2010-11-18 GnuCash IRC logs
00:26:47 *** Mer|in has quit IRC
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00:30:53 <idk> Hi
00:31:23 <idk> I'm an accounting student, and none of the other accounting IRCs are responsive to my question
00:31:30 <idk> Most dont even know how to help
00:31:54 <idk> Can someone give me a hand?
00:32:54 *** Mer|in has joined #GnuCash
00:33:05 <jsled> you'd have to ask an actual question … but we're mostly interesting in helping with accounting in gnucash, vs. accounting more generally.
00:33:23 <idk> It's about the liquidation of a partnership
00:34:11 <idk> the actual #Accounting IRC didn't have a clue
00:34:31 <jsled> on what server/network?
00:34:40 <idk> huh?
00:34:50 <jsled> I'm surprised a generalized #Accounting exists.
00:34:59 <idk> its not very helpful
00:35:33 <jsled> idk: on what irc server or network did you join the channel #Accounting and get a negative response?
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00:37:09 <idk686> sorry, i accidentally refreshed the page.
00:37:16 <idk686> I found it at http://chat.efnet.org:9090/#
00:42:06 <idk686> so I guess this isnt the best place to ask for help w/ my problem either
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07:09:27 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
07:10:30 <warlord> Plouj: yes, it will improve the reporting.
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12:05:40 <warlord> @op linas_
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13:38:29 <Plouj> humm
13:38:39 <Plouj> actually a/r accounts are confusing
13:38:46 <Plouj> they have some extra fields that I don't know how to use
13:38:57 <Plouj> s/extra/different/ fields
13:42:23 <warlord> you shouldn't use A/R accounts. Just use a regular Asset
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14:22:01 *** Krumar has joined #gnucash
14:26:18 <fell> A/R and A/P are reserved for invoicing by the business module
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14:49:35 * Plouj blames indigo for suggesting A/R
14:52:06 <warlord> heh.
14:52:10 <warlord> It's *like* A/R
14:52:16 <warlord> But just use a regular Asset account.
14:55:47 <indigo> there is "accounts receiveble", the accounting concept, and "Accounts Receivable", the gnucash feature.
14:56:01 <indigo> i'm suggesting the concept, not the implementation :)
14:59:28 <Plouj> aah
15:00:18 <Plouj> ok, thanks
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15:14:02 <indigo> Plouj: also, there is this: http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/guide/loans_personalLoanToSomeOne.html
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15:20:10 <Plouj> ah, indigo I've actually looked at that page recently
15:20:29 <Plouj> but I didn't realize that I could do the same for 0% loans
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15:44:05 <fell> warlord: why do we have in http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/ only english documents?
15:44:46 <fell> Is there no link to de, it, ...?
15:46:33 <warlord> Umm..
15:46:36 <fell> BTW diff (HEAD, head)?
15:46:39 <warlord> At the time we only had english docs.
15:46:49 <warlord> HEAD/head are symlinks..
15:52:02 <fell> could we get the other languages too?
15:58:37 <warlord> yes, I can update the script to copy out other languages.
15:58:57 <warlord> Which sub-dirs needs to be copied?
15:59:09 <warlord> Right now I copy: guide/C/gnucash-guide help/C/gnucash-help
15:59:41 <warlord> let me know -- I've gotta run, but I'll work on it later.
15:59:44 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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16:13:18 <fell> warlord: beneath C we have currently in guide: de_DE, it_IT, ja_JP; help: de_DE it_IT
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17:40:59 <fell> BTW IMHO they should be named de, it, ja as there are no specific country versions ...
17:41:42 <fell> but for the renaming at least the makefiles had to be adjusted too.
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18:50:58 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
18:51:17 <warlord> fell: I have no problem with renaming the directories, but you might want to ask the doc devs.
18:53:04 <fell> Yep. Do you remember something else to adjust than makefiles?
18:53:23 <warlord> configure
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19:16:17 <warlord> fell: Okay, script updated
19:16:35 <warlord> as of tonight the additional guides and help files will be uploaded to the web
19:17:27 <fell> Then I will tomorrow update the wiki links in FAQ an dDe/FAQ.
19:26:38 *** ErKa has quit IRC
19:47:33 <warlord> okay.
19:47:44 <warlord> if the directories change then the script will have to change, too.
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23:49:23 <jon> Trying to figure out most efficient workflow for invoicing my clients for Reimbursables . Currently, I debit each expense to a Credit Card . Then, generate an invoice where I list these expenses (Income:Reimbursed Expenses)
23:51:32 <jon> Once payment is received, I post the amount to a regular Checking account and then credit the Credit Card account from Checking.
23:55:15 <jon> Is there a way to only post the expenses once, i.e. not having to re-type them on the invoice?