2010-07-20 GnuCash IRC logs
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06:41:49 <gmc> oh for f*cks sake.. gnucash is just crashing on me!
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08:47:57 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
08:48:02 <warlord> gmc: what version?
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09:13:53 *** xperia has joined #gnucash
09:15:51 <xperia> hello to all. i am totally new to gnucash and have a smal question. i need to print out account details of a specific account with a total at the end. is this possible? i have looked at the reports but i could not find anything like this. i need this account details for the taxes to submit.
09:21:06 <warlord> What specific account details are you trying to print out? For taxes you probably only need transactions from this accounting period.
09:21:23 <warlord> I just send a Balance Sheet, Profit&Loss (Income Statement), and a full Transaction Report to my accountant.
09:22:50 <xperia> warlord looks like i need exactly this transaction Report but where it can be found. the man at the tax office said he need the transactions details with saldo at the end
09:23:07 <warlord> Reports -> Transaction Report
09:23:39 <warlord> Then you'll need to configure the report options to get the exact report you want.
09:23:45 <warlord> (there are LOTS of options for that report)
09:25:16 <xperia> ohhh good to know then but looks like need to put my hands on it. still thanks a lot for your help.
09:25:17 <xperia> Last question if the taxoffice accept my submission of the formulars that i have done with gnucash
09:25:19 <xperia> and i want to support GnuCash with say 500 USD what need to be done ?
09:26:16 <xperia> the accountant said to me if it is not accepted i will probably need to buy a accounting programm for 1000 USD called abacus light
09:26:24 <warlord> 500USD?!? Wow, well, you can add it to the Tip Jar
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09:27:39 <xperia> Yes 500 USD.
09:27:40 <xperia> Just looking where this Tip Jar is.
09:28:31 <warlord> It's off the main gnucash.org website. "Donations"
09:29:40 <xperia> i think i have found it
09:29:42 <xperia> http://sourceforge.net/donate/index.php?group_id=192
09:30:49 <xperia> okay should work. now i need to boot in windowsto test this Transactions Reports.
09:31:51 <xperia> warlord btw. did you thinked programming gnucash in mono ?
09:31:53 <xperia> mono support windows and linux gkt without having two different codes for every structure
09:32:21 <xperia> i am itself a mono programmer and can say only this is the future
09:32:25 <blathijs> Gnucash supports Windows & Linux as well, right?
09:32:33 <blathijs> And I think Gnucash is older than .NET :-)
09:32:33 <xperia> yes
09:32:36 <warlord> xperia: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_Why_don.27t_you_rewrite_GnuCash_in_programming_language_xyz_so_that_I_can_contribute_easily.3F
09:32:48 <warlord> xperia: why do you need to reboot into Windows to use GnuCash???
09:33:19 <warlord> Gnucash was *first* written on Linux. Windows came much MUCH later.
09:33:24 <warlord> (like, 10 years later)
09:33:37 <blathijs> Perhaps he's normally running BeOS or something? :-)
09:33:52 <xperia> i am using puppy linux that is very good leight weight distro
09:33:56 <warlord> heh.
09:34:02 <warlord> xperia: so why not run GnuCash there?
09:34:20 <xperia> most of the linux distor dont have gnome libs installed becouse they are too big
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09:35:07 <xperia> need allways to reboot in windows for gnucash. and very big problem with gnucash is that it will probably never run on pocket pc or smart phones as it need gnome
09:35:09 <warlord> So you'd rather reboot into windows than install gnome/gtk libraries?
09:35:19 <xperia> and that is over kill
09:35:36 <xperia> i dont like gnome as it is to heavy
09:36:08 <xperia> having gnucash on smart phone or pocket pc would be awesome especially for direct booking
09:36:12 <warlord> You had to install gnome to install GnUCash for Windows..
09:36:39 <xperia> maybe even with smart phone photocamera
09:37:22 <warlord> xperia: keep in mind, you don't have to run a gnome desktop; you just have to have the libraries around.
09:38:12 <xperia> no i have it installed it on windows as my linux distro should stay light and fast. well exist some list what are this libs are. i guess they are around 1000 that need to be installed with guile and so on
09:38:38 <warlord> Um, no, there are not 1000 packages you need.
09:38:49 <warlord> The dependency list is about 20 packages.
09:39:26 <warlord> xperia: How much disk space do you have on your linux?
09:39:48 <xperia> really ? hmm if there is a wiki article about this dependencies i could try to install an look how good it works for testing. i have 300 MB free space
09:40:02 <xperia> well no its much higher about 500 MB
09:40:52 <warlord> 300MB might've cut it a little close. 500MB should be more than sufficient. but why such a teeny tiny little disk?
09:41:12 <warlord> seriously, you'll get a *much* better experience on Linux; Windows truly is a second-class citizen
09:41:26 <xperia> well i am getting out of disk space here. too much multimedia files from youtube :-)
09:41:58 <warlord> Ah, I see.
09:42:40 <warlord> Anyways, I'm not sure what you mean by "most".. Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, RH, all install the gnome/gtk libraries by default.
09:42:51 <xperia> okay need to test this transaction report now and will come back. if there is some dependencie list in the wiki i would be glad to test if it works on non gnome linux distros
09:43:05 <warlord> Is puppy linux based on one of the majors?
09:43:16 <warlord> xperia: the dependency list is in the README
09:44:40 <xperia> well the latest release is builded on ubuntu and use the ubuntu repository
09:44:40 <xperia> http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=puppy
09:44:42 <xperia> but i dont know what to install maybe just trying to install gnucash would help.
09:44:43 <xperia> hmmm need to test it
09:45:07 <xperia> okay will come back need to talk with the accountant
09:45:22 <xperia> thank you a lot for the help. see you sure later
09:45:26 <xperia> bye
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09:46:24 <warlord> @tell xperia just: apt-get install gnucash
09:46:24 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
09:51:37 <gary> I remember the adys of dual booting into windows... glad I don't have to do that anymore
09:56:01 <warlord> heh
09:56:07 <warlord> Nowadays I just use VMware
09:58:01 <gary> Can't remember when I last used Windows for my own personal use.
09:58:37 <gary> Maybe my gf's laptop for a bit so she could fiddle with her iPod, but even she uses Linux for almost everythig now too.
09:58:51 <gary> Can't persuade her to switch away from iTunes
09:58:56 <gary> So sh edual boots for that.
09:58:58 <warlord> I have a few apps that I need that only work on Windows
09:59:09 <warlord> e.g., programming my GPS cards.
10:00:01 <gary> Ah... actually, I did have to use Windows for soemthing... Patching some homebrew for my DS before the newer cartridges came out that do all the magic for you.
10:00:12 <warlord> heh
10:00:29 <gary> Wanted to run ScummVM on my DS and couldn't find anything in Linux to patch the provided roms with.
10:04:54 *** xperia has joined #gnucash
10:06:36 <xperia> warlord: wanted only to say that the transaction report is exactly what i have searched for. thank you a lot. thinked i am lost for a moment. will just call the accountant that i dont need to buy a new accounting programm as gnuacash can print out the account details exactly the way it is needed
10:06:36 <gncbot> xperia: Sent 20 minutes ago: <warlord> just: apt-get install gnucash
10:06:50 <xperia> cool will try it
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10:19:49 <xperia> okay have informed the accountant that i dont need to buy a new accounting programm for over 1000 USD
10:23:38 <gary> :)
10:24:46 <warlord> cool
10:30:45 <xperia> will just setup now my paypal account with my bank account information for sending money direct money from paypal withou first upload money but instead by the bankaccount and will send then the first 50 USD to gnucash. i guess in at last about 7 days the money should arrive. lets see if i am able to do this
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11:42:42 <xperia> okay have added my bank account to paypal now. need now to wait till the bank accout is aprouved
11:46:05 <warlord> no worries
11:47:32 <blathijs> warlord: You haven't made any plans for the money yet? :-p
11:49:41 <warlord> Heh. Nope. I try very hard not to unilatterly spend the money.
11:49:58 <warlord> In fact the last thing I think I spent money on was replacement disks for Linas for www.gnucash.org
11:53:27 <xperia> okay need now to download all xml files from my bank account and to look how i can feed them into gnucash
11:53:53 <xperia> it would be big pain for me to book ever transaction new in gnucash
11:54:14 <xperia> i need somehow to sync it with my bank account
11:55:04 <blathijs> xperia: What format does your bank offer?
11:56:53 <xperia> blathijs: well i have lots of older pdf files and since now about one year xml files as follow
11:57:03 <xperia> gimme just a moment to login in
11:57:11 <blathijs> PDF files are probably quite useless
11:57:28 <blathijs> XML is a bit of a meta-format, does the actual format have a more specific name?
11:57:54 <xperia> maybe i writing some parser in php to extract all the data from the pdf files would work
11:58:08 <xperia> will just tell it what xml files this are
11:58:33 <blathijs> If you're going to parse things, I'd work with the XML files
11:58:51 <blathijs> the PDF files have a lot of extra formatting stuff in them, which probably makes them hard to parse
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11:59:35 <warlord> you might be better off starting from scratch instead of trying to import data
12:03:25 <blathijs> warlord: I think this concerns importing bank statements, not old books
12:04:20 <xperia> blathijs: yeah i need to improt alll bank transactions into gnucash. have downloaded now one of the xml file but it looks quite strange. it comes with pictures
12:05:04 <xperia> okay that is how it begins
12:05:07 <xperia> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
12:05:08 <xperia> <!DOCTYPE IC SYSTEM "acc_200.dtd">
12:06:59 <xperia> is that enoght or does it need more informations ?
12:09:34 <blathijs> xperia: Is your bank the Swiss Post Bank, perhaps?
12:11:12 <warlord> sorry, i dont recognize it
12:11:29 <blathijs> xperia: If so, this thread might be useful: http://www.fmforums.com/forum/showtopic.php?tid/151501/post/155672/fromactivity/posts/
12:12:14 <blathijs> xperia: But it seems that format is pretty specific to that bank, it's not a general open standard (like QIF, OFX or MT940 for example)
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12:17:02 <xperia> yeah it looks like. here are the specs of the format http://switzernet.com/public/091105-postfinance-xml2doc/
12:17:05 <xperia> http://switzernet.com/public/091105-postfinance-xml2doc/
12:18:39 <xperia> i hope at least that in feature there is some kind of autosync with bank accounts like postfinance becouse this manual booking eat a lot of my free productivity time
12:19:01 <blathijs> xperia: You could try mailing the gnucash-user list to see if anyone else has come up with something?
12:19:22 <blathijs> xperia: The default way to import transactions is to convert whatever format to QIF or OFX and then import that
12:19:57 <blathijs> (Look at File -> Import to see what formats are supported)
12:25:50 <linas> warlord, I still think it would be correct to formalize a "gnucash foundation" but I've just so many other projects
12:26:27 <warlord> linas: I know
12:26:56 <linas> although, you know, a foundation doesn't much matter until there is someone who can "run it"
12:27:14 <linas> i.e. fund-raise, and raise awareness, and cut big deals
12:28:33 <linas> we really need a person who could cold-call banks, and convince them to invest in gnucash development (for example) in a manner similar to what mozilla foundation does
12:29:09 <linas> it would need to be a compelling story, and the person would need to be an industry insder, very well-connected, etc.
12:30:34 <xperia> blathijs: thank you a lot for your tip. will follow your suggestion. think need some kind of a parser to programm and extract all data to a qif format.
12:30:53 <xperia> any link maybe how such a qif file looks alike ?
12:30:58 <linas> the story could be something like "instead of paying developers to come up with mickey-mouse solutions for pdf's and non-standard xml formats, instead, invest in gnucash as a display front-end"
12:31:18 <warlord> Heh
12:31:36 <blathijs> xperia: Did you see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_convert_from_CSV.2C_TSV.2C_XLS_.28Excel.29.2C_or_SXC_.28OpenOffice.org_Calc.29_to_a_QIF.3F ?
12:32:06 <linas> yeah, well, like anything in life, its something that would take real work by someone who is capable of doing it ...
12:34:26 <warlord> And finding that right person is a lot of work.
12:37:42 <xperia> blathijs: asking me if opeoffice is able to convert xml files to qif. if yes then i am saved mostly becouse this xml file from my bank can be load in excel at least and if i can load it in openoffice too and convert it to other format that gnucash understand then i have saved hundreds of hours of work
12:37:55 <xperia> especially also in the future
12:38:48 <xperia> hmm okay need to check out this more. thanks a lot for the suggestions and the solution using bash script
12:40:04 <warlord> it all depends what the xml format is.
12:40:14 <warlord> If you bank gave you OFX then you'd be set.
12:41:39 <xperia> need to check this out for sure. have to go now. will come tomorrow again. see you all bye
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17:36:31 <kimmo> hmm
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18:09:16 <millie> hello! I have a small question. I've started gnucash and I was wondering when inserting liabilities (that I got from an inheritance = mortagage etc) I have a GBP imbalance. how do I change that? thanks
18:14:26 <warlord> Well, against what account did you transfer the liability?
18:14:59 <millie> this is the thing... I have no where to transfer it FROM... I was looking for an opening balance...
18:17:44 <warlord> Ah, then Equity
18:18:21 <millie> ok... so the first entry in my liability account should be as an equity opening balance, this is what you mean?
18:18:28 <warlord> Yes
18:18:33 <millie> thank you!
18:19:07 <warlord> you're welcome
18:21:57 <millie> but now my imbalance has gone HUGE...
18:22:57 <warlord> Because you probably left the imblance transaction -- OR you're not properly using double-entry so now you have TWO transactions, both to imbalanbce
18:24:10 <millie> yes! I realized that also the property was as an imbalance, which I have change as an equity opening balance...
18:24:54 <millie> now I have no imbalance... and everything seems to be working...
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18:29:06 <warlord> there you go!
18:31:48 <millie> sorry, but I'm working also with two different currencies and all seems a mess!
18:33:41 <warlord> Yeah, that can certainly make a mess.
18:35:05 <millie> plus, I have a property that I own BUT cannot legally use and this other property which I got via inheritance together with its liabilities... time for bed, I believe! thanks a lot again
18:37:23 <warlord> You're welcome.
18:37:24 <warlord> good night
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19:02:47 <fell> Ha, I blocked my first wiki spammer. But I am quite not shure, how to handle http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/index.php?title=User_talk:Liucong104&rcid=7026 .
19:03:42 <fell> Is the user talk private or should such a page be removed?
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21:25:37 *** KWLLC has joined #gnucash
21:28:20 <KWLLC> I have used quicken for many years and I need to start using gnucash using backups of quicken files (qdf, qtx, idx, etc). I find nothing in the documentation to tell me how to accomplish this. Can I do this?
22:04:20 <warlord> fell: if it's spam it should be removed.
22:04:50 <warlord> KWLLC: nope, gnucash can only import QIF or OFX.. So you'd need quicken to export to QIF to import into GnuCash
22:06:21 <KWLLC> OK. TAB....I'll have to reinstall it since I've been stripping down my XP installation in preparation to going UBUNTU 24/7
22:07:21 <KWLLC> BTW: should I d/l my transaction files from the bank as csv or qtx?
22:19:29 <davr> KWLLC: you should download as QFX or OFX, they contain the most information (basically the same afaik)
22:19:40 <davr> I don't know what QTX is, I don't think gnucash can handle it
22:20:16 <davr> basically you can import (from best to worst) OFX/QFX, QIF, or CSV
22:20:37 <KWLLC> It's an internal transaction file. It's indexed by the .idx file.
22:22:14 <KWLLC> once again thank you for the help. If I can ever be of assistance, I have over 33 years in IBM mainframes.
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22:39:11 <davr> I'll let you know next time I have a problem with an IBM mainframe :P
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