2010-11-10 GnuCash IRC logs
09:56:14 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
09:56:21 <warlord> jsled: any chance you could op gncbot?
09:57:39 *** kpreid has joined #gnucash
10:00:56 *** jsled sets mode: +o gncbot
10:01:01 <jsled> @op warlord
10:01:01 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
10:01:10 <jsled> @op linas_
10:01:11 *** gncbot sets mode: +o linas_
10:01:26 <warlord> Thanks jsled
10:01:41 <warlord> Sorry for all the network issues over the weekend; I was out of the country and couldn't reboot the cable modem :)
10:01:43 <warlord> :(
10:02:03 <daedeloth> hey is there some kind of feature bounty in gnucash development?
10:03:02 <warlord> nope.
10:03:25 <warlord> you could try offering, but we don't really have any official system
10:05:17 <daedeloth> well I'm really interested in a credit note feature... and some kind of "export printed invoice" feature
10:05:34 <daedeloth> so I was thinking I could get those features in gnucash for a little bounty
10:07:11 *** KaiForce has joined #gnucash
10:08:19 <warlord> Well, you can certainly offer a bounty.. There's just no guarantee that that will get it done.
10:08:28 <daedeloth> yep, I see
10:08:29 <warlord> what do you mean by "export printed invoice"
10:08:48 <daedeloth> the printing happens with html, right?
10:10:10 <warlord> Depends on your definition of "printing". All reports are displayed using HTML; then you can export the HTML file directly, or generate a PDF through the 'print' feature of the report.
10:10:34 <daedeloth> oh can you export the html? didn't see that option
10:11:24 <warlord> In the toolbar when you have the report up, there is an "Export HTML" toolbar button
10:11:25 <daedeloth> ok, never mind, simply "export report" :)
10:12:00 <warlord> I still don't understand what you're asking for -- we already have that.
10:12:11 <daedeloth> yea, just noticed you already have that, must have looked over it
10:13:21 *** kling0n has joined #gnucash
10:19:19 <warlord> ok
10:32:02 *** ottoshmidt has quit IRC
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22:57:52 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk