2010-05-19 GnuCash IRC logs
00:05:55 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
00:06:07 <warlord> scar: I'm sure I wrote that recently.
00:13:27 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
01:17:36 *** feisar has joined #gnucash
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06:13:13 *** aindilis` has joined #gnucash
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06:15:34 <gour2> 7c
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07:52:24 *** Jimraehl has left #gnucash
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09:28:33 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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10:30:32 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
10:47:31 <oiaohm> got a question about the development version with sql backing. Will that support multiable users at multiable terminals.
10:47:32 *** fell has joined #gnucash
10:50:02 <fell> Good morning, could some admin ban "Gentleman Flying" and remove http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Cheap_NFL_Jerseys ?
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10:53:41 <fell> @tell oiaohm you should wait somewhat longer than 3 minutes, to get an answer.
10:53:41 <gncbot> fell: The operation succeeded.
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11:43:19 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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13:46:25 *** rpg has joined #gnucash
14:47:37 *** IceGuest_75 has joined #gnucash
14:47:42 <IceGuest_75> Greetings all.
14:47:54 *** IceGuest_75 is now known as Snow_Wolf
14:52:24 <Snow_Wolf> Can you write addons for gnucash?
14:55:57 <Snow_Wolf> anyone there?
15:00:27 <warlord> Depends what kind of add-on you want to write.. In general the answer is "yes"
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16:09:47 *** MartinVW has joined #gnucash
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16:24:06 <MartinVW> Is there a way to create a transaction template, so I don't have to fill out the description/transfer/expense fields every time? I looked into Scheduled Transactions, but the my transactions (bus tickets) aren't exactly scheduled, because I don't know when I'll go by bus.
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16:28:26 <jsled> that's one way: you can create an un-scheduled SX, then go in and make it a one-off.
16:28:32 <jsled> But you're not saving much effort, at that point.
16:29:00 <jsled> Transactions with a memo string seen before will "autofill" with the same splits as per the last instance.
16:29:10 <jsled> So … use the same memo string. :)
16:29:59 <MartinVW> Hmm... what's a memo string?
16:30:09 <MartinVW> You mean if I enter the same description?
16:30:13 <jsled> Perhaps I mean Description.
16:30:16 <jsled> I always mix those two up.
16:30:27 <jsled> The Transaction-level string, yeah.
16:31:10 <kimmo> Martin, Memo, Description, they are both auto-fill
16:31:18 <jsled> (Right. Transaction:Description :: Split:Memo
16:31:29 <jsled> I should mnemonic them by correlated length.)
16:32:06 <kimmo> martin, when you begin to type "bus ticket", the instant it suggests bus ticket, just hit tab
16:35:45 <MartinVW> kimmo: pressing Tab completes the description field, but I can't get it to fill the Transfer and Expense field to. I already have been looking through the options but I can't find one that would enable this.
16:35:52 <MartinVW> *too
16:36:08 <kimmo> :o
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16:38:13 <jsled> So, I started from a new datafile, and created a transaction with the description "Bus Ticket", transfer against Expenses:Whatever, for $50.
16:38:24 <jsled> I enter that, go to the blank split.
16:38:50 <jsled> When I start typing "Bus ", it fills in the rest … when I hit tab, it fills in the Transfer and Amount, and in fact goes directly to the amount field.
16:39:55 <MartinVW> You're right, with a new file it works for me too...
16:40:04 <jsled> Even in the Transfer dialog, which I'm surprised by.
16:40:24 <kimmo> jsled, that's been the behavior for 10+ years
16:40:45 <MartinVW> Ah, now it works in my real file too. Thanks for the help!
16:41:16 <kimmo> jsled, if it wasn't for that feature, I would have abandoned gnucash ages ago...
16:41:34 <jsled> indeed.
16:41:48 <jsled> I just never used the Transfer dialog, so I was surprised to see it work there.
16:41:56 <jsled> Since … well, it can't in the general case with multiple splits.
16:42:51 <kimmo> well with multiple splits, it does that too, but autofills based on split memo only
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16:43:46 <kimmo> so there's an autofill with description, which automatically creates the entire multi way split, and for individual splits, it looks for previous entries with the same memo
17:05:12 *** KaiForce has quit IRC
17:05:37 <Snow_Wolf> Can you write addons for gnucash?
17:07:17 <jsled> Snow_Wolf: <warlord> Depends what kind of add-on you want to write.. In general the answer is "yes"
17:07:43 <Snow_Wolf> I just didn't see a way in gnucash to install addons
17:08:01 <jsled> yeah, it's certainly not very convenient.
17:08:27 <jsled> But … the program is structured and loaded as a set of modules.
17:08:43 <jsled> But there's no good way to, say, drop a bundle in a folder and have it automagically loaded
17:08:45 <jsled> or UI to do that.
17:08:57 <Snow_Wolf> odd, you would think an opensource program would openly embrace addons
17:09:09 <jsled> huh?
17:10:00 <Snow_Wolf> I mean like having an addon API and etc
17:10:51 <jsled> I'd say … I don't know that anyone would say that's a bad idea, but it is more work.
17:11:03 <jsled> that no one has signed up to do.
17:11:12 <jsled> or, more importantly, actually *done* and contributed.
17:11:20 <jsled> as mentioned, the program is mostly structured for it.
17:11:48 <Snow_Wolf> Well I was looking to work on an addon so I may tackle that project
17:11:48 <jsled> But, no, I wouldn't find it "odd" that an understaffed project doesn't have a non-core feature. :)
17:12:12 <jsled> what sort of add-on?
17:12:22 <Snow_Wolf> I am not going to lie, I had no clue
17:12:33 <warlord> Snow_Wolf: what kind of add-on?
17:12:46 <jsled> And … why would you want it to be an add-on per se, rather than just "normal" integral code?
17:13:02 <Snow_Wolf> I honestly need to bolster my portfolio and many senior programmers say to make an addon for an opensouce project
17:13:28 <jsled> Oh. Get the idea, first. Then figure out how to implement it. :)
17:13:41 <Snow_Wolf> Thats what I am trying to do
17:13:56 <jsled> And … scratch your itch. Find a problem in a program you use and fix it.
17:14:11 <Snow_Wolf> I was going to canvas for ideas and suggestions next
17:14:11 <jsled> Maybe just a bug, maybe a sub-feature. I'd start with the bugs, they're a lot more tractable.
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17:15:02 <jsled> http://www.reddit.com/help/faqs/programming#WhatsanopensourceprojectIcancontributeto
17:16:21 <Snow_Wolf> thanks.
17:16:32 <Snow_Wolf> well I am off to eat. bbl
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