2010-06-17 GnuCash IRC logs

00:31:46 *** Askarii has left #gnucash
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03:04:57 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
04:35:38 <blathijs> Hmm, I have put the counter formats directly in the counter_formats kvp slot
04:36:06 <blathijs> but only when looking at the options dialog, I see there is an "options" kvp slot where the other options are loaded from / saved to
05:14:22 <blathijs> complicated stuff :-)
05:32:09 *** jo-erlend_ has joined #GNUCash
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07:22:35 *** simon_ has joined #gnucash
07:27:06 <simon_> New file, imported hundred plus transax from qif from mid 2008 to present
07:27:13 <simon_> problem is that only two most recent transax show in register
07:27:22 <simon_> All transax are present in report
07:27:30 <simon_> This was problem with 2.2.4 on opensuse 11.1
07:27:38 <simon_> and now persists with 2.2.9 on opensuse 11.2 fresh install
07:28:27 <simon_> Hi Kimmo, think I was chatting to you the other night
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07:44:13 <kimmo> hey
07:44:34 *** Aum has joined #gnucash
07:44:43 <Aum> Hi all
07:45:18 <kimmo> hey
07:46:00 <Aum> gnucash shows that Finance::Quote is not instaleld properly
07:46:03 <Aum> what should i do?
07:46:07 <Aum> I am on Win XP SP3
07:46:14 <Aum> installed*
07:46:17 <simon_> I looked at the qif file - the most recent transax are at the start - is that normal?
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07:56:36 <Aum> hi
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08:01:06 <kimmo> simon, the order doesn't really matter, I assume it's simply due to the order the import file was in
08:10:32 <simon_> That's what I figured, each transax is a seperate entity
08:10:39 <simon_> Just trying to figure what's in common between upgrade of gnucash on brand new distro install
08:13:11 *** warlord has joined #gnucash
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09:48:06 *** KaiForce has joined #gnucash
09:48:14 *** simon_ has joined #gnucash
09:50:55 <simon_> I uninstalled gnucash (opensuse 11.2), deleted the files, deleted ~/.gnucash
09:51:05 <simon_> reinstalled, and on starting gnucash it said "can't find file"
09:51:14 <simon_> my question is - what other files are there? how can knowledge of the file persist through re-install?
09:56:45 <simon_> See that looks vague
09:56:56 <simon_> I uninstalled gnucash (opensuse 11.2), deleted the DATA file , deleted ~/.gnucash
09:57:14 <simon_> reinstalled, and on starting gnucash it said "can't find <name of data file>"
10:01:39 <simon_> my question is - what other files are stored other than in ~/.gnucash, and how can knowledge of the data file persist through re-install?
10:03:51 <jsled> simon_: that data is stored in gconf
10:07:02 <simon_> aah... do you think that might explain how the same data file gives different results on different installs?
10:07:10 <simon_> using 2.2.7 on opensuse 11.1 and all is fine
10:07:20 <simon_> using various versions including 2.2.9 on my new opensuse 11.2, and only two most recent transax show in register
10:07:28 <simon_> though all are present in reports
10:07:35 <simon_> is there anything in gconf that could affect that?
10:07:55 <simon_> tho it's a fresh install I kept my /home directory
10:07:56 <jsled> unlikely, but perhaps. other preferences are stored in gconf, as well.
10:09:00 <jsled> you might try $(gconftool-2 -R /apps/gnucash > file-$(hostname)) on each box, and diff them.
10:09:08 <simon_> if I delete .gonf/apps/gnucash directory, I presume it will be created on new gnucash install?
10:10:13 <jsled> yes, though you might want to use gconftool-2 to unset the tree, recursively.
10:10:28 <jsled> (Or, maybe, just to restart the gconf daemon to make sure the filesystem changes are picked up.)
10:13:00 <simon_> Sorry to say have no experience of those things
10:13:08 <simon_> you mean restart gconf daemon after deleting .gconf/apps/gnucash? think I could manage that
10:14:56 <jsled> yes, but use the gconftool-2 to restart the daemon.
10:15:17 <jsled> `gconftool-2 --shutdown`, is all
10:15:27 <jsled> (It'll restart as required)
10:16:02 <simon_> Thanks, will try
10:16:14 <simon_> more generally, have you ever seen situation in which transax are present in db (they show up in reports) but are absent in registers?
10:16:33 <simon_> not a question of sort or filter I promise
10:16:53 *** markjenkinsparit has joined #gnucash
10:16:55 <jsled> I never saw such things, though a few people have reported them over the years.'
10:23:45 *** jo-erlend__ has joined #GNUCash
10:26:54 <simon_> OK - uninstalled , deleted ~/.gconf/apps/gnucash, deleted ~/.gnucash, did gconftool-2 --shutdown, now rebooting for good luck, see you later and thanks
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10:42:26 *** simon_ has joined #gnucash
10:42:39 <simon_> Hi jsled, just wanted to let you know that my problem is fixed, thanks very much indeed
10:42:47 <simon_> seems there was someting in .gconf/apps/gnucash causing registers to only display some transax
10:42:54 <simon_> wierd, but fixed now thanks to you
10:43:05 <simon_> much appreciated
10:43:27 <jsled> you're welcome. glad to hear it's better.
11:01:52 *** bentob0x has joined #gnucash
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11:12:27 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
11:13:53 <warlord> simon_: possibly a bogus "# txns to show in register" setting?
11:21:50 <simon_> where would I check that warlord?
11:22:38 <warlord> That would have been in your gconf settings
11:22:44 <warlord> ... which you just deleted.
11:22:45 <warlord> so....
11:23:14 <simon_> doh!
11:39:56 *** davr has joined #gnucash
12:03:16 <simon_> Off to continue setting up now. Left a small tip in the tip jar. Thanks again jsled.
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12:38:59 *** incrudible has joined #GNUCash
12:40:40 <incrudible> I would like to have a place and way to gather names of accountants who use GNUCash. I could add it to the wiki. Any input on where to fit it in?
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13:37:37 <incrudible> Apparently, I can not add it to the wiki because I do not have permissions. If someone wishes to grant me permission, they may.
13:38:03 <jsled> I believe just the front page is protected.
13:38:51 <warlord> incrudible: you can add pages. just not modify the frontpage w/o help
13:39:02 <jsled> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_Is_there_a_CPA_.28Certified_Public_Accountant.29_who_uses_GnuCash_in_my_area.3F
13:39:36 <incrudible> Thanks.
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14:03:48 *** Askarii has joined #gnucash
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14:09:59 <davr> Why does gnucash call them druids instead of wizards like most other software seems to?
14:10:12 <davr> just curious
14:10:58 <warlord> Gnome terminology
14:11:56 <davr> heh, googling 'gnome druid' turns of dungeons and dragons stuff
14:12:49 <warlord> hehehe
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14:36:15 <markjenkinsparit> re druids -- its an attempt to distinguish Gnome from MS Windows -- like recycling bin vs. Trash. Personally, I associate the word Druid with more communal and less centralized or individualized forms of magic (as I'd expect from a Wizard) and I wonder if this was part of what the gnome developers were also trying to allude to
14:37:53 <warlord> Probably not.
14:38:02 <jsled> I'm sure it was.
14:38:13 <markjenkinsparit> Another analogy -- According to wikipedia, the historical Druids were suppressed by an empire
14:38:13 <markjenkinsparit> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Druid
14:43:28 <markjenkinsparit> Its also possible that I started associating a communal sense into the word Druid after first seeing it as the replacement word for Wizard in Gnome. ...All the more sign that I barely have a life or interests outside of free software
15:09:13 <jsled> heh
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15:11:16 <scar> in the customer report, what is the significance of the "0-30 days, 31-60 days, etc." at the bottom?
15:12:08 <warlord> when invoices were due.
15:12:12 <warlord> (invoice aging)
15:12:46 <scar> hmm.. but i have an invoice that is not due until 8/1/2010 and the amount that is due is showing up in the 0-30 days column
15:13:36 <warlord> right.
15:13:43 <warlord> That would be '0'
15:14:13 <kimmo> is that august or january?
15:14:22 <scar> august
15:14:44 <scar> so it's the past due amount?
15:16:01 <kimmo> no idea :(
15:16:20 <kimmo> all my invoices are due 7 days from the invoice date... (problem solved!)
15:17:12 <warlord> scar: yes, and how far in the past they were past due, yes.
15:19:22 <kimmo> so that's a DBO figure
15:23:21 <scar> DBO?
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23:32:45 *** BrownR has joined #gnucash
23:39:20 <BrownR> New to GnuCash and setting up customer lists. I see that QIF and OFX files can be imported. Is there a way to import a customer list (.csv or .xls) into GnuCash?
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