2010-08-23 GnuCash IRC logs

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05:33:52 <gary> Anyone know why I can't click teh button to save a report?
05:34:35 <gary> I opened a report and got it how I want it, then based on what warlord told me a few days back, attempted to save a report. But it's greyed out.
05:34:46 <gary> I acn hover over it and it tells me what it does, but it's not clickable :(
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05:57:48 <kimmo> change its name
05:58:03 <kimmo> you can only save one report under one name
06:08:38 <gary> Ah :D
06:08:45 <gary> Good work, thanks kimmo
06:09:34 <gary> hrm, dosen't seemto saev the stylesheet. But everything else is saved.
06:09:42 <gary> bah, I can't type today,.
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07:23:51 *** Rajish has joined #gnucash
07:26:33 <Rajish> could anyone explain what does it mean: "Exclude non-top-level accounts with zero balance and no non-zero sub-accounts" ?
07:27:50 <kimmo> it means that if a particular account tree stub has no balance, then it's excluded from the report
07:28:18 <Rajish> including sub-accounts?
07:28:32 <kimmo> yes, also the sub-accounts' balance must be zero
07:29:05 <Rajish> so to write the message other way...
07:29:51 <Rajish> is it okay to say: Exclude non-top-level accounts with zero balance and *zero balance* sub-accounts ??
07:30:11 <kimmo> yes
07:30:20 <Rajish> this double negation gives me trouble
07:30:35 <Rajish> I try to understand it to translate it properly
07:31:42 <Rajish> so if the sub-accounts have non-zero balance they will be included?
07:31:49 <kimmo> well, what it means is that "Show all top level accounts. For non-top-level accounts, only show if EITHER (a) The account balance is non-zero, OR (b) It has a sub-account with a non-zero balance or subtotal"
07:32:24 <Rajish> ok
07:32:27 <Rajish> got it
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07:35:55 <kimmo> good
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08:41:47 <fom_hd> hello, i have compiled gnucash-2.3.15 with --enable-hbci on my fedora 13 box but the program has no online menu entries
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09:36:08 <fom_hd> Hello, anybody here who knows how to compile gnucash with Online Banking support?
09:44:37 <kimmo> your best bet is to wait to warlord or jsled to wake up
09:45:54 <fom_hd> kimmo: thank you for your feedback :-)
09:46:04 <kimmo> npå
09:46:08 <kimmo> np
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10:09:22 *** Rajish has joined #gnucash
10:10:18 <Rajish> what data is necessary to get proper Tax Invoice?
10:10:37 <Rajish> I get only an report error
10:12:55 <Rajish> oh an there is some output on the console, but I'm not sure if it's the right place to paste it
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10:24:18 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
10:24:26 <warlord> fom_hd: use --enable-aqbanking
10:24:40 <warlord> --enable-hbci doesn't do anytihng
10:25:00 <warlord> Rajish: paste it to pastebin
10:25:22 <warlord> have you posted a Business -> Customer -> (New) Invoice?
10:26:14 <Rajish> there is another thing with posting
10:26:37 <Rajish> I've created an A/receivable account, but can't select it for posting
10:26:49 <Rajish> like it didn't exist
10:26:49 <fom_hd> warlord: ok - thank you for the information! I'll try that immediately :-)
10:27:19 <Rajish> the account was created from the post dialogue
10:28:21 <Rajish> what is paste bin?
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10:29:41 <warlord> Rajish: Oh, hmm. It's possible that the post dialog didn't update the list after you created the account. You can cancel the dialog and re-run it.
10:29:51 <warlord> pastebin is a website.
10:30:00 <warlord> There are many, ala pastebin.ca
10:30:08 <Rajish> aha
10:32:41 <Rajish> http://pastebin.ca/1923352
10:33:10 <Rajish> reopening the dialogue didn't help
10:33:30 <Rajish> also creating another a/receivable account from the account tree
10:34:20 <Rajish> also closing the invoice and reopening it
10:36:18 <warlord> did you create it with the correct Type and correct currency?
10:36:58 <warlord> Ah, yes, this is the 'eguile doesn't work without slib' problem.
10:37:25 <Rajish> when I try to enter a payment GnuCash I get message that there is no right receivable account to do that
10:38:58 <fom_hd> i did that: ./configure --enable-aqbanking --prefix=/opt/gnucash-2.3.15
10:39:19 <fom_hd> still no online menu entries :-(
10:41:47 <Rajish> should I delete obsolete entries from my .po file?
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10:48:57 <Rajish> I must go, but please post the answers - I'll read it later on the log
10:49:13 <Rajish> the Type and currency are OK
10:49:16 <Rajish> byee
10:49:19 *** Rajish has left #gnucash
10:51:39 <warlord> Rajish, um, try restarting gnucash? Honestly, I dont know why it's not finding the account. I might start asking for screen shots.
10:51:57 <warlord> fom_hd: do you have aqb and aqb-dev installed?
10:52:19 <fom_hd> yes - the ones that come with fedora 13
10:52:59 <fom_hd> aqbanking-devel-4.2.4-4.fc13.i686
10:53:01 <fom_hd> aqbanking-4.2.4-4.fc13.i686
10:58:11 <warlord> Can you pastebin your configure command and the output from it?
10:59:05 <fom_hd> would config.log be ok?
11:00:37 <warlord> Well, I still need your full configure command, but config.log should be good enough.
11:01:05 <fom_hd> i did that: ./configure --enable-aqbanking --prefix=/opt/gnucash-2.3.15
11:03:58 <fom_hd> http://de.pastebin.ca/1923375
11:05:32 <warlord> Ummm.. I dont know. The configure is passing just fine.
11:05:39 <warlord> So it should be building with AqB
11:05:42 <warlord> I dont know why it's not in the menu
11:07:25 <fom_hd> hmmm ... this is strange! before the update to fedora 13 my gnucash-2.2.9 was working like a charm
11:07:48 <warlord> Note that F13 includes gnucash 2.3.X
11:08:03 <warlord> Also note that you might need to manually migrate your AqB config.
11:08:35 <fom_hd> yes - but without support for online banking, that's why i'm used to compile it self
11:09:25 <fom_hd> /usr/lib/aqbanking/plugins/29/wizards/qt4-wizard shows my HBCI-Account
11:09:40 <warlord> Are you sure? I'm pretty sure that Fedora has ALWAYS included online banking
11:11:06 <fom_hd> i would have loved to use it out of the box! ;-)
11:11:39 <warlord> I'm 99% sure that fedora's dists include AqB
11:12:30 <fom_hd> yes - AqB is on board, but gnucash is compiled without hbci-support
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11:14:03 <warlord> GnuCash doesn't need specific hbci support; it's all included in AqB
11:15:11 <fisxoj> anyone know what I can do about downloading transactions complaining about an 'error parsing response'?
11:16:49 <warlord> fisxoj: sounds like either a bank or ofx error. Contact the AqB people?
11:17:14 <fom_hd> i needed the --enable-aqbanking statement so that gnucash worked for me
11:17:30 <fisxoj> warlord, do they have an irc channel?
11:17:44 <warlord> I think #aqbanking over in freenode
11:18:45 <fom_hd> at least i did think that ;-)
11:20:41 <fom_hd> thanks anyhow for your effort!
11:21:21 <warlord> Sorry, as I said, --enable-aqbanking should be all you need to get it into the menu items, provided all the aqb libs are in place.
11:22:01 <warlord> It works for me on F12
11:22:30 <fom_hd> so it did for me in F12
11:22:52 <fom_hd> i'll try in #aqbanking
11:23:25 <warlord> or contact Bill Nottingham
11:24:08 <fom_hd> how can i contact him?
11:24:29 <warlord> email
11:24:46 <fom_hd> ahh - this is the mantainer for the fedora-packages - i see!
11:25:41 <warlord> yes
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11:28:06 <fom_hd> thanks again, and bye
11:28:29 <warlord> good luck
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