2010-08-13 GnuCash IRC logs
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02:44:40 <Reese1872> my peeps
02:45:07 <Reese1872> anyone recommend a good open source inventory program that might work well with gnucash? at least conceptually?
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07:44:17 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
07:44:32 <warlord> sorry, Reese1872, I dont know of any.
07:45:17 <Reese1872> np man thanks anyway
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08:15:43 <gjanssens> warlord: while you were away, I updated the Italian translation for the website.
08:15:55 <gjanssens> Christian took this update to convert to UTF-8
08:15:55 <warlord> Cool.
08:16:04 <warlord> ok
08:16:06 <gjanssens> That's all fine except for the mail search
08:16:13 <warlord> Uggh. Yeah..
08:16:22 <gjanssens> IIRC you should change something in the namazu config file
08:16:24 <warlord> Maybe we should outsource namazu to something else?
08:17:57 <gjanssens> For now namazu is still fine, Tao did the work to fix most of it
08:18:03 <warlord> okay...
08:18:16 <gjanssens> We just have to add Italian to the list of UTF-8 languages
08:18:43 <warlord> So, IT is UTF-8?
08:18:49 <gjanssens> Correct
08:19:05 <warlord> Done
08:19:49 <gjanssens> Perfect. The site comes through fine now. Thanks
08:21:32 <warlord> No problem.
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08:46:29 <dinosaurvskitten> Before I set up my accounts in gnucash, I'd like to make sure that it's actually the right tool for me: I'm looking for something to track my day to day expenses (which gnucash does well), but also want to explore 'what if' scenarios, like 'what if I put 10% of my monthly income into a savings account at x%? How will it grow, how much will I have in x years? etc'. Is that simple to do or would I be better off with something else?
08:52:20 <warlord> Not really.. Gnucash isn't a forecasting tool for investments in that way.
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09:09:04 <kimmo> dinosaurvskitten, I've found that OOcalc (Or Excel) are the right tool for that kind of predictions
09:10:12 <MikeE> It's one of the few occasions when a spreadsheet IS the correct tool.
09:13:13 <kimmo> indeed
09:14:17 <kimmo> and if you're a one man company or an individual investor, you probably won't have the luxury of spending thousands of dollars for a specialised system for that
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12:20:28 <gjanssens> European accounting in GC issue:
12:20:53 <gjanssens> I live in Belgium, and I buy something from a vendor in Germany
12:21:28 <gjanssens> The vendor writes me an invoice with 0% VAT (an agreement between EG member states)
12:22:07 <gjanssens> However, when I send in my quarterly VAT report, I have to report 21%VAT *twice*
12:22:36 <gjanssens> for this invoice.
12:23:08 <gjanssens> One time in the regular VAT field and one time in a separate field that lists foreign VAT transactions
12:23:20 <gjanssens> (this is a simplified explanation)
12:23:40 <gjanssens> Now, in GnuCash, I have trouble modelling this.
12:24:02 <gjanssens> That is, unless I manually start adding VAT entries to each invoice I create.
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12:24:32 <gjanssens> I am looking at a way to handle this via the tax table mechanism though.
12:25:12 <gjanssens> As I see it, I should be able to create a tax table with two tax entries:
12:25:22 <gjanssens> one, the regular VAT at 21%
12:25:58 <gjanssens> the other, a VAT for international transactions at -21% (which gets posted in a separate account)
12:26:55 <gjanssens> These lines would clearly balance each other out at all times,
12:27:06 <gjanssens> yet they leave a trace that can be used to generate a proper VAT report for Belgium and other European countries.
12:27:28 <gjanssens> Currently, GnuCash won't allow a negative tax percentage.
12:28:18 <gjanssens> Before I go and change this, has GnuCash built rules on the sign of the tax value
12:28:34 <gjanssens> Rules that would get confused if the sign is suddenly reversed ?
12:29:02 <gjanssens> I know this would be an issue for negative invoices, but is it also for negative tax (on an otherwise normal invoice) ?
12:30:18 *** gjanssens is now known as gjanssens-afk
12:30:20 * gjanssens-afk is away: Gone away for now
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13:02:26 <warlord> gjanssens-afk: I dont think there would be an issue for negative interest rates.
13:04:13 <warlord> the negative invoice was an issue in handling Lots, determining which split in the Lot is the "Invoice" (vs. payments).
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16:01:30 *** gjanssens-afk is now known as gjanssens
16:01:32 * gjanssens is back.
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16:02:32 <gjanssens> warlord: ok, thanks. I'll make a change in that sense then soonish.
16:02:40 <anonymous> How can I search for an account in the account tree?
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16:04:09 <warlord> anonymous: what do you mean?
16:04:16 <jsled> anonymous: I *think* you can just start typing.
16:04:23 <jsled> most gtk treeviews work that way.
16:04:25 * jsled tries
16:05:56 <anonymous> If you type only the expanded nodes can be found. The not expanded nodes cannot be found by typing. I use version 2.2.9
16:07:10 <jsled> huh. I don't think there's a good way, then.
16:13:04 <anonymous> I am new with GNUCash and I try just a little bit. Perhaps I will use it for the profession of my wife (in German "Massage", English ?). And when I want to type some accountings it is very boring to search the both accounts in the tree by clicking. But perhaps I do not use it in the right way. Are there other options to enter a set of accountings in a fast way?
16:14:02 <jsled> "massage", as well.
16:14:26 <jsled> to enter a set of accounts? There are a number of pre-defined account hierarchies that might be suitable.
16:14:54 <jsled> but … can you give an example of what sort of account you're trying to "search" for?
16:14:58 <jsled> and in what circumstance?
16:16:52 <anonymous> Not accounts. I mean accounting ("Buchung") (accounting entry, book entry, booking). These translations I found on leo.org. Sorry my English is in that topic not complete. ;-)
16:17:11 <anonymous> What is the correct English word for this?
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23:29:58 <warlord> jsled, linas: could one of you op gncbot, please?
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