2010-11-19 GnuCash IRC logs
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11:41:55 <cablop> hello everybody
11:42:01 <cablop> mmm
11:42:21 <cablop> i have a question, can i tell gnucash to show USD currency as USD instead of $?
11:42:45 <warlord> cablop: sure, change your locale to a non US locale to make some other currency the 'default'
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11:43:20 <cablop> lol
11:43:31 <cablop> unwilling... hehe
11:43:46 <cablop> mm... in fact i want to be able to make a custom locale
11:43:53 <cablop> but i think it is a different issue
11:44:03 <warlord> Yeah,that's outside the scope of this channel.
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14:27:12 <warlord> felle: Okay, docs are up on code.
14:28:02 <felle> Ah, nice!
14:33:37 <warlord> I had to add some additional symlinks.
14:33:44 <warlord> but they are all there now.
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14:59:56 <felle> Now we have new links in http://wiki.gnucash.org/wikiFAQ and De/FAQ.
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15:02:45 <warlord> okay
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15:51:02 <helix7> Hey, I need some advice for tracking my IRA which consists of about 20 mutual funds. The IRA is managed by my financial advisor, so tracking each individual fund seems like more trouble than it's worth.
15:51:05 <helix7> My thought is to just create an asset account for the IRA and use an income account to "correct" the balance each month -- basically treat it as a savings account with an erratic interest rate.
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15:51:16 <helix7> Is this a bad idea? Is there a better way to do this (preferrably without tracking each fund)?
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17:07:48 <felle> helix7, you should distinguish pending and realized gains (or losses).
17:10:51 <felle> As European I don't know much about IRAs. Is there a plublic traded prize?
17:14:28 <jsled> prize?
17:14:35 <jsled> ah, price?
17:15:10 <jsled> there's no single price; an IRA is just an account with special tax treatment and withdrawl restrictions intended to promote retirement.
17:15:51 <jsled> it can hold shares in normal investment vehicles like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etfs, money-market accounts, &c. … depending on what the administrator allows and has access to.
17:16:28 <felle> I thougt about TIACREF, they publish the current price, IIRC.
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17:17:39 <helix7> Thanks jsled. Yeah, it's more like a portfolio with special rules.
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17:23:15 <felle> If the tell you dayly/monthly the current price, you could create your own commodity,
17:23:55 <felle> enter the price in the price editor and use the reports for the pending gains.
17:29:22 <helix7> I'm not sure how I could come up with a current price. Any money I contribute to the IRA is actually divided up among several different vehicles according to some ratio.
17:29:50 <helix7> My administrator and I tune the ratio once or twice a year.
17:31:01 <helix7> We could also swap the funds around.
17:31:12 <jsled> it really depends. some funds are just "institutional" shares of the OTC-avaialble fund, in which case you get can proper price quotes.
17:31:56 <jsled> sometimes, like with Lincoln Financial, you're getting some rather esoteric type of financial instrument that's hard to get a quote of.
17:34:25 <helix7> The website gives a nice breakdown of the portfolio with the current prices and units for each fund. There are just so many, that I don't really want to track them all since the money is basically unaccessible for the next 30 years.
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20:01:44 <indigo> helix7: another way to do it is just track the money you put in it, and don't worry about the present market value.
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21:28:57 *** Sara__ has joined #gnucash
21:29:39 <Sara__> Is there anyone who knows Gnucash well?
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21:31:27 <Sara__> While entering transactions, the app crashed. I had been making sure to save after every transaction however when I open the file, none of the transaction data I enetered is there. How do I recover 2 hours of work?
21:36:59 <Sara__> Anyone?
21:39:52 <felle> Sara_, do you know hwere you saved your data file?
21:44:59 <Sara__> Yes
21:46:09 <Sara__> It will open the original file. Either it doesnt put consecutive saves with the original file or I've done something wrong. I'm trying to determine which so i don't do it again.
21:47:50 <felle> What do you see, if you open the directory in your file manager?
21:51:13 <Sara__> The original file and a massive amount of .log files and some .xac files
21:51:40 <Sara__> The log files timestamp appear to coenside with my saves.
21:51:50 <felle> .xac are backups. Compare the size and the date.
21:52:41 <Sara__> Theyre all from my work session
21:52:49 <Sara__> I can't open them though
21:53:22 <Sara__> Most are 13KB, a couple are 5KB.
21:53:39 <felle> and the size is increasing according your actions?
21:54:09 <Sara__> No, they do not consecutively get larger. Each one is 13KB
21:54:58 <Sara__> Nevermind. The most recent ones are 13. They had been gettng larger each time.
21:55:07 <Sara__> Can they be opened?
21:55:31 <felle> the original has 113k too?
21:55:45 <felle> 13k
21:57:19 <Sara__> No, the original had almost no data. I am entering in data to a brand new set of books.
21:58:28 <felle> copy <original><latest-timestamp>.xac to test.gnucash and open that.
22:00:14 <felle> in the chart of account all accounts have a total of zero?
22:00:56 <Sara__> You wanted me to create a copy of the latest .xac and rename it test.gnucash?
22:01:12 <felle> yep
22:01:42 <Sara__> OK. It errored and would not open.
22:02:11 <Sara__> There was an error parsing the file
22:02:42 <felle> Which OS/Distro, which Gnucash version?
22:02:51 <Sara__> windows 7
22:03:06 <Sara__> Gnucash 2.2.9
22:03:21 <felle> Do you know, how to open a command shell?
22:03:29 <Sara__> Nope
22:03:54 <Sara__> I've run out of time for now. I can't continue troubleshooting
22:04:05 <Sara__> I apologise and thank you for your assistace
22:04:21 <felle> welcome
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22:50:53 <kimmo> nice to see polite users
22:52:25 <felle> Good morning, Kimmo.
22:54:50 <kimmo> well good evening
22:55:19 <felle> No, I'm currently in BE.
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22:55:56 <kimmo> I'm in FI, but it's still evening
22:56:27 <kimmo> as in, I have yet to sleep
22:56:35 <felle> For you. When is sunrise there?
22:57:20 <kimmo> umm, something like 8.50
22:57:29 <kimmo> so in like 3 hours
22:57:33 <kimmo> might be a little earlier
22:58:47 <kimmo> sunrise 8.30, sunset 15.40
23:00:01 <felle> Currently we have somewhat more daylight here, but I like the summer at Inari lake. :)
23:02:10 <kimmo> I like the summer anywhere
23:02:17 <kimmo> right now it's just depressing
23:04:06 <felle> 08:00-16:44 here. Are around Helsiki or more North, coastal or inside?
23:04:29 <kimmo> helsinki
23:05:28 <felle> yeah, the big cities...
23:05:49 <kimmo> the only city
23:08:04 <felle> He; Question to Radio Jerewan: Bush wants to bomb Jerewan. Answer: Tblisi is also a nice city.
23:08:56 <kimmo> heh
23:09:15 <kimmo> but no, seriously, helsinki actually is the only city in finland that meets the EU criterion for a city
23:10:26 <felle> Which EC number?
23:11:18 <kimmo> I don't know, just heard it on the radio a few weeks ago
23:12:10 <kimmo> seems like no other municipality in finland has population density above the limit
23:14:51 <felle> I'm more the rural type. I have the hills and forests around me and await the fisrt snow.
23:16:04 <kimmo> I'd gladly trade away the snow
23:20:31 <felle> My school time I spent in a region without a real winter, there was only a long autumn. nearly a half year fog.
23:20:57 <kimmo> sounds like scotland
23:21:08 <felle> Nether Rhine.
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