2010-05-14 GnuCash IRC logs

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04:59:10 <fuzzybunny69y> hey everyone I purchased something from a store and today I took it back and they refunded the money to my debt card so I am confused as to how I would categorize it with GNUCash
05:00:57 <fuzzybunny69y> if anyone can help that would be great
05:01:04 <fuzzybunny69y> thanks and I love you all
05:10:12 <gmc> fuzzybunny69y: just book the reverse transaction exactly oppositely to how you booked the original one
05:10:53 <gmc> that is, your original transaction transferred money from the debt card to some expense account i presume?
05:11:14 <fuzzybunny69y> hmmm
05:11:14 <gmc> so the new transaction reverses that by transferring from the expense account back to the debt card
05:11:23 <gmc> just follow the money :)
05:12:33 <fuzzybunny69y> gmc, so do I start off by going into the gifts account
05:12:42 <fuzzybunny69y> and then do a transaction
05:13:44 <gmc> there are multiple ways of doing it, but that would be one i think
05:17:15 <fuzzybunny69y> ok
05:17:20 <fuzzybunny69y> i think i might have done it right
05:17:41 <fuzzybunny69y> I went into expenses:gifts and made a transaction for the amount they refunded me in the rebate colum
05:17:52 <fuzzybunny69y> is that what you were saying to do?
05:18:45 <fuzzybunny69y> gmc, ?
05:18:59 <gmc> yep
05:19:05 <fuzzybunny69y> oh ok great
05:19:11 <fuzzybunny69y> now I have to do that will all my other ones ;)
05:19:19 <fuzzybunny69y> before I was just putting them as income
05:19:25 <fuzzybunny69y> Other Income
05:19:29 <gmc> but you can check if the intended effect has been achieved: did the debt card account balance increase with the correct amount and the expense account decrease with the correct amount?
05:20:08 <gmc> ah, yes, that would in essence result in the same of course, but book-keeping-wise not really as elegant
05:20:30 <gmc> imho, but i'm not a book-keeper (although i fear i'm rapidly turning into one, after doing the books for several large foundations for a couple of years now)
05:20:57 <fuzzybunny69y> oh ok
05:21:00 <fuzzybunny69y> well I like your one better
05:21:09 <fuzzybunny69y> thanks gmc
05:21:13 <gmc> yw!
05:21:15 <fuzzybunny69y> your great and I love you
05:21:27 <gmc> :) you make me feel all fuzzy now :)
05:21:31 <fuzzybunny69y> ;)
05:27:28 <fuzzybunny69y> ok bye guys
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06:22:19 <karl> Hello I would like a report that sorts my transactions by the description and then subtotals them. How can I do this please?
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06:37:03 <kimmo> maybe use a bit more granularity on the accounts?
06:42:12 <karl> eh?
06:43:36 <kimmo> can you elaborate a little on your need? I've seen quite a few cases where people have all the expenses in one account and then want to run all kinds of reports
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07:08:02 <karl> Not quite that bad, I have all my client payments in one account and want to pull out how much one particular client paid me, as noted in the description. I suppose I should have separate accounts for each client but I've already entered the transactions.
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07:17:07 <kimmo> well, you can move them...
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08:21:11 <adabo> how should I record a transaction where somebody overpayed me therefore I owe them in the future?
08:22:52 <adabo> They owed me $9 and payed $10. I recorded 2 trans. 1st as $9>income and 2nd as $1>liability
08:23:03 <kimmo> that's right
08:23:13 <kimmo> you could also record it as just one transaction, using the Split button
08:23:22 <adabo> ah
08:23:33 <kimmo> that way you won't be wondering in the future, "Why did I borrow $1"?
08:23:34 <adabo> i started as that, but changed my mind
08:23:42 <adabo> haha
08:23:50 <adabo> true
08:25:00 <adabo> so what is the point of the liability? Does the assets total change?
08:25:10 <adabo> woops.. guess i could look
08:25:31 <kimmo> the point is that you owe them $1
08:25:55 <kimmo> if they neglect it, you later record that as liability -> misc income
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08:27:32 <adabo> um
08:28:02 <adabo> owing them $1 I understand
08:28:26 <adabo> how it effects the accounts, I have no idea
08:28:37 <adabo> how do I record it after I pay them back
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08:40:07 <kimmo> when you pay it back, you do a transaction cash -> liability
08:40:42 <kimmo> you owe them $1, and that $1 is an extra on your Cash account
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08:59:44 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:02:57 <warlord> karl: You can probably adjust the customer report to show that to you... It would probably be a relatively simple adjustment to the code to compute invoices and payments separately so you can show them separately.
09:03:51 <warlord> adabo: Are you using the biz features?
09:05:31 <adabo> warlord: Nope
09:05:46 <adabo> what is it?
09:06:59 <warlord> What are the business features? A/R, A/P, Customers, Vendors, Invoices, ...
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15:51:41 <scar> how can i search for invoices due this month... or past due invoices, for example? thanks
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16:12:06 <karl> Thanks, I think I will just make a separate account for each client.
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16:27:07 <warlord> scar: Business -> Customer -> Find Invoice
16:27:44 <warlord> karl: in the grand scheme of things that's really not the right solution..
16:28:07 <warlord> (in the short term it might be more expedient, but then you have to make sure you select the right account for your reports..)
16:28:17 <warlord> ... and indeed for all your biz operations
16:31:47 <scar> warlord: i don't see how to find invoices due this month, or past due invoices
16:32:34 <scar> all i can search for is date posted, or date opened
16:33:52 <kimmo> warlord, how is it not the right solution? I've found it very handy
16:34:08 <kimmo> the separate accounts for all major clients
16:35:36 <warlord> kimmo: the biz functions were designed to have a single AR account. You separate it out via reports.
16:36:39 <warlord> scar: true, you cannot search by due date. BUT you can find invoices that haven't been paid yet. Are you doing this to bug your customers?
16:37:16 <kimmo> warlord, ah, but then again I don't use the biz functionality ;)
16:37:33 <warlord> scar: You could search by date opened and make an assumption that the due date is always the open date + X days...
16:37:50 <warlord> kimmo: then none of this applies to you.
16:38:01 <kimmo> aww
16:39:02 <warlord> scar: you could in particular search for unpaid invoices posted before a particular date.
16:43:34 <scar> warlord: yes, to bug customers
16:46:18 <scar> it won't do. invoices can be created at any time and have a random due date
16:47:30 <warlord> scar: Sorry, at this time there's no way to search on Due Date. Adding that would be pretty simple (a 1-line addition to the code), but would require rebuilding gnucash.
16:47:48 <warlord> Do you feel comfortable rebuilding gnucash from source?
16:49:36 <scar> would it be possible to search "[due date] is after [date]" for example?
16:50:18 <warlord> Basically, in src/business/business-gnome/dialog-invoice.c, you need to add:
16:50:18 <warlord> inv_params = gnc_search_param_prepend (inv_params,
16:50:18 <warlord> _("Date Due"), NULL, type,
16:50:18 <warlord> INVOICE_DUE, NULL);
16:51:37 <scar> it'll have the same options as the other date searches? like "is on", "is after", etc?
16:53:11 <warlord> Yes
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16:54:16 <scar> cool thanks. i'll give it a shot
16:54:26 <warlord> ok.
16:54:46 <scar> i can file an enhancement request later, too
16:55:32 <warlord> Yeah, and if you supply the patch it'll probably get in there sooner. (just please add it to inv_params, bill_params, and emp_params -- all in gnc_invoice_search() please)
16:56:48 <scar> i don't know how to generate patches ;)
16:57:39 <warlord> scar: 'diff -u src/business/business-gnome/dialog-invoice.c{-orig,} > /tmp/patch'
16:58:02 <warlord> assuming you copy dialog-invoice.c to dialog-invoice.c-orig before you modify it.
17:00:45 <scar> ok
17:01:33 <warlord> I just dont know when it'll be committed because we're in a string freeze.. and this would add a new string.
17:05:06 <scar> that's ok... if i can get this working from source, that is most important
17:05:26 <kimmo> string freeze?
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17:14:51 <scar> how can i find the due date of an invoice? is the only way to scroll through the account it's been posted to?
17:26:58 <warlord> scar: right now, yes. But you should only have one A/R account, so it should be easy.
17:30:29 <warlord> right now the only places you can see Due Date are in the invoice itself and in the A/R account.
17:36:52 <warlord> back in a bit..
17:36:55 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
17:42:29 <karl> warlord: I'm not using the biz bits
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18:57:38 <fuzzybunny69y> hey everyone! Is adjustment a default GNUCash account?
19:13:18 <fuzzybunny69y> n/m/ guys i just checked and it is!
19:13:24 <fuzzybunny69y> cya
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