:49:40 <dbreiser> sounds reasonable.
00:50:19 <Mikhail9> dbresier: Thanks for the reply.
00:50:50 <dbreiser> I'm not here often, but ofx and aqbanking are the part I know best. But not so much windows.
00:52:09 <Mikhail9> Well, as a Windows user I'm supposed to buy Intuit software now that MS has quit supporting Money. But that isn't going to happen.
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00:52:51 <dbreiser> I know that feeling. I feel aggravated when I buy TurboTax because other choices have done worse...
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07:33:24 <bobette> Get it at http://alturl.com/oi46z
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12:26:26 <ggergely> hi
12:27:41 <ggergely> i have ised gnucash for a while, and it fulfilled my needs.. mostly. but i have stopped accounting for a while. now i want to restart, ut i want acconting to be doable from separate places, so i plan to keep the data in a mercurial repo
12:28:06 <ggergely> if i remember well, gnucash uses zipped xmls as data backend. can zipping be turned off?
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12:28:16 <jsled> yes, it can.
12:28:32 <ggergely> at build time, or at run time?
12:28:37 <jsled> runtime
12:28:39 <ggergely> cool
12:28:53 <ggergely> ok. this is what i wished to know for now
12:28:55 <jsled> though the xml format is not strictly intended to be diffable, and certainly not mergable
12:29:20 <ggergely> ok, but still better then binary file differs, if one would like to see some changes
12:29:26 <jsled> true
12:29:28 <ggergely> i do not plan to do merges...
12:31:08 <ggergely> and what is the case with encryption. still separate enryption layer is recommended?
12:31:21 <jsled> yes
12:32:29 <ggergely> ok.
12:33:25 <ggergely> thanks for the answers. i'll return sometime with some questions about directions how to implement a new graph type. shall i have time for that. :D i remember from last type that i need to iplement that in goffice
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18:20:00 <warlord> @op
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20:00:34 <warlord> @op
20:00:34 <gncbot> warlord: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
20:00:51 <warlord> @op
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