2010-07-19 GnuCash IRC logs
00:22:36 *** Askarii has quit IRC
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15:49:04 <Linuturk> so, is it possible for two people to access the same gnucash file on a file share, similar to multi-user mode in Quickbooks?
15:50:33 <warlord> no, gnucash has no simultanous multiuser support
15:51:11 <Linuturk> Is it in the roadmap?
15:52:29 <warlord> define "roadmap"? Are you asking if any dev is planning to work on it? I dont know.
15:53:06 <Linuturk> generally, a roadmap defines featuresets that are going to be worked into the software, preferably with a loose timeframe.
15:55:19 <warlord> sorry, I was being a little facetious. GnuCash has no real roadmap, because it's 100% volunteer. So it all depends on what features the active developers feel like working on, or what gets donated.
15:57:17 <warlord> i dont know if anyone is planning to work on multiuser. it would be a non-trivial enhancement, because gnucash was not designed as a database program. the client caches all the data.
15:57:37 <warlord> so it turns into a large cache coherency and update problem
15:58:39 <Linuturk> non-trivial isn't the word ;p it's almost a completely new piece of software
15:58:52 <Linuturk> requiring a database backend, most likely
15:59:10 <Linuturk> and a rewrite of how gnucash does just about anything
16:04:01 <warlord> well, the database backend is done.
16:04:06 <warlord> (will be in 2.4)
16:05:18 <Linuturk> what database does it interface with?
16:05:30 <Linuturk> MySQL?
16:06:20 <warlord> Anything DBI can use. Testing has been with SQLite and MySQL, but supposedly PG works too
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16:13:01 <blathijs> warlord: But the database backend is still written in a load-all-to-memory style, AFAIK, so that doesn't really help for the multi-user-problem
16:14:31 <davr> two people can access the file, as long as they don't access it at the same time :P
16:17:04 <warlord> blathijs: true.
16:17:26 <warlord> like I said, it's a non-trivial change. But having a working DB backend is certainly a necessary step
16:17:42 <warlord> davr: that's what I meant by "simultaneous multiuser"
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22:55:44 <bfontana> Someone who may help me with a GLIB error when I try to compile GNUCash 2.3.14 on Ubuntu 10 64 bits?
22:57:10 <bfontana> This is the error I get
22:57:11 <bfontana> checking for GLIB - version >= 2.12.0... no
22:57:12 <bfontana> *** Could not run GLIB test program, checking why...
22:57:12 <bfontana> *** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the
22:57:12 <bfontana> *** exact error that occured. This usually means GLIB is incorrectly installed.
22:57:12 <bfontana> configure: error:
22:57:13 <bfontana> *** GLIB >= 2.12 is required to build Gnucash; please make sure you have the
22:57:15 <bfontana> *** development headers installed. The latest version of GLIB is
22:57:17 <bfontana> *** always available at ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/glib/.
22:57:19 <bfontana> bfontana@my-laptop:~/Descargas/gnucash-2.3.14$
22:57:40 <bfontana> but GLIB2 seems to be already installed
22:59:24 <warlord> bfontana: did you: apt-get build-dep gnucash before trying?
22:59:40 <warlord> bfontana: is the glib2 -dev package installed?
22:59:50 <bfontana> let me see....
23:02:52 <bfontana> apt-get build-dep is downloading a lot of packages so I think you find me a solution.....
23:03:18 <bfontana> I will try again after download is complete. Thanks for your help!
23:03:31 <warlord> you're welcome
23:04:56 <bfontana> If this works is there a possibility of putting this in the Wiki I think this may help others... if I could do that for myself just le me know....
23:06:49 <warlord> Um... 'apt-get build-dep' is something that's pretty much assumed. Honestly I see no reason to put it in the FAQ; if you don't know how to use build-dep you shouldn't be building software on Ubuntu
23:07:20 <warlord> ... especially test-release software, when you could very-well just install the distributed gnucash from the ubuntu repositories
23:10:19 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
23:11:26 <bfontana> I did but I was using the Windows version before and storing the info on MySQL and version 2.2.9 doesn't support other storage than XML. I had compiled other software on Linux. I used Gentoo for a very long but you are right perhaps Linux is surpassing me very fast ;)
23:11:34 <bfontana> thanks again for your help.
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23:20:35 <bfontana> It worked like a charm except that apt-get build-dep doesn't download libdbi0-dev which I downloaded separately.
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