2010-10-21 GnuCash IRC logs
00:01:50 *** robbak has joined #gnucash
00:04:28 <robbak> A feature of GNUcash seems to have gone away. When entering account names into the register, you used to be able to type, for instance "in.la<tab>" and it would get expanded to "Income.Labour". Now, pressing . just inserts a full-stop, instead of accepting the pre-filled account name.
00:05:14 <robbak> How can I get this back? It seems to have happened becaaue of the ubuntu10.10 upgrade.
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01:21:49 <robbak> A feature of GNUcash seems to have gone away. When entering account names into the register, you used to be able to type, for instance "in.la<tab>" and it would get expanded to "Income.Labour". Now, pressing . just inserts a full-stop, instead of accepting the pre-filled account name.
01:21:51 <robbak> robbak: How can I get this back? It seems to have happened becasue of the ubuntu10.10 upgrade.
01:24:07 <warlord> robbak: what is your "account separator" character set to?
01:24:25 <warlord> for me, it's ":"... and entering "i n : l" works fine
01:46:38 <robbak> It is set to . Changing it to : does nothing. I'll keep checking.
01:47:40 <warlord> It's always worked for me.
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01:52:15 <robbak> Yes, it has always worked for me too. Just stopped working. I'll have to try a few things.
01:56:08 <warlord> weird
01:58:09 <robbak> I tried setting it back to colon, and trying dash, but to no avail.
01:58:51 <robbak> if youor anyone has anything I should try, mail robbak-a-robbak.com . I'll have to go.
01:59:10 <robbak> thanks!
01:59:18 <robbak> \leave
01:59:27 * robbak doesn't use irc much!
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10:50:25 <Teka> Hi i want to start again with the same table of accounts without the transaction. Is there a way of doing this please
10:51:05 <jsled> Teka: depending on how you came by your account tree, you can either just create a new file, or export your account tree and open it as a new file.
10:52:19 <jsled> File > Export > Export Accounts will do the latter
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10:52:51 <Teka> thanks I will try that
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12:23:07 <Teka> Thats worked perfectly - thanks
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22:50:06 <johnny77> I'm looking into replacing quicken with gnucash. I was wanting to know the difference is the account types, mainly bank and expense.
22:50:36 <johnny77> Also is there a way to get a total depending on account types.
23:03:10 <indigo> johnny77: a bank account is just that, money you have in a bank. An expense account tracks money you have spent, and thus balances things like the money you take out of your bank in a double entry accounting system.
23:03:48 <indigo> and what do you mean mean a total by account types?
23:05:16 <johnny77> At the bottom of the accounts window there is an grand total of all my accounts. Is there a way to change that so it only totals the bank accounts and not the asset accounts?
23:06:14 <johnny77> I'm probably in a rather unique situation because I set up quicken to work it a unusual way.
23:06:15 <indigo> i don't think so, but if you want, you can have subaccounts to separate your bank accounts from your other assets and see the total that way.
23:06:37 <indigo> perhaps, but also gnucash is a double entry accounting system and quicken is not
23:07:17 <johnny77> what is a double entry accounting system? Maybe I'm not using the right software.
23:08:00 <indigo> wikipedia has some articles on it
23:08:55 <indigo> but basically it's a system designed to insure you always know where money came from and where it went
23:10:03 <indigo> so when you make a deposit to your bank account, there has to be a balancing tranaction in another account. maybe it was income, from your paycheck, or an expense, for something you bought, or another bank account and you are just transfering, but you can't just say money is in your bank without saying from where.
23:11:16 <johnny77> So i'd have an account "income" that would transfer the money (paycheck) into the checking account?
23:11:46 <indigo> more likely, you will have several income accounts, one for each way you obtain money
23:12:08 <indigo> so you have one for each employer, one for gifts, one for cash you find in the couch, etc
23:13:10 <johnny77> So how does that work when let's say I bought something. The price would just be taken out of my checking account.
23:13:16 <indigo> then at any time, you can look at the income accounts to see all the money you have made, regardless of what you did with it (put it in checking, savings, cash, etc)
23:13:54 <indigo> you will pay for the thing you bought with an asset (like a bank account, or cash on hand), and that will be balanced by an expense account.
23:14:46 <johnny77> so the corresponding expense or income account would just mirror what is happening in the checking account.
23:15:14 <indigo> if your checking account is the only way you ever pay for anything, yes
23:15:29 <indigo> but probably also you carry cash, maybe have a savings account, etc.
23:16:09 <indigo> the income and expense accounts will also show when you made / spent money and took it from / to any of those other accounts
23:19:59 <johnny77> How would that work with purchasing a gift card. The card itself is a expense, but also when I purchase something with that card it would be an expense.
23:20:23 <indigo> no, purchasing the card isn't an expense, because the card is an asset.
23:20:40 <johnny77> would it be more of a transfer then?
23:20:51 <indigo> what you do when you purchase a gift card is actually transfer money from one asset (your checking account) to another asset (the gift card)
23:21:54 <indigo> also if you buy something of value that you intend to resell (like stocks) you do a similar thing
23:22:36 <indigo> but now i have to get some sleep. if you have more questions, ask and be patient. there are people around here but they don't always answer immediately.
23:22:47 <johnny77> np thank you.
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