2010-11-13 GnuCash IRC logs
01:13:05 *** mikee__ has joined #gnucash
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03:55:38 *** ottoshmidt has joined #gnucash
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07:49:00 *** moetunes has joined #gnucash
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08:01:22 *** tim has joined #gnucash
08:03:14 <tim> Can I use gnucash in windows and Kubuntu and share the data file?
08:06:10 <moetunes> you made it here tim :)
08:06:35 <tim> Yes, I switched to xchat. Thanks
08:06:49 <moetunes> np
08:06:52 *** moetunes has left #gnucash
08:07:55 <tim> Can I use gnucash in windows on one system and Kubuntu and share the data file?
08:09:11 <tim> 29 people here does anyone know the answer?
08:09:54 <kpreid> tim: 27 of them aren't looking at the channel right now
08:11:03 <kpreid> on IRC it's usually not a good idea to expect a fast answer unless the channel is obviously already active
08:11:28 <kpreid> (I only use gnucash on Mac and don't know the answer to your question, but I would expect it is "yes")
08:11:30 <tim> ok. i'm very new to kubuntu and irc chat
08:12:18 <kpreid> well, you've avoided the #1 mistake which is saying just "Hi, can someone help me?" and actually asked your question, so you're doing well so far :-)
08:12:20 <tim> Do you use it for personal or business? I'm opening a new business and thinking or using it
08:12:25 <kpreid> personal
08:13:45 <kpreid> I looked at various open source accounting apps and picked gnucash because it wasn't over-simplified (e.g. *actually supports double-entry*) and seemed well-maintained
08:15:13 <tim> I was reading some of the documentation about double entry earlier. It looks like a good system. My accountant is concerned it doesn't print 1099s
08:17:54 *** lol_h has joined #gnucash
08:18:28 <tim> apparently there's some new rule that business will have to all issue 1099s to supplier in 2012.
08:21:24 *** bentob0x has quit IRC
08:28:18 <tim> Can I use gnucash in windows on one system and Kubuntu and share the data file?
08:47:28 *** fbond has quit IRC
09:00:13 *** BrownR has quit IRC
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09:44:30 <jsled> tim: yes, gnucash on different platforms shouldn't have any problems sharing a datafile.
09:44:38 <jsled> but only in a serialized manner.
09:50:25 <tim> by that you mean, one user at a time having the file open correct?
09:50:32 <jsled> yes
09:51:27 <tim> Thanks. I'm new to kubuntu and opening a new business. I'd like it to all run on kubuntu but am a bit nervous about it.
09:53:04 <tim> gnucash instead of quicken is kind of a gamble especially with the new regs requiring business to issue 1099s
10:05:58 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
10:07:30 <warlord> tim: also, no need to ask your question three times. We see it.
10:07:51 <warlord> Well, the 1099 requirements isn't for another couple years; maybe by then someone will implement a 1099.
10:14:36 <jsled> also … might be veering off-topic, but I doubt that 1099 provision will last past the next Congress.
10:30:42 *** Slurpee has joined #gnucash
10:59:30 <tim> I'm new sorry. Didn't think anyone was there or seeing it.
10:59:33 <tim> Lesson learned
10:59:40 <warlord> No worries.
11:48:34 <warlord> ANyways, I'm off for the day.
11:48:36 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
12:06:11 *** kpreid has quit IRC
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13:33:10 *** |Slurpee|_ has joined #gnucash
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13:55:26 *** indigo has joined #gnucash
13:56:15 <indigo> is there some way i can accrue utility expenses in say, KWH instead of $?
13:56:34 <indigo> which i'd think would make more sense, because i don't always know the rate until i get the bill
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21:17:56 *** Pippen has joined #gnucash
21:18:53 <Pippen> can anyone help with an accounting problem?
21:40:16 *** fbond has quit IRC
22:33:04 <indigo> Pippen: likely, if you ask it and wait long enough.
22:40:11 *** Linuturk has quit IRC
22:40:51 <Pippen> working on a pro forma financial statement projection problem and assets and liablilities not balancing (off by 3,500)..im thinking it is common stock or paid in capital in excess in par
22:41:03 <Pippen> http://pastebin.com/G6u0EhN6 is how it looks right now with the unbalance of 3,500
22:42:28 *** Linuturk has joined #gnucash
22:51:07 <indigo> that's beyond my understanding, but there might be some other people that will pick it up eventually.
22:51:29 <Pippen> ok thanks indigo
23:15:17 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
23:15:34 <warlord> Pippen: Are you missing a cap-gain/loss transaction?
23:16:38 <warlord> indigo: Um, you could create a kWh commodity, but... why? Who goes off and reads their own meter to figure out how much they owe in electricity?
23:18:33 <Pippen> hmm warlord dont think so. looking at the assumptions it doesnt seem like there is
23:20:06 <warlord> Well, something isn't balanced.
23:24:28 <Pippen> http://pastebin.com/J6AFdPNU put the 2009 actual in there as well
23:34:14 <warlord> Well, that one appears to balance.
23:34:21 <warlord> sorry, i need to head out again.
23:34:38 <warlord> If you're doing this all on paper then you're missing a balancing split.
23:34:56 <warlord> if you're doing it in GnuCash, well.... You're missing a cap-gain/loss.
23:35:01 <warlord> good luck
23:35:03 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
23:37:14 <Pippen> doing it on excel and paper..thanks!