2010-06-30 GnuCash IRC logs
00:40:14 *** warlord-afk has quit IRC
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02:25:27 *** RottNKorpse has joined #gnucash
02:26:48 <RottNKorpse> I've been testing out GnuCash and it seems to do pretty much everything I want...I have been a Quickbooks user but I hate windows and moved to Linux a while ago and just started testing this program.
02:27:29 <RottNKorpse> Anyway...my question is...is there any kind of PayPal plugin or any way to edit the output of HTML from the Style Sheets?
02:27:49 <RottNKorpse> I basically just want to add a paypal button to the invoices exported html
02:28:17 <RottNKorpse> I know I can easily do it through the code itself but I was looking for more of a long term solution as doing it each time would be a pain
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02:35:08 <RottNKorpse> sleep time... will try again tomorrow...ciao
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05:17:33 *** gour has joined #gnucash
05:18:26 <gour> is there some demo-data available for gnucash which one could import...i'd like to play a bit with OO <---> gnucash via odbc
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14:26:16 *** Puddles has joined #gnucash
14:26:25 <Puddles> Anyone active in here
14:36:36 <jsled> maybe. do you have a question?
14:36:44 <jsled> if so, please just ask, don't meta-ask.
14:56:11 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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15:25:23 <Puddles> not sure what meta-ask is but I'll ask
15:26:09 <Puddles> I was wondering if there is anyway to edit the HTML that is outputted for invoices as I would like to add a paypal button or something similar for people to pay the invoices I generate
15:27:07 <Puddles> I know I can do it after it is outputted but that would mean I would have to do it everytime so I was hoping there might be a way to edit it so I could just generate the invoice html with the payment options
15:28:42 <warlord> Puddles: you could do it via an e-guile invoice template, but that's not in 2.2 ; it'll be in 2.4
15:29:17 <jsled> (meta-ask: to ask if you can ask a question, or ask if anyone is around, &c.)
15:30:10 <Puddles> oh I see
15:30:14 <Puddles> sorry about that then
15:30:42 <Puddles> thanks for the info guys
15:31:29 <Puddles> I saw that the current unstable version is 2.3.14 how long do you think it will be for 2.4.x to start being released as unstable?
15:31:50 <Puddles> I'm assuming they wont jump from 2.2 to 2.4 without releasing a stable 2.3
15:32:17 <warlord> yes we will.. 2.3.x are the test releases prior to the 2.4
15:32:54 <Puddles> oh ok that is an interesting version system
15:33:12 <warlord> it's how most linux release systems work (including the linux kernel itself)
15:33:17 <Puddles> so 2.2 is stable 2.3 is unstable and 2.4 is stable? which I would also assume 2.5 is unstable in the future
15:33:32 <Puddles> ahh
15:34:06 <warlord> yes
15:34:46 <Puddles> ok I understand now. I am used to a different numbering system although not sure what it is called. :)
15:35:30 <Puddles> 1.2.3 where 1 is a major release, 2 is a minor release and 3 is a security or bug fix
15:35:50 <Puddles> thank you for explaining the system gnucash uses
15:37:44 <Puddles> I know this is going to be an incredibly annoying question and I am sorry for asking it in advance but is there any ETA for 2.4.x?
15:40:13 <warlord> check the wiki
15:42:47 <Puddles> wow that is a very informative wiki...I'm not used to open source documentation being so extensive...very nice
15:42:55 <Puddles> thanks for all the assistance
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15:43:33 <warlord> you're welcome
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16:19:50 <scar> warlord: the customer report i am looking at has a few invoices that have been paid, and one outstanding invoice, due on june 15, and the amount due is showing up under 31-60 days
16:21:06 <warlord> hmmm... I thought it used due date for the history, but it could be post date.
16:21:10 <warlord> I'd have to look at the code
16:22:02 <scar> oh... if you find out where i can change that to use the due date, that would be great
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16:24:21 <warlord> it would be in owner-report.scm
16:30:36 <scar> src/business/business-reports/owner-report.scm or src/business/business-reports/gnucash/report/owner-report.scm?
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16:33:39 <warlord> they are the same file
16:40:09 <scar> oh i see ;)
16:42:18 <scar> you think i could change 'post-date' to 'due-date' on line 164 and/or line 172?
16:47:40 * scar trying it now
16:50:21 <scar> it sure has to recompile a lot for that little change ;)
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17:08:02 <warlord> No need to recompile at all.
17:08:04 <warlord> Just re-install.
17:08:07 <scar> i tried changing both lines, but i don't see anything different in the customer report
17:08:10 <warlord> OR... edit the installed .scm file
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17:21:09 <scar> i edited src/business/business-reports/owner-report.scm, make, make install
17:21:16 <warlord> no need to 'make'
17:21:33 <warlord> 'make install' is sufficient. and indeed make install from src/business/business-report is sufficient
17:22:12 <scar> oh.. good to know for the future.... but that didn't seem to change the 'aging' area
17:22:30 <warlord> then you didn't change the right thing. ;)
17:25:03 <scar> not sure what else to change
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17:54:40 <warlord> scar: you need to change the make-aging-table
17:55:17 <warlord> Change (post-date (gncInvoiceGetDatePosted invoice)))
17:55:25 <warlord> Make that the due date..
17:55:53 <warlord> (line 170)
17:56:22 <warlord> (note that I'm NOT looking at the 2.2.x version)
17:57:52 <warlord> anyways, i'm running.
17:57:53 <warlord> bye
17:57:56 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
18:00:46 *** acctswuser has joined #gnucash
18:01:13 <acctswuser> hello all
18:11:50 <acctswuser> say I need to have expense accounts for a N-dimensional matrix of all services (some of the dimensions: who do I pay it to, through which bank I'm paying it, which type of service this is, etc). I.e. it is an N-dimensional cube. How do I need to setup my chart of accounts, so that I can then say to gnucash:
18:11:50 <acctswuser> show me a report for period X about expenses : group-by (dimension1, dimension2) where dimension3 in (A,B,C) ?
18:12:56 <bfawson> I'm researching accounting software for an automobile dealership. Would this program be able to handle that? It would need a payroll, finance, vehicle inventory, parts and service department modules. Is that a possibility with Gnucash?
18:13:25 <jsled> bfawson: nope
18:13:38 <bfawson> okay, thanks.
18:14:24 <bfawson> Looks like a great substitute for Quickbooks though.
18:19:30 <jsled> the big missing bits from you list are the inventory/parts modules, financing in terms of first-order loan handling, and a real payroll module.
18:19:59 <jsled> AIUI, you can maintain payroll transactions using the business features, but all the heavy lifting of payroll you need to do externally.
18:20:21 <jsled> acctswuser: that's tough. there's not really a good way to shoehorn that into the datamodel.
18:29:57 <acctswuser> jsled: thx
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18:40:12 <acctswuser> jsled: if I named the accounts such that the names would express the points in each dimension, could I somehow make the reports based on names?
18:40:29 <jsled> sure.
18:40:46 <jsled> the reports are scheme, so they can do anything.
18:41:15 <acctswuser> jseld: thx
18:41:20 <jsled> of course … you'd need a separate account for every permutation of dimensions.
18:41:36 <jsled> s/every/every encountered/
18:42:18 <acctswuser> :-(
18:47:29 <davr> maybe you could just put special notes in the memo/description fields of the transaction?
18:48:06 <davr> a few of the dimensions (where money is coming from, and where it's going to) are already built into gnucash, (eg transfer money from Assets:BankAccount1 to Expenses:AutoExpenses)
18:49:29 <davr> then the description field could have "Pay to fix my windshield[vendor:Bob's Auto][destinationbank:Bank of America]"
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19:33:31 <mezimezim> hi there
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19:41:50 <scar> ok i got the report to calculate the aging based on due date, but it is throwing a lot of errors when the due date is in the future
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19:50:23 <scar> http://pastebin.com/pHU3p0kX
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21:11:57 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
21:12:10 <warlord> scar: most likely because the math is assuming all post dates are in the past.
21:12:24 <warlord> a future-date doesn't go into the correct bucket.
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22:42:42 <scar> when i generate the 'income & expense chart' report, it's including my income/sales account, which has a lot of outstanding invoices that aren't due yet, so the report is not so accurate... what can i do to make it more accurate?
22:44:26 <scar> if i run the report without including that account, will that make sense?
22:47:25 <scar> no that gets rid of all my income ^^