2010-09-15 GnuCash IRC logs
00:08:08 *** gncbot` has joined #gnucash
00:08:08 *** gncbot has quit IRC
05:06:53 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
06:40:40 *** blizgerg- has joined #gnucash
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07:05:49 *** ErKa has quit IRC
07:06:42 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
07:09:29 *** kpreid has quit IRC
07:15:32 *** esperegu has joined #gnucash
07:36:02 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
07:36:13 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot`
07:36:16 <warlord> @nice gncbot
07:36:16 <gncbot`> warlord: Error: "nice" is not a valid command.
07:36:23 <warlord> @nick gncbot
07:36:24 *** gncbot` is now known as gncbot
07:44:06 *** kpreid has joined #gnucash
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07:46:32 *** Jimraehl1 has left #gnucash
07:49:34 *** Askarii has joined #gnucash
07:56:02 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
08:53:57 *** HerrK has joined #gnucash
09:01:05 *** ErKa has quit IRC
09:03:13 *** bentob0x has joined #gnucash
09:04:40 *** Askarii has quit IRC
09:27:25 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
09:46:50 *** rpg has joined #gnucash
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10:44:27 *** Rajish has joined #gnucash
10:46:48 <Rajish> how to change account ID assigned to an account by mistake while OFX import?
10:58:07 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
10:58:59 <warlord> Rajish: create another OFX file with a different accountID, import it, assign it to the account, then when you re-load the original OFX file you can re-assign *that* to the account.
11:02:50 <warlord> ANNOUNCE: GnuCash Server is going down now for hardware maintenence!
11:05:38 *** Rajish has quit IRC
11:19:09 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
11:19:13 <mishehu> LA LA LA LA LA LA (very loud lalala'ing)
11:19:47 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot
11:19:57 <warlord> There we go. Hardware maint done.
11:20:15 <warlord> Now, of course, I've still got the SOFTWARE maint I need to do...
12:44:03 *** HerrK has quit IRC
12:53:46 *** fell has joined #gnucash
12:57:49 <fell> warlord: Cool, 16 minutes only. :-)
12:59:45 <warlord> fell: ???
13:00:02 <warlord> 11:03-12:25 is more than 16 minutes.
13:01:07 <fell> 11:02:50 - 11:19:09
13:02:45 <fell> your hardware maint.
13:06:55 <warlord> where do you get 11;19?
13:07:36 <fell> your bot returned in the list.
13:12:07 <warlord> it returned at 12:25
13:13:25 <fell> http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2010/09/2010-09-15.html#T11:19:09 or is that a DST problem?
13:13:48 *** Askarii has joined #gnucash
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13:17:54 <warlord> it was a 'date' problem on the server.
13:18:24 <fell> Aha
13:22:25 <warlord> Yeah.
14:16:33 *** Jimraehl1 has quit IRC
14:18:05 *** Askarii has joined #gnucash
14:21:11 *** fbond has quit IRC
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15:00:39 *** Askarii has quit IRC
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15:55:57 *** esperegu has quit IRC
16:00:29 *** blizgerg- has quit IRC
16:23:42 *** markjenkinsparit has left #gnucash
16:39:26 *** fell has quit IRC
17:03:53 *** bp0 has joined #gnucash
17:46:09 <warlord> Okay, my server software upgrade is complete. Now I need to schedule another outage for a system reboot of all my VMs. *sigh*
18:22:28 *** HerrK has joined #gnucash
18:36:42 *** HerrK has quit IRC
19:08:34 <warlord> Okay, server is going down again for a quick system reset.
19:41:39 *** gncbot has joined #gnucash
19:41:42 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot
19:41:55 <warlord> DONE
19:41:58 *** warlord is now known as warlord-af
19:42:00 *** warlord-af is now known as warlord-afk
19:44:23 *** blizgerg has joined #gnucash
20:02:42 *** Jimraehl1 has joined #gnucash
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20:23:02 *** bentob0x has quit IRC
20:27:25 *** Jimraehl1 has joined #gnucash
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21:03:48 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
21:04:19 <warlord> Hmm, a michael.ES.carney@sbcglobal.net just donated $20, and then disputed it with Paypal!
21:04:58 <jsled> nice
21:06:23 <warlord> Yeah, I just sent mail to -devel.
21:06:29 <warlord> well, to him, cc devel.
21:06:47 <warlord> It's the first dispute ever, in how many years of accepting donations?
21:10:54 <warlord> So was it rude of me to ask "what's up?" in public?
21:19:17 *** Askarii has joined #gnucash
21:47:58 <jsled> I don't know if it was rude, but I'm not sure it was necessary.
21:50:44 *** Askarii has quit IRC
21:50:57 <warlord> I suppose.
21:57:48 <mishehu> odd that somebody would dispute $20 donation
21:58:28 <mishehu> it's not as if he woke up with a hangover in bed next to the bearded lady and wanted an undo...
22:00:55 *** Askarii has joined #gnucash
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22:15:20 <warlord> mishehu: especially more so as it was disputed within an hour of donation.
22:15:43 <warlord> 20:38 -> 20:51
22:15:50 <warlord> So... 13 minutes.
22:16:11 <warlord> Anyways, I'm off to bed.. I'll worry about it tomorrow.
22:17:12 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
22:58:27 *** Askarii has joined #gnucash
23:40:32 *** Askarii has quit IRC
23:43:05 *** CQ has joined #gnucash
23:50:55 *** CQ_ has quit IRC
23:59:20 <scar> i am trying to build 2.2.9 on ubu 10.04 (some slight modifications to the source), and i am getting the error mentioned http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Building#Ubuntu_9.10_.28Karmic_Koala.29 about gog-style but there is no libgoffice-0-dev package for 10.04