2010-08-09 GnuCash IRC logs
02:21:01 *** kpreid has quit IRC
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16:52:08 <muppet> Hey all. Got a quick question... I am trying to import from a csv file... Is there any way to import a colum into the notes field? Right now I have to import all the text into the description field and then manually cut/paste it into the notes field. Appreciate any help... Thanks!
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20:09:34 <kimmo> hmmh
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21:15:59 *** Reese1872 has joined #gnucash
21:16:39 <Reese1872> ok so I'm a major newb... i loaded the program up and figured out how to post invoices and then later mark them as paid (i'm trying to keep track of stuff people owe me for playing live music)
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21:17:19 <Reese1872> today I realized that I would like to start trying to record my savings and checking... but I don't know the proper way to update my balances from 0 without getting that "imbalance" account message
21:17:45 <jsled> http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/guide/
21:18:22 <Reese1872> yeah I'm looking through that now but I don't understand it, at least where updating an incorrect balance without an accompanying transaction is concerned
21:18:25 <jsled> if you're asking about how to create proper initial balances for accounts (which are obviously non-zero to start off), then you'll want a transaction between {Equity : Opening Balances} and the account.
21:18:27 <kpreid> Reese1872: Equity:Opening Balances
21:18:45 <Reese1872> ahhh ok
21:18:55 <jsled> If you're asking about generally having every transaction go against Imbalance-USD … maybe turning on auto-split mode will make things clear
21:19:08 <Reese1872> no i think its just the initial balance thing
21:19:25 <jsled> (I find gnucash's default to "basic" mode to be too simple … misleadingly so, actually)
21:19:51 <Reese1872> now what if say a couple months from now I notice that my real checking is wrong from my gnucash, and i have no receipts or knowledge or what transactions I did (drunk spending?) to make it imbalanced... is there some way to tell gnucash - "look buddy just trust me on this, here is my balance and its correct"
21:20:03 <Reese1872> good tip i'm going to go turn on advanced
21:20:20 <jsled> "auto-split". :)
21:20:43 <Reese1872> nice, noticed that lol
21:26:37 *** anon has joined #gnucash
21:26:51 <anon> is there a resource somewhere that lists gnucash friendly accountants?
21:27:00 *** anon is now known as mroe
21:27:37 <jsled> mroe: kinda. http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_Is_there_a_CPA_.28Certified_Public_Accountant.29_who_uses_GnuCash_in_my_area.3F
21:27:49 <mroe> perfect, thanks
21:28:17 <jsled> but as warlord usually says: if you generate the standard financial reports and transaction list, that might be enough for your acct to work with.
21:28:29 <jsled> just html tables and summaries, not necessarily "using gnucash".
21:28:44 <mroe> right
21:29:03 <Slurpee> thanks for that links but there are only 2 people ;(
21:29:12 <Reese1872> oh that reminds me... is there some way I can tell gnucash to initiate an email of an invoice in thunderbird?
21:29:26 <Reese1872> or at least give me something nice that I can copy paste
21:29:53 <jsled> nope
21:30:04 <jsled> unless … maybe if you extend the invoice report.
21:30:16 <mroe> can't gnucash create pdfs?
21:30:26 <mroe> or html pages of their invoice
21:30:45 <jsled> all reports, including the invoices, are ultimately html
21:30:52 <jsled> they can be "printed" as pdfs
21:30:53 <mroe> so that could be emailed
21:31:01 <jsled> but it doesn't generate pdfs per-se
21:31:16 <mroe> I think that is how we did it before we moved to an on-line invoicing system
21:32:38 <Reese1872> hrm ok
21:33:08 <Reese1872> i read about templates or something for invoices... so i'm thinking maybe i'll somehow have to figure out how to make a nice template that I can use to view an invoice, then just copy/paste the whole thing into an email
21:38:33 <Reese1872> YES!!!!!!!! i got the imbalance to go to zero... i did a transaction of $$$ in opening balances, and then told it the transfer-to was savings
21:38:34 <Reese1872> woo woo woo
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21:43:24 <Reese1872> ok so next, after i setup my initial balances... i have some paid-invoice income sitting in my assets account... once i transfer them to my checking, the checking will show way too much money since i just updated its initial balance of today.... so how do i go about telling gnucash "calm down bud, this is old money"
21:43:33 <Reese1872> and yes, i do talk to my computer like that
21:43:53 <jsled> you should set your initial balance to the, uh, initial balance before those transactions. :)
21:44:08 <Reese1872> the problem with that is i don't remember what it was
21:44:40 <jsled> well, you can either figure that out, or just take the difference and do a one-time offset. :)
21:46:15 <Reese1872> oh oh ok whats this offset all about
21:48:08 <jsled> well, if the "opening" balance is $1000, but you have $100 in summed paid invoices for the last week, just set your opening balance to $900, one week ago
21:48:33 <Reese1872> oh ok i guess that sounds reasonable lol
21:49:39 <Reese1872> ok so now what about this... i'm good at keeping track of invoices.... but i SUCK at keeping track of all my daily purchases out of my checking.... and honestly i don't want to have to record that i paid $0.99 for an iphone app or $5 for kazoos
21:50:02 <Reese1872> is there some way of just telling gnucash "yeah, i spent this much money on useless shit this week, please lower my checking by $300"
21:52:49 <Reese1872> or should i just treat myself as an employee and mark that I paid myself, and keep the checking/savings at $0
21:53:15 <jsled> well, you might want separate books for your business and personal stuff.
21:53:15 <Reese1872> (since I'm jobless for 2 months, all my music money has to go into my personal account anyway... no more music budget lol)
21:53:40 <jsled> but, separate from that … you can just make "bulk" transactions between Assets:Checking and Expenses:Useless Shit, or whatever.
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21:53:56 <Reese1872> very nice man you're super helpful
21:53:56 <jsled> Or break out just the bigger ones that you want more reporting detail on.
21:54:00 <jsled> it's entirely up to you.'
21:54:28 <jsled> I used to go through and enter my receipts every week.
21:55:21 <Reese1872> i think i'm afraid of what receipts might reveal about my spending habits... i already pretend to be poor as it is, so i don't think i could handle having to say no to "in n out" and stuff like that lol
21:55:38 <Reese1872> so paying myself as an employee to avoid balancing my personal checkbook doesn't sound totally rediculous then right?
21:56:08 <jsled> no, it does. :)
21:56:18 <jsled> actually, I don't know quite what you mean by that.
21:58:04 <Reese1872> like, at this moment i was going to record all deposits into my personal checking... but now instead i'm thinking, treat the gnu-file just for business-only like you're saying... and whenever i get paid on an invoice, i'll #1 mark it as paid, then #2 mark that I paid an employee that same amount so all the balances go to zero
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21:58:10 <Reese1872> and i would just happen to be the only employee
22:02:12 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
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22:05:28 <Reese1872> nevermind i think i found an answer... someone was recommending that as a sole proprietar, you would setup a "draw" account and transfer money to that whenever you wanted to pay your personal checkings... rather than listing yourself as an employee
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23:04:26 <fernando> alguem ai fala portugues ?
23:05:26 <jsled> no, this channel is mostly english.
23:05:40 <jsled> https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-br might be useful, but it looks very low-volume
23:06:53 <fernando> someone i understand cost accounting?
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23:16:05 *** fernando6 has joined #gnucash
23:16:09 <fernando6> please help me understand costing depreciation
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23:17:05 <jsled> sorry, it's not something I myself understand well enough to teach.
23:17:34 <fernando6> I'm with a table of costs and did not understand where they came from some values
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23:22:58 <fernando> this chat room is exclusively for accountants?
23:23:59 <jsled> for users of gnucash, primarily.
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23:33:39 <jsled> this channel is for users of gnucash, primarily. we don't have accountants, usually, but some do generally understand accounting
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