2010-08-24 GnuCash IRC logs
00:03:08 *** Slurpee has joined #gnucash
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07:56:41 <skumara> hi
07:56:53 <kimmo> what up
07:57:47 <skumara> i want to set up an investment stock account in gnu cash. can you help me? i dont understand the thing gnucash asking me. i'm not accountant.
07:59:38 <skumara> anyone here?
07:59:46 <kimmo> I tried those for a while, but I couldn't get the automatic price fetching to work (5+ years ago) and the local legislation says I should value all my holdings at purchase price, so I just use Asset type accounts
08:00:12 <kimmo> this channel is mostly in eastern time zone, so you'll get more replies in about 5 hours or so
08:00:35 <skumara> oh my god...5 hours.
08:00:44 <skumara> ok i just want to know this.
08:01:01 <kimmo> afk for 5 mins
08:01:39 <skumara> i want to set an account under the tree investment , brockarage acc, stock
08:02:34 <skumara> on the new acc menu when i press ok it say you ust choose a commodity. what is this commodity?
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08:05:08 <kimmo> it is the instrument you are trading, in this case a stock
08:05:27 <kimmo> since that account is tracked with the balance being the number of shares, not their actual value
08:06:22 <kimmo> what I do is I have a similar tree, but I just have the individual stocks as individual Asset type accounts, and just record the amount of money spent
08:06:45 <kimmo> since the purchase price is what tax-law-wise interests me
08:06:45 <skumara> if i have an account in institution that can keep cash and also buy and keep stock which account type should i use?
08:06:58 <kimmo> you should have multiple accounts
08:07:24 <skumara> u mean.. for each stock i have one account?
08:07:32 <kimmo> one for each type of commodity (Money, MSFT, LNX, AAA Bond Fund)
08:07:33 <kimmo> yes
08:08:04 <skumara> under which account tree i can put this stocks.
08:08:50 <kimmo> wherever you want unless the local legislation says otherwise
08:09:00 <skumara> ok
08:09:15 <kimmo> I have "Assets" -> "Investments" -> "Public stocks" -> accounts for different stocks
08:09:41 <skumara> in the security/currency what should i choose.
08:09:45 <skumara> ?
08:10:07 <kimmo> and "Assets" -> "Bank" -> "My brokerage" -> <account number>
08:10:25 <kimmo> well, I use the "Asset" type account for those which is by default in my default currency
08:11:03 <kimmo> but if you insist on using the stock type account, you should consult warlord, jsled, or the appropriate online documentation, and set up the automatic price retrieval
08:11:30 <skumara> i got assets > investment > brokearage acc > stock
08:12:53 <kimmo> that's fine too
08:13:08 <skumara> warlord, jsled are idlers.
08:13:43 <kimmo> no, they just live in the US
08:13:48 <kimmo> the just woke up
08:13:52 <kimmo> and have jobs to go to
08:13:54 <kimmo> presumably
08:14:16 <skumara> i see. i'm going back to gnuwiki
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09:11:40 <warlord> I love how I miss people.. ;)
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13:10:13 <josephnexus> hello everyone
13:10:50 <josephnexus> i just you guys might like to know that I'll be presenting on GnuCash at this year's Utah Open Source Conference in the United States.
13:11:47 <josephnexus> http://utosc.com/presentation/198/ <--- the presentation abstract.
13:18:56 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
13:18:59 <warlord> when is it?
13:19:46 <warlord> Ah, Oct 7-9
13:20:06 <warlord> Sorry, can't make it that weekend, but good luck!
13:23:18 <josephnexus> no worries
13:23:29 <josephnexus> just thought that maybe someone could put a blurb on the gnucash.org website
13:23:34 <josephnexus> to raise awareness
13:24:03 <warlord> you could send mail to -user and -devel!
13:24:13 <warlord> (and you could ask for a blurb on the website)
13:24:27 * josephnexus isn't a member of the mailing lists... and is already a member of too many lists to list
13:24:29 <josephnexus> :-p
13:24:51 <jsled> the message will get moderated through, usually w/in 24 hours
13:25:15 <jsled> suggesting the title and blub would help, too
13:27:26 <josephnexus> can I just email it there?
13:27:30 <josephnexus> and do you have the addresses?
13:27:37 <josephnexus> or do I need to formally join the lists?
13:27:44 <jsled> gnucash-{user,devel}@gnucash.org
13:27:54 <jsled> if you're not a member, the message will be held in the moderation queue
13:28:00 <jsled> which I usually process in the mornings.
13:28:05 <josephnexus> kk
13:28:25 <josephnexus> should I just CC it to both?
13:28:30 <josephnexus> or would you rather I only send to one?
13:28:50 <jsled> both's probably fine
13:29:52 <josephnexus> ok
13:35:32 <josephnexus> jsled, it's been sent
13:37:16 <jsled> moderated through
13:41:39 <warlord> Hmm, not in my inbox, yet
13:46:14 <josephnexus> warlord: it takes a while for something so awesome to travel...
13:46:17 <josephnexus> :-P
13:46:35 <jsled> heh
13:49:06 <warlord> heh
13:49:18 <warlord> and voila, there it is! ;)
13:51:03 <josephnexus> schweet
13:51:12 <josephnexus> think a blurb could be placed on the website?
13:55:39 <warlord> I'll let someone more active make that decision.
14:03:03 <josephnexus> ok, thanks... I've gotta run
14:03:08 <josephnexus> talk w/ you all later
14:03:10 <josephnexus> and keep up the good work
14:03:12 <josephnexus> gimp rox
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14:03:52 <josephnexus> dang, wrong channel
14:03:55 <josephnexus> :-P
14:04:03 * josephnexus is embarrassed...
14:04:29 <josephnexus> i do need to leave
14:04:41 <josephnexus> but before I go, I will say that while gimp rox, gnucash is equally awesome
14:04:44 <josephnexus> :-P
14:04:46 <josephnexus> take care everyone
14:04:56 <josephnexus> keep up the good work
14:04:56 <jsled> you too
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14:41:33 <woble> Hey there, is it possible to tie a user to a liability? Im using GnuCash to control the internal finances of a group of people and I have modelled those people as liability's
14:44:01 <warlord> What do you mean by "tie a user"? Name the liability after them?
14:45:04 <woble> I would like to send user X whom is modelled as Liability X an email with his current financial position
14:56:13 <woble> do you know if that is posssible warlord?
14:56:48 <warlord> Sure, print out a register report, print it to PDF, and pop it in the email.
14:57:16 <woble> but there is no such thing as "invoice"
14:57:27 <woble> like click n go
15:01:51 <warlord> well, a) a liability account is not an invoice. and b) no, there is no "direct to email" functionality.
15:02:23 <warlord> You could treat each person as a customer, use the biz features, and then you could print out a Customer Report.
15:02:38 <warlord> But you still have the Run Report, Print to PDF, Email steps.
15:03:04 <woble> well, that isnt possible since users can both recieve and pay to the central stash and eachother. its quiet advanced
15:03:13 <woble> ill just print pdf and email then
15:10:46 <talexb> I made a boo-boo the last time I used GnuCash. I backed up the GnuCash directory to DropBox while GnuCash was still running.
15:11:08 <talexb> The big boo-boo was that I moved the directory instead of just backing it up.
15:11:47 <talexb> Now DropBox is complaining that it can't sync the file Alex.....lnk ..
15:12:16 <talexb> Presumably because this file disappeared when I exited GnuCash.
15:12:58 <talexb> Before I break things even more, is this a serious issue? I was just going to copy the file back, open GnuCash and go back to work.
15:13:23 <warlord> no, you should delete that file
15:15:08 <talexb> OK, I'll do that. Thanks!
15:15:19 <talexb> ps, I love GnuCash -- very handy.
15:17:16 <kspaans_> How abitrary is the scripting? Can I automate writes to the GnuCash file? I.E. run a script and a certain transaction happens?
15:17:36 <kspaans_> And I infer from the wiki that this would be done in Python not GUILE?
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15:26:24 <gary> Hrm, I don't suppose anyone remembers talking to me about a problem I had where my GNUCash allowed me to create a tax table but then somehow created a second one and I couldn't delete either? Then it was suggested that I could clear up the tax tables by hacking the file even though we never ever edit the file by hand...
15:27:15 <gary> I have recently had to start accounting for VAT, but my GNUCash now has about 10 tax tables, none of which i've entered, all of which appear to have no name and nothing associated with them :(
15:28:59 <warlord> kspaans_: well, the python bindings aren't in a stable release. right now (2.2.x) you can only do it in guile..
15:29:40 <warlord> gary: what version of gnucash? and how do you see 10 tax tables?
15:30:21 <kspaans_> warlord: Cool, thanks.
15:31:16 <warlord> kspaans_: also, you can only run a secondary script if gnucash itself is not running.. Otherwise you'll lose/corrupt data.
15:31:44 <gary> warlord: 2.3.13, packaged from FC13
15:33:09 <gary> warlord: If I go to Business -> Sales Tax Table, in the left hand pane I see more than 10 entries (I can see because each row is coloured alternately).
15:33:25 <gary> All of which have no name and nothing in the right pane if I click on it.
15:34:17 <kspaans_> warlord: Right, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks! This it to hook some accoutning into a club membership management program, run from the command line, I'll have to see if this is a showstopper.
15:34:27 <gary> If I try to delete any of them it simply tells me that the tax table "" is in use and cannot be deleted. Despite the fact that I have not hooked anything up to any tax table yet.
15:34:53 <warlord> gary: what backend are you using?
15:35:32 <gary> Erm, whatever came by default? :) Is there an easy way to tell?
15:39:30 *** [AR]Kharun has joined #gnucash
15:39:34 <[AR]Kharun> Hello
15:39:43 *** [AR]Kharun is now known as Kharun
15:40:22 <Kharun> i'm having a problem after formatting my old computer and re-installing gnucash, it seems i can't import the old file
15:40:27 <Kharun> i may have done the backup the wrong way
15:40:48 <Kharun> all i saved was a file that seems to be in SQLite3 format but now i don't see any option to import that
15:40:54 <Kharun> and gnuchash doesn't open it directly
15:41:01 <Kharun> did i screw up majorly? :)
15:41:35 <jsled> which version of gnucash are you using now?
15:42:53 <Kharun> 2.2.9
15:43:24 <warlord> gary: file /path/to/data/file
15:43:35 <Kharun> i'm on Windows btw
15:43:45 <jsled> 2.2.9 does not have database backend support
15:43:58 <jsled> if it's really a sqlite3 file, then it's from the 2.3.x development series
15:43:58 <warlord> Kharun: what version of gnucash were you using before?
15:44:08 <Kharun> hum
15:44:21 <Kharun> i'll try to download the latest development version then
15:44:22 <Kharun> thanks
15:44:58 <Kharun> i say its SQLite3 cause thats the first thing it says if i try to open it with notepad
15:45:24 <jsled> heh
15:45:27 <warlord> That could be a 2.3.x database
15:45:30 <jsled> a fair-enough test. :)
15:46:00 <Kharun> i'm download 2.3.15 now
15:47:35 <gary> warlord: are you expecting; gzip compressed data, from Unix
15:48:01 <warlord> That would be a 2.2.x datafile.
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15:49:57 <Kharun> woot, my problem is fixed. Thanks :)
15:51:26 <gary> is that a good or a bad thing? :)
15:52:36 <warlord> Neither..
15:52:56 <warlord> tax tables shouldn't just build on themselves like that.
15:53:10 <warlord> But honestly, I dont know how they could unless you have half a reference to a tax table somewhere..
15:53:22 <warlord> gunzip your data file and look inside?
15:53:38 <gary> ok
15:58:27 <gary> I have quite a few instances of this:
15:58:29 <gary> <cust:taxtable type="guid">7634e0172717aade8a2e9cd78dbc0f9a</cust:taxtable>
15:58:36 <gary> Bt with no other data
15:58:46 <gary> WHen compared with my one real tax table
15:59:02 <gary> that has about 5-6 lines in the datafile associated with it
16:01:08 <gary> Actually, there's these:
16:01:10 <gary> <entry:i-taxtable type="guid">00000000000000000000000000000000</entry:i-taxtable>
16:01:23 <warlord> Ooooh, that's bad
16:02:14 <gary> the number of which match the number of random empty ones in my tax tables screen
16:02:31 <gary> cat gnutemp | grep taxtable | grep 00000000 | wc -l
16:02:31 <gary> 15
16:02:41 <gary> And I have 15 empty tax tables listed.
16:02:51 <gary> Reckon I could just delete them? :)
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16:06:12 <gary> Hrm, actually some of my invoice entries seem to be the things listing the above
16:06:24 <gary> Perhaps that explains why they seem to exist
16:07:21 <gary> Most <gnc:GncEntry version="2.0.0"> sections don't contain any reference to a entry:i-taxtable
16:07:26 <gary> But some of them do
16:07:52 <gary> Which is odd
16:08:01 <warlord> those look like an entry referring to a non-existing tax table.
16:12:03 <gary> Can I safely delete them?
16:13:42 <warlord> Well, you need to figure out why those entries have references to tax tables..
16:14:05 <warlord> Unfortunately there's not a good tool to clean this up, but this IS something that should never happen.
16:14:58 <gary> I've never intentionally linked anything in an invoice to a tax table. So i'm wondering if it's related to the weirdness that I had before. Perhaps I didn't quite clean up properly.
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16:16:05 <warlord> what weirdness before?
16:17:26 <gary> I had some issue with a tax table before when I was first testing gnucash. I had one tax table that I couldn't delete because i'd somehow managed to create two tax tables with the exact same name.
16:17:49 <gary> You helped me try to clear that up by editting the data file.
16:18:38 <warlord> Did I? Sorry, memory is very spotty nowadays
16:18:53 <gary> it was a good few months ago
16:26:22 <gary> i got rid of those 15 entries from the file. gzipped it back up. Loaded it up and all seems well.
16:26:34 <gary> Tax tables screen looks good again now
16:26:46 <gary> nothing seems to be affected
16:27:27 <gary> even made some changes to a couple of invoices that haven't gone out yet and have saved them
16:29:42 <gary> Should the value in <taxtable:refcount>27</taxtable:refcount>
16:30:00 <gary> Equal the number of <entry:i-taxtable type="guid">7634e0172717aade8a2e9cd78dbc0f9a</entry:i-taxtable>
16:30:04 <gary> lines in the file?
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16:33:58 <warlord> yes
16:34:39 <gary> Hrm
16:34:44 <gary> Slightly worrying then
16:34:52 <gary> I only have 20 lines like that in my file.
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17:25:53 <none> hello
17:27:15 <none> does gnucash support syncing contact data with any online payment gateways?
17:29:19 <jsled> no
17:30:20 <none> darn
17:31:10 <none> any suggestions?
17:31:25 <jsled> why contact data?
17:31:42 <none> so i could easily import them as customers
17:31:55 <warlord> Sorry, no
17:32:08 <warlord> The only way currently to get customers into gnucash is manually
17:32:30 <none> not even xml import?
17:32:53 <warlord> Nope
17:32:59 <warlord> There is no biz import
17:33:16 <none> wow
17:33:59 <warlord> you're welcome to donate code for it.
17:34:17 <none> i am not a coder... :)
17:35:28 <warlord> that should be a ":-(", not a ":-)"
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